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What would you want in a 5th Season?
whats wrong with my idea unknownh thers nothing wrong with mixing seasons
I don't know I might have been angry that day.
Anonmon Wrote:Izumi proves that even the average girl without any Crest virtues can still be a good Chosen Child and even enjoy the job.

Good Chosen? Izumi? You're joking, right? The only thing of value Izumi ever did was beat Ranamon, and even then that was something of a fluke. She was the most misused and underpowered character in Frontier, a concept with so much potential that was nothing more than a bad fusion of Digimon with a sentai show.
Anyway, now that I've gotten my anti-Frontier rant out of my system for now, here is a concept I have. I may post the other one later.

===Humans scientists discover the Digital World, which is inhabited not by Digimon (yet), but by sentient, semi-humanlike creatures that make up the majority of the Digiworld's population, ruled over by three godlike entites of the Vaccine, Data, and Virus program types. The scientists start to study this world, and eventually decide on ways to exploit the Digital World for their own financial gain.

Fast forward to twenty years later, where Earth has become a utopia of sorts. Thanks to the new, clean energy source that several scientists discovered, the planet has been cleaned up. There's no pollution, and even in homeless shelters there is enough power to keep the buildings heated and comfortable. No one knows WHAT this power source is... save one woman, who finds out that the scientists have been using the physical matter of the Digital World itself, kidnapping young men and women from their families and using them to power the energy generators that power the world. This has been going on for years, although she has just discovered it recently. She's also found out something else: the inhabitants of this Digital World have changed, becoming monstrous. And they're planning to invade. Like Cassandra in mythology, though, no one takes her seriously.

Until Digimon start to show up in the real world, slaughtering people left and right, tearing through armies like they weren't even there.

By then, though, it's too late. The Digimon take over Earth, the three Godlike entities, all three of whom have become Digimon themselves, passing judgement on the survivors, turning them into Digimon and letting the 'purebred' Digimon rule them, each remaining kingdom controlled by an 'area boss' and his or her minions.

The story would center around a group of five young Digimon, all descended from the survivors of the Great Invasion, trying to find a way to free their kind from the rule of the savage 'purebreds,' trying to recover their lost humanity and learning things about their former race along the way, gaining the ability to Digivolve and growing in strength and knowledge...===
Sounds like a good idea and frontier is the GT of digimon, not everyone likes it and it wasn't done as well as it could be.
Which version did you see, sub or dub?
Who me? I saw all of the dub and some of the sub.
Anonmon Wrote:Which version did you see, sub or dub?

Both. I stand by my view that Izumi was the most worthless character on the show and that Frontier is a sentai show that has Digimon in it.
Fanfic Fetishist Wrote:
Anonmon Wrote:Izumi proves that even the average girl without any Crest virtues can still be a good Chosen Child and even enjoy the job.

Good Chosen? Izumi? You're joking, right? The only thing of value Izumi ever did was beat Ranamon, and even then that was something of a fluke. She was the most misused and underpowered character in Frontier, a concept with so much potential that was nothing more than a bad fusion of Digimon with a sentai show.

Yeah, her attack is just puting her but ower the anamy I mean what kind of attack is that, ok she gets my attention and I could say her ass is cute but that thing cant be cold an attack.
I wrote for Izumi, and even I have to agree that they didn't make her Digimon forms very powerful, or skilled. The two best fighters were Kouji and Junpei.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against