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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
occ: lol lol lol Mikey-poo!!!! lol lol lol
Veemon's Followers
occ: lol- i was hoping for that kind of reaction, BR!
Nathaniel doesnt really care, that's kind of... his job. he cant interfere with mortals...

ic: Substi Ky blocks and parries every hit, and counterattacks with a swift spin kick to Cronos's face. "no show- Cron."

occ:get cronos to move quicker than the eye can see, and grab the fake ky from behind, and hold him in place. then claim yourself winner. I'll get the substitute to cooperate! :D

"time's up, Mikey-poo! I hope youve healed up enough- NOT!" Vegarel laughed, suddenly dissapearing, Ky, knowing what was going to happen next, screwed his eyes shut- he felt a gust of wind- and when he oppened his eyes... Scarlet was there- her organic blade only half a centimeter from his chest. she retracts it, and offers to help ky up, she was panting.
"S-sorry, mik- I had a hard time getting out- we've got to fully heal you- before she gets out again..." Scarlet panted, pulling Ky up.
Ky never thought he'd be so relieved to see Scarlet. He allows her to help him.

"Oh... Scarlet.... But how? There really doesn't look like there's that kind of time, unless you've got healing powers as well...."
Scarlet nods, and heals him, she then colapses to the ground.
"urgh... I have to keep her in for just a little longer..."
OCC: shoot- I've been gone longer than I fucking thought!
I see I've missed a lot- it'll take a while for me to read them all, just wait a bit, okay? ah! gunter's playing my character- well... we're even then!
to let you know why I still havent come home yet, I kind of got a little lost, not to worry, I found a hotel with a "dogs allowed" policy, I'll be home in a week or two, and- from your posts... I see youve bought a dog- that's good, I cant wait to meet him.
I'll post as soon as I'm done reviewing everything! see ya' around!
OOC: Welcome back, DarkBlue!

IC: Ky helps her up. "Don't worry about it.... I have a feeling that you're just delaying her anyway...."
occ: crud- I just missed Dark Blue! I hope he reads this: HURRY HOME- I want you to meet the dog!

ic:"y-yeah... but still- I have to try... maybe I can lock her in- somehow..."
Ky sighs and paces back and forth, using the time Scarlet buys him to try and come up with a plan, or at least another source of help.

"Why's she so strong, Scarlet?"
"I... dont really know. all I know is... well... one day, I was walking with- someone, could be my mom- could be my dad- I dont really remember-but... urgh... it's all such a blur... she's got a connection with the forces of hell... something like that... I've been locked up in my own mind for so long... and I rarely get to go out- so i dont really know much, sorry."
"That's okay...." He lowers his ears again. "I just wish I knew what to do...."