Yuri RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
06-20-2006, 01:32 AM,
DragonMasterX Wrote:"Sure thing..." Regina smiled, both her eyes mid-closed into a VERY seductive look, "SURE thing..." she repeated to herself, agreeing with Alte on her offer.

"Want to down these last two before we go then?" Alte smiled. The drinks were a bit more than just a high-ball, also containing hormone stimulating drugs that would make both of them horny in a short time if they drank them. But better now than leave them for some unwitting souls to come across.

She grabbed one glass and held it up to Regina's mouth, indicating for Regina to do the same to her.
06-20-2006, 06:29 AM,
And Regina did what Alte was indicating her, grabbing a glass witht he drink and nearing it to Alte's mouth gently as she started drinking the other one slowly. Regina smiled to Alte while doing so.

"I hope you can!" Vicky said cheerfully, she then looked around if the drinks would come at last, "I think Regina emptied their reserviours(sp?)..." she giggled at her own thought.

[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]

06-20-2006, 08:57 AM,
Alte drank her special down and smiled as she rose. She offered her hand to Regina and smiled. "I have a room nearby. Shall we go now?"
06-20-2006, 11:06 AM,
OOC: Sorry for long absences, been very busy and have very little time for internet lately. Don't worry it won't last long, just for a few more weeks. Gun or DMX, Like I said I'm very busy and will be till about mid july, after this post I'm really going to have to kick it into high gear and won't be on much and from the 30th of June to about the 10th of July I'm not even going to be able to get on at all. If one of you could handle my characters so I don't fall behind and have to drop out of the RPG I'd appreciate it.


Leviathan glanced at a few of the girls in the bar, Harpuia was usually the more outgoing and adventurous one who met everyone at bars. She was never good at meeting people on her own. She always would come with Harpuia who was the icebreaker, but she hadn't shown up yet, which was odd since she was usually early to all their parties.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

06-20-2006, 08:50 PM,
OOC: I can move them around til you get back so they can keep up, if you want.


Red smiled. "Thanks... hey- can you fight?" she asked curiously.


"Ah, Jeanette! So it was you Contacting moi!" Luvia curtsied, "Qui, I 'ave ze pass, what iz it for?" Luvia waved the pass in front of Jeanette, and tucked it between her cleavage.
06-20-2006, 08:55 PM,
OOC: We could slow down so it doesn't flood, but since we are quite a ''bunch'' playing right now, it might not be possible. However... *glances over Leviathan and starts nose bleeding* I have a thing for scaly armored girls too! (TELL-ME-YOU-TURNED-BOTH-OF-THEM-HUMAN-OR-SOMETHING-THAT-CAN-BE-SCREWED!) I'll take control of her, Gun or someone else can take care of Harpuia so you don't get lost later; if no one takes care of Harpuia, I'll do.
I'll start from now with Leviathan.

Also, not to confuse people, each time I play a different character, I'll try using a separator like ------------ from now on.


Regina grinned, one eye closed, she was too drunk and her horniness escalated up too quick for her to even care; so she took Alte's hand and nodded in agreegment.


Leviathan ventured further inside the bar, her arms were crossed on her chest as she kept glancing over the other girls, she caught a glimpse of two other girls (random ones) kissing and caressing themselves, "I sometimes wish she'd do something like that every so often instead of getting drunk." she thought as she her head around so she could keep searching for her friend.

[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]

06-20-2006, 09:14 PM,
OOC: I'm gonna try my hand with Harpuia- if I can't handle her- lol- I'll check with someone else.
06-21-2006, 01:21 AM,
"Well, Luvia cherie," I beamed. "This pass gets you a front row seat at my sexy lesbian ballet dance shows, plus, you can also get to know me better as one of 'Jeannette's Special Lesbian Friends' and you can do stuff with me after the show and even see me for special...treats at my place, a hotel room of your choosing, or even in my dressing room/bedchamber here."

(I wonder if she likes my outfit? I thought. I wonder if she'll get to make love to me, explore my body and stuff.)

I let Luvia eye my outfit from the tiara on my head to the pointes on my toe shoes.

"Do you like my costume?" I asked sweetly. "I like your outfit, too, Luvia."

(shows off a few ballet moves on the barre to show her I am sexy, hot as well as graceful.)

PS. I wonder who'll give the first kiss to who when the mood's right? Me or Luvia? Anyway, you decide. If Luvia were even sexier, I'd get first kiss on her lips, but for now, let the new special lesbian princess-friend of Jeannette to be decide. I want this to be sexy, erotic, romance and passionate, but I want the other lady to be an equal partner as well. (It's part of being one of the JSLFs. The lesbian lady and I share stuff. Even who gets to kiss first, too.)
PPS. Maybe I'll get a chance to learn Luvia's favorite lesbian fetishes, how she wants to be seduced, etc. Again, I find her a classy, sexy French Vampiress (and I had a fantasy of dating one I want to fulfill here. Maybe I can make it come true now.)
PPPS. Luvia, one more question, I feel more sexy after a drink if you don't mind. Mind if I pour you a drink before we...get to know each other better, ma cherie? (Oh and Gunter, I'll make sure Luvia shares the lesbian fun with me too and be gentle with her. It might be her first time with a sexy ballerina like me.)
06-21-2006, 02:31 AM,
DragonMasterX Wrote:OOC: Not to confuse people, each time I play a different character, I'll try using a separator like ------------ from now on.

OOC: A good idea -- but I think 3-5 of them should be plenty sufficient -- and only necessary when playing characters... out of interaction with each other.

Quote:Regina grinned, one eye closed, she was too drunk and her horniness escalated up too quick for her to even care; so she took Alte's hand and nodded in agreegment.


Alte led the way back to her private room, which was actually a well furnished three-room apartment. Even horny as she was, she knew the importance of work and she had been trained to not be controlled by anyone or anything except her Master. Now in the apartment, she took off her cloak and threw it on a chair. All four of her breasts were growing firm and round, and she leaned over towards Regina. "You make me feel so hot," she whispered, licking behind Regina's ear.
06-21-2006, 12:42 PM,
OOC: im going to take some time off from the Yuri RP so i can get alittle off my mind....if thats ok?