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New Digimon Games Info
I only have one thing to say:
*[#$%$ those motherfucking companies that wants to make us buy new systems every 3 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After playing all the Digimon games in PSX,now the new ones are in PSX2?!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The PS2 is as cheap as it's going to get at $150.00, which means that the PS3 can't be far away. If you don't own a PS2 already, I'd hold out for a PS3, or the new Playstation portable system that's coming out. It could be as soon as next Christmas, but probably the one after next (for a PS3). I worked at Toys R' Us when the PS2 first came out. Always the same damn question, "When are you getting more of them?"
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
PS3 will be out in Winter 2005 at the soonest, more likely Fall-Winter 2006 unless I miss my guess -- My reasoning is simple: In order to guarantee a solid crop of release titles, at least a year should be allowed after they actually reveal the hardware, presumably at E3 2005, and to maximize profits, releasing it in September-October is the ideal time of year. In addition, you can make sure you have enough boxes shipped by christmas-time to meet all sorts of ridiculous goals if you time the release properly.

Now I'll also say this: Odds are that the Nintendo Revolution will come out on a similar time-table, and it's already been said that they plan (ie: "probably") to have something solid to show the public (through the press) at E3 2005 concerning the Nintendo Revolution (yes, that is the current codename for the next system).

On the down side: Expect Micro$oft to have their next beast of burden gaming machine available at around the same time.
What've you got against Microsoft? There's nothing wrong with the Xbox except maybe it's size.
the system and first controller is to big the only noticeable games on there is halo and doa and they know how to market the pervet market and that's too easy to get money from

but I'll be getting the DS and the revolution my self but I like the system with the least flaws (i.e. nintendo) but they better have sonic games on there too.
What do I have against Microsoft? Nothing in general. Just in principle, namely the principle of monopolistic practices in the software market. As far as the XBOX, I oppose everything about it from the size to the price, to the fact that it's just Microsoft trying to break into a new area of the market so they can get more money.

I find there are several notable games aside from the Halo and DOA:XBV games mentioned above -- Ninja Gaiden and Steel Batallion to name a couple. But I already invested my $200 in a GameCube at release, another $100 to replace it last fall (I'm a sucker for promotions), $100 on my original GBA, another $100 (mostly through Trade-ins, but still) on the SP, another $200 for my PS2 and several hundred on games for the GC, PS2 and GBA. I'm not about to shell out $200 for Steel Batallion plus the cost of an XBOX plus another $50 for Ninja Gaiden -- I don't have that kind of money lying around, and if I do, I'd rather keep it lying around right now.

Microsoft needs to do hardware to make a profit at this point, because the percentage of somputer users who use Windows has pretty much peaked -- but that doesn't mean I agree that Microsoft needs to keep making an annual profit. Honestly, they're the one company I feel could most benefit from a few years of posting losses.

The appeal of the X-Box is not wide -- it mostly appeals to people who want a dedicated gaming PC, which is about all the XBOX is, and OLDER gamers. Where the GameCube is thought of a s a system for kids , and about which kids, when surveyed, say they wouldn't buy , the XBOX is a system targeted at, generally speaking, college kids and hackers -- while most hackers I know prefer to not support Microsoft (of course, since every XBOX is sold at a distinct loss, it's worth it to buy one for Linux).
good point I also don't like the x-box because I like the real style of making games not boring FPS games and stuff like that I like games like the PS2 and nintendo make cause they give you a tough time to beat them and that's true gameplay
ok here are my thoughts (rofl like you care) digimon rumble arena 2 is going to be released august 12 2004 and on the weapons note eh i kinda like the thought of renamon holdin 2 long barrel stainless steel colt 45 magnums (just gives off more of an ass kicker felling dont you think)
Well on the off chance someone doesn't know, the NA release of DW4 got pushed back again to May of 2005.

On the plus side Rumble Arena 2 shipped on September 3rd for the Xbox and PS2 so now I just have to wait for itto hit the shelves in this podunk little town I live in. Which probably means I won't see hide nor hair of it until October.
I'll check to see if they have it for my system if it's out now
Cyber Stryker Wrote:Well on the off chance someone doesn't know, the NA release of DW4 got pushed back again to May of 2005.

On the plus side Rumble Arena 2 shipped on September 3rd for the Xbox and PS2 so now I just have to wait for itto hit the shelves in this podunk little town I live in. Which probably means I won't see hide nor hair of it until October.

*sigh* havent seen it either