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The Chaos Realm
*Is unamused by the condoms choice of music and with a a wave of her hand the rubber burst and rupture, screaming in agony as the ones unlucky enough to have survived crawl around and writhe in pain* Ah, much better music. But saying your attacks looks cool. *Switches the colours into an inverted black and white* Hmmm, speaking of the other sexes I could go for some arm candy.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Loki: Does it now? Let us test that theory. JUMP!! *Vanishes in a blur of speed, reappearing in midair* DROP KICK!! *Drop kicks a random refrigerator so the upper portion crumples like tinfoil before exploding* KICK! KICK! KICK! KICK! KICK! *Does a rapid-fire Chun-Li kick, the speed and force of each breaking the sound barrier, hitting nothing, really* PUUUUNCH!! *Turns and unleashes a simple but powerful punch, shattering the fabric of time and space like glass* ...Cool Victory Pose. *He does a turn, his and crosses his arms, his hair and cloak fluttering amidst the destruction* ...It's still too predictable though. Perhaps if... MANSERVANT!!

Frisk E: Yeah?

Loki: ...You changed your name.

Frisk E: Yeah.


Frisk E: Uhm, wait- do you mean *An explosion knocks him up into the air* -OH GOD WHY-

Loki: SMELLY DOORMAT!! *Vanishes and reappears above Frisk E. Coyote* PATTY CAKE PATTY CAKE!! *Cups his hands together and smashes his subordinate back down, resulting in a massive explosion* SPEAR OF- *A giant, evil looking spoon materializes in his hand* CHICKEN!! *Impales it into the heart of the explosion, splitting the ground into a chasm of chocolate pudding* ...Punch. Punch. Punch. Punch- *Stomps on the coyote repeatedly* Aaaand Jazz Hands! *Kicks him back onto his feet, surprisingly uninjured* Eh? Ehhh?

Frisk E: *Wide eyes, patting himself all over as if to check for damages*

Loki: What do you think?

Frisk E: That didn't make any sense! *tail wagging* AND it was epic! I love it!!

Loki: Eeeeexcelent.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Kinlier: Wow... *Sounds amazed* That really is impressive. Then again, not all of my attacks are like that... *Raises hand above him, where a spatial rip opens in the sky a few feet above him. Meteors start shooting from it as he moved his hand in a clockwise circle, spatial rips opening around him, four total, one shooting a wave of fire, one a torrent of water and the last with a blast of wind right at Loki all at once* And for added effect... *Raises both hands in the air and a huge rip in the sky far above appeared as green orbs went in to out of him. A giany fat yellow bird falls through as it suddenly closes, Loki right in it's falling path*

Aniri: *Watched* Wow...

*Suddenly, spam and mayo started raining*
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
*As Kinlier did nothing about the magma bulls, all five crash into him in a violent explosion akin to a miniature but impressive volcanic eruption, which surprisingly wasn't hot or even damaging at all and acted more like a force to knock shatter Kinlier's mask, as Loki had decided Kinlier could be making faces behind that thing for all he knew.*

Loki: Oh much better, much better! *Watches the growing shadow beneath his feet as the giant bird got closer and closer*This has much more variety but- *He flung his arms out either side of him, materializing what seemed to be X-shaped chakrams, which on closer inspection were a pair of ornate marionette control bars shaped like arrows. He starts moving them around rapidly, as if orchestrating an entire parade of marionettes as the meteors suddenly changed trajectories violently and collided against each other in midair, then, while spinning the control bars, a cyclone of mystic forces pull the meteor particles, water, wind and fire into a tornado around the trickster, halting the fat bird above him and spinning it so violently that it's innards, feathers and broken bones flew all over like shrapnel. The trickster smirks at his sparring partner as the tornado sucks in all the spam and mayo, turning them into hotdog sandwiches which are in turn, flung all over the place.* If I had a yen for every time someone summoned meteors, or elements, or animals to attack me, I would have $738.35! *He raises the marionette control bars* I control the invisible threads of fate, now let's really start raising Cain! *The tornado implodes into a compact, glowing marble, which Loki grabs and prepares to flick toward Kinlier*
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Suddenly an enormous magical seal appears on the ground around Loki, then at the four points of that seal what look to be combination Buddhist monk staffs/microphones burst from the ground. At these four point now stand what can only be described as Salem, Salem's inner hollow, an inverted version of her inner hollow, and (one) of her zanpaktou spirit(s), clearing their throats before they begin to sing their spell.

As they sing energy begins swirling violently within the seal, draining power from everything but Loki and the singers, even absorbing Loki's marble, before it all finally collapsed in on him in an explosion so massive the seal could barely contain it.

