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Digital Chaos (Sonic X ?/ Digimon Crossover Rpg)
Shadow then looked out into the distance and saw a ship that was leaving then looked back down at the girl "I'll feel bad in the morning if I dont." he muttered to himself as he softly picked up the white hedgehog and quickly sped across the plains towards the Blue Typhoon "Hey you guys forgot someone!" he shouted as he ran up to Sally with the white hedgehog on his back.
"I can sure try," Sonic said as he backed away to a clearer area, "CHAOS CONTROL!" There was a bright flash, two actually as Sonic vanished and reappeared but they happened so fast it seemed to be one, as Super Sonic reapeared with the inhabitants that had been waiting. "Whew, that Chaos control ain't easy." Sonic said as his golden coloring left him, all his energy depleted.

"Y'all alright?" Bunnie looked over the gathering of people in the ship, "All citizens're here Sal."

Sonic glanced around the group, "Looks like we're missing mr. personality." He said at the absence of one black hedgehog.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
**Sonic's World**

Sally (to Bunnie): Good, Bunnie (to Sonic): Oh by mean the black Hedgehog who's at Blue Typhoon Deck...I just saw him on the monitor....and i think i saw Lupe coming go on Rest Sonic...i'll be back (runs off to get to Shadow and Lupe)

**the Hero chao stayed with if she knew her from someplace before she nuzzles it was off to see that girl was okay...

Sally (in her head): < we have to get out of here soon...time is running out.. but i will not leave anyone behind...Friend or foe >

***Just then..**

Chris' Voice (in Sonic's Head): sonic? Sonic? can you hear me...^^ it;'s an old friend.

Voice (in Tails head): Can you hear me..Tails..? Tails..?^_^

Digi 02 and Tamers**

**in one Digiverse...the Digidestined look for this light...though eyes are closed...the vision of a gate..made of light appears in their mind....but also visions of the many eyes of evil.... be weary of the Visions...

**in another digiverse...another is seeing the remaining tamers as things are getting more and more...complex as the world begins to vanish..**

Takato: I gotta go back for Guilmon... i'm gonna need his help (races off again) Guilmon!! Hang on!!

**the Worlds continue to vanish and/or merge.....all the while the little planet remains intact..while the mysterious energy continues to come forth..only now as a wild tsunami ...who is behind this madness><..?**
Imperion reached the other tamers"Come on,we have to hurry.Sepia Tracker.That way."Before they could respond,he started running to Guilmon.
Tom looked over his shoulder "V-Vi! You might want to hurry up!"

"I guessed that!" She also looked back. The light was only meters behind... and gaining fast.
As TK kept running he saw the gate and then he saw the visions of many eyes of evil. "what the? no.... I can't let that stop me" he focused more trying to get his mind only focused on the gate of light.

Patamon had the same visions, he had to admit he was a bit scared but he managed to regain his composture and did the same as TK.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Shadow quickly looked around and saw nobody "Where IS everybody!" he said frustrated and a bit worried not just for his safety but the girl's who was thrown over his shoulder "HELLO!!!" He shouted running around "I could have sworn they would have been here."

Tails blinked a bit at the voice he could hear in his head, and looked around at Sonic and wondered if her heard the same thing. But the two-tailed fox didn't want to answer out loud to the voice he heard and him being looked at as being crazy, but he thought he might not have another choice...but he made sure to direct his comment to Sonic. "Hey, bro, I thought I heard Chris calling to me. Isn't that a little strange?"

Meanwhile, Lupe was with the Chao, and she trying to figure out where everyone else was, and she starting walking, while carring the Chao, in the right direction, but she wasn't sure about that in her head. "I'm not going to say I'm right about this my friend, but maybe we'll meet up with the other Freedom Fighters, and find out what's going on. Something isn't sitting right with me about Mobius."

**DIGIMON 02**

Hawkmon flew in with Yolei to watch her wake up Davis, but the way she was going to do that, made he land on the fllor in Davis's room and place his wings over his eyes. "Just the way she is doing this, I can't watch. it'll be hectic, but the one thing I will regret not seeing is the reaction Davis will have."

Demiveemon just shook his head and headed toward Davis' room. "He won't like being woke up this way, but what can anyone do whith such a deep sleeper?"


Renamon was searching all over the place, and what was worse is what she searching for...she couldn't find Rika. "I have to find her...something strange is going on that I can't figure out, and maybe she can tell me what is happening here." She started calling out. "Rika, where are you? If you are near, can you hear me?"
OOC: Twisted I'm going to be evil here, kay?


Vi twitched an ear "Did you hear that?"

Tom blinked "I did... it kind-of sounded like Jes!"

She looked at him sharply "How could she have gotten here!?"

"Hey, I don't know!" He pulled his Digivice from his pocket "We can't outrun that light... mind if I use a card?"

"Be my guest."

"Okay... Here goes Hyper-Speed!" He swiped a card and stuffed the device back into his pocket as it began having an effect.

"Heehee! I love that card!" Vi chirped before achieving an incredible boost in speed. It didn't take them long to find the source of the voice... "Oh-no! Look out!" She yelled, trying to stop as she sighted a yellow figure in her path. Of course, she was going too fast to stop and crashed headlong into Renamon.

OOC: >X3
Whoa, I thought I was just hearing things or something. Sonic thought at hearing that Tails had heard something too, "Thought I heard something too, but it's probably nothing." He gave Tails a quick thumb's up, "Don't worry, we'll meet up with Chris again I bet."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad