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The Dome (an anthro Pokemon myster esque RP)
"IYeah I've been alone for a while. I was just taking a walk around here and I heard someone above the waterfall but I don't really care to run up and look right now." Fury replied.
[Image: Code-Geass-25.jpg]

When all hope seems lost I go back and try to find it all
"i can get you up there." Marcus said opening his wings.
"I know you can being a strong dragonite like yourself but I can climb up there however whoever's up there's eatin' bunnies and I'm better off with deer meat." Fury joked.
[Image: Code-Geass-25.jpg]

When all hope seems lost I go back and try to find it all
" this is a nice lagoon." marcus said as he chuckled.
This time however Elric did attempt to dodge still only receiving minor damage from her attacks still. "I ask because that girl that you attacked could aid us in figuring out about this place," he replied still alert for another attack "we are all in this together like it or not. We need each other it is pointless to damage each other unless one has an exceptional reason."


"Well I was looking for you to see if I could help you get better," said Elan getting up and rubbing his cheek where she had pinched him "I had thought you were seriously hurt. I guess it takes alot more to take you down than I thought."


"Well at least he is safe," said Leon before suddenly exclaiming "someone was attacked?"

He was about to ask more before his stomach growled a bit. "Um maybe it would be a better idea to eat first talk later."

Leon sat down and took some of the rabbit "come on Lufty grab a bite you need it."
Lufty nodded, walking over next to Leon with a slight limp and sitting down. She did feel hungry, very hungy at that. "Oh everything is so confusing.." She mumbled to herself.
Mia sat at the edge of the waterfall on a rock, enjoying her little spying game on the two males as she watched and listened carefully, hoping that mabey a topic she was interested in came up.
"You know what. I'm gonna climb that waterfall now." Fury said turning to the waterfall he then started to dash towards it performing volt tackle being surrounding by electricity it quickened his movements and he shot up the waterfall and backflipped onto the ground."Too cool! I did it! I used volt tackle!"
[Image: Code-Geass-25.jpg]

When all hope seems lost I go back and try to find it all
"nice job" Marcus said as he followed flying after him.
Fury then turned to the female."I knew there was someone up here."
[Image: Code-Geass-25.jpg]

When all hope seems lost I go back and try to find it all
"There's someone here." Marcus told fury.