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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Scarlet was silent for a few seconds.
"there is... one way..." Scarlet whispered softly.
"I'm NOT gonna kill you...."
ducks, and grabs his foot and slamed him on the ground. he then pinned him on the ground. he bent down and kissed him on the neck saying:i win
Veemon's Followers
"Woah... I didnt see that coming- I had my guard down- nice one Cron!" Substi-Ky said calmly, realizing that if he moved, Cronos would notice it, and finish him off, besides, he wasnt in the mood to counter. "See ya around, bud." he said, then he disapeared, and Substi-Dark was suddenly behind him- he looked different...the tuft of fur on his head was longer, and he was wearing a cloak, just like moonshadow's, only it had white markings.
"NEXT TEST!" boomed nathaniel's voice.
"hello there, Cronos. Glad to see me?" substi-dark said.
"but... Mik... it's the only way i know!" Scarlet sobbed, doubling over and facing towards Ky, tears streaming down her eyes.
"Veg has been using me for as long as I can remember... I've already forgotten how it is to be free... and she's still in me- only this time... she's trying to get out permanently- please... I dont want to die- but if death is the only thing that can destroy her- and set me- or at least- part of me free... then I'm not complaining!" Scarlet sobbed, and took Ky's hand, the one he was holding the bladeboard with, and directed the blade toward her heart.
"please Ky... Please free me... I dont want to kill anymore- I only wish I couldve played basketball a bit more... oh Ky- Veg is Immortal- it's pretty useless to fight her- But I'm not- killing me- will destroy her!" She cried.
"urgh- stay in there- bitch..." She said, clutching her stomach. "heh...heh... come on Ky, vegarel and I are one and the same... I know youre angry at her... please, if it's necessary... use that anger on me... *gaaargh!* Ky- K-Ky- I want to tell you something before I go- I- I- Ky, I- I love you, Ky- *RRAAARGH!!!*" Scarlet yelled- but she slashed her arm with a blade she sprouted from her hand, Vegarel's screech can be heard.
"H-Hurry ky-" Scarlet said, twitching on the ground, as she tried to hold Vegarel in. "Please. I dont want to hurt you anymore."
what the...oh

kicked his feet back behind him, smashing darks kneecaps, sending him to the ground. he then flipped on to dark's back. he then nibbled at dark's ear.

sorry, but if you don't ruff you up now, you're dead meat.

mind-link to moonshadow: how many of these damn teats are there?

mind-link to scarlet: you can do it! just awhile longer!
Veemon's Followers
Ky shakes his head, saving his reaction to the famous three words for later.

"I know there's a different way.... As least Vegarel gives me a chance to heal myself... even though that power is limited only to my worst injuries. I'd rather try to get rid of her.... Once and for all.... Don't try to overcome her, okay? Just... try to slow her down. Maybe I can get rid of her in one move. Or maybe, by some miracle, someone will come and help me.... All you need to do is slow her down a bit."
"I-I'll try, Mikael... if I show signs of giving in, and there's still no one around... Kill me, okay? promise me." Scarlet said.
a few yards away, Dark Blue's hand moved a bit.
"cronos, I'll do whatever I can... I'll do everything I can to KILL them...." vegarel replied through mind-link.
Substi-Dark disapeared- it was a fake! the real one came from above, landing on Cronos's back, grinding him into the ground, then jumping back, a despairose in his hand. "oh come now Cronos, I thought you'd know me by now!" Substi-Dark laughed, it was a different laughter, more menacing.
"dont worry Cronos, after Dark, there'll be only one more. oh, and I'm pretty sure you wont be able to beat dark as easily as Ky, should I tell you his weakness?" Moonshadow replied.
yells in pain at the collsion.

just in the hell who are you

blasts him away with an eneregy ball
Veemon's Followers
Ky uses his power again, ready for Vegarel.

Not far away, Reyli is watching, bewildered.

"Who... are these guys?! Could this really be Ky, the street pup that used to surrender so easily to me? And what's that vampire-looking thing?! This is beyond weird...."
Substi-Dark catches energy ball, twist around and throws it back, a small explosion ensues, and S-dark disappears- reappears under Cronos. he kicks him back up, then he teleports above Cronos- kicking him in the stomach, and sending him down- S-dark teleports below him again, and unsheathes his Katanas, impaling Cronos in them as he fell, he then slashhed in an X, sending Cronos flying- into S-dark's fist. strangely, S-dark heals Cronos after the Combo.
"It's me, Dark Blue- and guess what... I finally killed shadow... and absorbed his persona." S-dark replied, sheathing his Katanas.
"Cronos, do you remember what Dark's weakness was before I came?" Moonshadow asked via mind-link.


at that very moment- Scarlet screams out in anguish- she squirms in the ground, trying to slow her down a bit more. "NO- not now- just a little longer- ARGH- stay- in there- ugh!" Scarlet stuttered- then she suddenly dissapeared- and Vegarel reappeard behind Reyli, her lips close to his cheek. "ahhh, it's the unconcious one from before... did you come here to die?" Vegarel said, laughing maniacly.