Done with the seal the hollows and spirit merge back with their mistress as she walks away "I know you're still alive, and for that you should be thankful. Not only did I hold back by using only four casters, but I also restrained myself by not having the spell absorb your own power with the rest of the energy it soaked up from this realm." flips her hair and disappears into ripples of space as captain D's food swims around through the air.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Lady Devimon's Minions
As the smoke and debris clear away, Loki can be seen standing in the same position he was in when the energy around him exploded violently, his arm still extended forward as if he were still holding the marble. He smirks and crosses his arms, inclining his head backward to examine the damage Salem's doozy of an attack did on the atmosphere, probably damaging it's ability to predictably rain random objects. "I find it very cute that you can afford to act like I'm lucky to be alive when all you've managed to do was take away my little toy, and damaged my very old, cliche and tacky cloak that I was planning on tossing out anyway." He cackled at her back as she disappeared.

Turning to face his servant, Frisk E. Coyote, he rips his smoldering, shredded cloak off, leaving him shirtless and in nothing but his rawhide leather pants as a live studio audience of women and some creepy men swooned and squealed excitedly at his bare, powerful chest and streamlined abdomen, heavily scarred from his childhood, whether beings like him had childhoods or not. "I think I quite like her." He said, snapping his fingers and causing his torso to appear mummified with rawhide leather belts. "She's spontaneous, and cocky- not to mention violent. I like that in a woman." He paused, and continued. "-Though her taste of music was not to my liking."

"You... like... women?" Frisk E. cocked his head to the side curiously. "But sir, I thought you were more partial to hors-"

"-That was just one time and Svadilfari ran faster than thought." Loki interrupted his subordinate with casual disdain. "But I digress. If this was an RPG, my turn would be over, and it would be Tuxedo Mask over there's turn. I suppose I'll do the irrational thing and wait."
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Reappears in a storm of bloody sherry blossom petals looking wounded and defeated "Damn those heroes...time and again it happens, whenever things look their darkest and all hope is crushed, they somehow gain more power than ever and turn the tables! I CRUSHED EVERY BONE IN THAT FOOLS BODY! BEAT HIM TO A BLEEDING PULP! AND I DID IT ALL WITH OBVIOUS EASE AND RESTRAINT!" Punches at nothing and storms to an abandoned couch as the earth and air where my punch was aimed crack and break like glass "SOMEBODY BRING ME SOME HOT CHOCOLATE AND A STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE IMMEDIATELY!!!"
Lady Devimon's Minions
Frisk E came skidding to a halt in front of Salem with a tray that held a plate of strawberry cheesecake and a fresh mug of hot chocolate. The coyote was dressed in a butler's uniform; a white, long sleeved, button up undershirt and a black vest (minus the pants and shoes). "Do you want marshmallows with that?"

"Frisk E! What the devil are you doing?" Loki called from several yards away, immersed in a mortal video game. "How DARE you serve someone- a cheesecake that modest?" He snapped his fingers, and the cheesecake doubled in size, strawberry bits, and delicate frosting. "Heroes." He snorted grumpily, having had his fair share of woes from the likes of heroes.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
"Yes that would be lovely, thank you." Pets Frisk and takes her treats and sits with Loki "It probably wouldn't bother me so much if I just knew how they did it.
Lady Devimon's Minions
The coyote shut his eyes and murred happily as you pet him.

"As a chaotic neutral aligned individual, I cannot answer that question." Loki sighed as he waved the gaming console away, which was replaced by a DVD player with a Bleach box set. He was on episode 201. "Perhaps life is like one of these mortal children's shows, where the heroes must always triumph over evil. For ratings."

"Gee..." Frisk E scratched the back of his head quizzically. "Maybe it's kinda like cartoon physics? What ever happens to me, good or bad, happens based on whether it's funny or not..." The little coyote paced back and forth, the shadow of an anvil appearing beneath him and growing larger by the second. "And the physics of... uhm... what ever it is you guys believe in-" A whistling sound can now be heard, like something heavy falling from a great height. The anvil's shadow is now impossibly large, shrouding the coyote in an ever growing shade. "Is that the heroes may lose now and then, but in the end, they ultimately win?"

A rubber duck falls on his head, quacking and bouncing off harmlessly.

"How uncharacteristically perceptive of you." Loki murmured, skipping a scene with far too much dialogue for his taste.

"Well... I AM a doctor. I have a PhD and everything!" Frisk E chuckled before he was quietly crushed by a falling statue of Bill Murray.

"Yes, yes, a celebrated cartoon physicist, etc, etc." Loki yawned. "You do know that I do not believe for a single moment that you graduated from preschool, let alone earn a degree, right? Also, I strongly disagree with your theory. NO LAW OF PHYSICS ALLOWS AN ANGSTY, PUNY, HIGHLY MORAL, TEENAGE WARRIOR OF FRIENDSHIP, OR PEACE, OR LOVE- WHAT HAVE YOU- DEFEAT THE LIKES OF LOKI. It must be some sort of fluke."

The Chaotic Deity scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Six flukes in a row, sure... but surely still just a fluke."
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers