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Bleach: Last Stand.
Rina walked down the hallways of the 12 squad building with Kazan behind her "Kazan, honey, I need you to gather all the members of the 12th squad, I will present miself first to everyone before we start working" She said to Kazan.

*11th Squad HQ*

"Captain!!" One of Naibu's subordinate shouted and all the shinigami's present in the dojo lined up like soldiers "Hello sir!"

Naibu sat on the tatami tiled floor of the dojo "Hi guys, you can continue your training, I brought Trent here, so don't make me look bad"

"Yes, sir!!" The fourth seat of the 11th squad said as the shinigamis resumed their training.

"Sorry about that Trent, my fourth seat takes his position too seriously" Naibu said at Trent
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"This." Salem said now suddenly beside Katt pulling the cross out of her robes and attaching it to her bow wrist "This is a quincy cross, regular quincies use it to make their bows, but since you can make one without it I figure it will at least help give you more control."

OOC: Shadow-samma! You forgot Mindy! Crybaby2
Lady Devimon's Minions
(11th Squad Headquarters)

Trent chuckled lightly and told Naibu, "Don't worry about it, their discipline is quite admirable." The gryphon took a seat besides his fellow captain and observed the subordinates train before them, his sharp yellow eyes watching their movements closely. "Hmmm, I see quite a bit of potential in here. It will be nice to train with them once we have that drink."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"At this point I think we need to focus more on just keeping them from destroying us." Mindy smiled, "Don't worry cutie, there can't be that many of them." She said as she cracked her whip at one, slicing it clean in half.


"What's wrong with my control? I'm doing just fine." Katt huffed, firing a volley of arrows off to prove her point, hitting maybe two hollows.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Salem looked dully at Katt's results before he replied "You use entirely too many arrows, have almost zero control, lack focus, and your aim sucks. Using the pentacle cross should help with your arrow usage, control, and aim." he said as he finished putting the Quincy on her wrist "Now give it a try, and take good care of this because it's irreplaceable got it?"

"C-cutie?!" Rei gasped blushing wildly as she shot her arrows by acident hitting thre arms and the cacoon all by mistake "Oops..."
Lady Devimon's Minions
(Underground Passage)

As Shadow guided her, Lizzy could feel stronger and stronger reiatsu increasing. "Is it just me or there's some funny feelings down here?" she said innocently, walking behind Shadow, making sure she followed his instructions.

It was then that they eventually reached a dead end. All Lizzy could divise as they reached the end of the corridor was some scratches on the wall. "Oooh, is this a labrynth?" she asked, curiously going ahead and reading the inscription in the wall, ""Do not touch"? Sounds like something important!" she said, laying her soft palm onto the wall and all of a sudden the cave vibrated and shook. "EEK!" she meeped, the wall suddenly spinning and taking her to the other side of the passage.

OOC: Shadow, you're as good as a baby sitter as Claire in Resident Evil 2.


(Real World)

"Hyouzen-sama... your arm..." Proto said, pointing at Hyouzen's touched spot in his right arm, Proto's spot was on his back, Mindy's was at her legs, Vook had been touched in her arm as well and Rei seemingly had been safe since she was at a distance. The touched spots were like black spots left from a charring, at the moment they did nothing but stay there. That's when the hands retreated, but re-appeared all around the cocoon. The Disuto's voice echoed.

"I'm sorry, but I warned you. If you stay here all you'll do is simply fasten my growth." The disuto said, "Unfortunately... now that you're in my space you will not be able to leave now."

(Seireitei: 12th's Squad Bureau)

"Y-yes ma'am!" Kazan saluted, before he left off. In a matter of seconds though, the whole team minus the three desceased were present in the room.

"HO- TAICHO!" The whole 12 squad saluted, Kazan appearing from the large formation and stepping next to Captain Rina.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*11th Squad HQ*

"Uh oh! You shouldn't have said that!" Naibu said, the whole group of shinigamis training in the dojo turned to see Trent when he said he would train with them, the sole fact of facing a strong opponent stirred up their spirits each one of them looked like they had flames on their eyes "I should have warned you, they are all battle-crazy people".

"Trent-taicho want to train with me?" The fourth seat asked.

*12th Squad HQ*

"Hii!!" Rina said cheerfully " I'm the new captain of the 12th Squad and Research Bureau, my name is Rina nice to meet you all" She walked along the formation greeting her subordinates "Unfortunately we don't have time to get to know each others, sereitei find itself in a pretty serious situation, so I would like you to form two teams I'll be in team one and my kawaii Kazan here will lead team two" She said as she hugged Kazan placing his head between her large tits "Team one will be in charge of helping me finish my research, that will help us fighting this new treat, while team two will be looking for information about the stolen artifact from the storage, that alright with you Kazan?"
To see some of my artwork Click here
OOC: Hey I'm a great babysitter, just last week I was watching my nephew and... oh crap, I left him locked in the bathroom!


"I'm only just starting, I don't think I'm doing that bad." Katt huffed, her tail puffing up a bit, "I've killed more hollows than you anyways."


"What part of 'do not touch' isn't clear?" Shadow asked as he pressed against the wall, hoping it'd send him back as well.


"How the hell do we stop these damn things?" Mindy swore as she attacked the hands, keeping her distance from them.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"And just what do you mean by that, huh?" Vook asked, raising her eyebrow but keeping her swords firmly gripped. "Not kicking your ass would be even worse, for us!" she added, before spotting a black patch on her arm. What the...? I wasn't did that get there?
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Your not doing that good either." Salem said unable to stop himself from smiling at how she was acting "You know your cute when your mad! And there are two reasons I haven't attacked, one we're here to train you, not me. And two...I'm a failed Kago, I don't get to do things like you do, I can only use two of the quincy techniques you can use them all after you learn how...I only get five arrows a day where you get as many as you want...and my arrows cost me..." He explained with a grim face.

"M-maybe if we destroy the hands completly and don't leave behind anything behind for it to pull back into itself it'll weaken it?" Rei guessed still blushing abit as she fired dozens of arrows at a single arm, vaporizing it and leaving behind nothing but a burned stump.
Lady Devimon's Minions