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occ: paint on fur? thats just plain wrong... :shock: its almost as bad as cum!

ic: You musn't drink it! we use it as a key to a door or something in the Chamber of involuntary combat!

[diablos comes out of senjuro's necklace]

diablos: argh! my home! what have you done to my home!? [notices the necklaces on Gunter's hands] my brethren! have you come to be adopted as well?

[bahamut emerges]

Bahamut: yeah, i guess so. I'll stick with this guy, he smells of something I like...

[they both go back to their respective necklaces]

Blue: weird... okay, whos going down the stairs first?
Well I was gonna before, but you stopped me. But since it's time, let's head out of here.

*goes down the stairs*

*turns and looks back up at everyone*

Uh, guys...are you coming or what?

*turns and continues descending the stairs*
I guess.... ::::follows::::
*The stairway continues to descend*

Hmmm....I wonder how far down this goes?

*A roughly hewn passageway can be seen ahead on the left. Upon close inspection, it appears to be a cave of some kind.*

Ok, I'm going this way...there've gotta be all kinds of gems n' jewels down here!

*Heads down the narrow rocky passage without a backwards glance*
Dam, this place is huge! Shall we split up then and explore the cave? Just remember, we are still allies... As of now.
"yup... friends..."

*grabs the flask from Gunter with his mouth, and continues forth, he stops at a seemingly dead-end.*

"this is the spot."

*he inserts the flask in a slot on the wall, the flask turns upside-down, and blood, instead of cum, leaked out- spreading across the wall like a web, forming strange designs and symbols. suddenly, the wall disapears in red light, and another chamber is revealed. a voice booms out to all of them.*

Voice: welcome to the Colosseum of Involuntary Comabat, to pass through, you will have to fight each other until I am satisfied. choose your opponent, and we will begin shortly.

Blue: This is it. wait here. (he disapears in a flash of blue)
You comin' with me, Dale? There's gonna be gems n' jewels!!

Yeah ok, I was looking forward to some combat, but I'm way more interested in shiny shiny shinies than fighting.
Damn straight I'm gonna look for some gems! Agree to split them 50-50? And if we do have to fight, *Lowers voice to a slight whisper* then we have to know where to hit, make it look good, but try not to kill the other one.
*whispers back* Hey, I'm willing to take a dive if we end up fighting

Anyway, gems await us. Lets head on out and see what we can find.

*focuses some energy into his hand, lighting up the dark passage way*

That should do it. Gems, ho!
[the voice booms again]

voice: if you do not fight, thou souls shall belong to me. now choose your opponent- or loose your souls.

Gunter: .....what soul?

Voice: thou must not jest on the terms, fight good, fight hard, fight for your souls. dont worry, youre not suppose to fight to the death- only until I you prove yourselves worthy of taking on.... the final boss.

Gunter: ......what soul? prove myself? I dont wanna' end up killing them, so I'll just beat the crud out of you til' youre satisfied. [disapears]

voice: where are you? where did he go? *crashing sounds* AH! what are you doing in here!? *snarling sounds* who let that dog in here!? AH! NO!! AHHH!!!
*explosions and biting can be heard, then howling*

Gunter's voice: -and that is for locking me up in that passageway for months! *crashing sounds*


Blue's voice: -and this is for making me have a phobia for orgies! *ripping sounds*

Voice: ah! no- HAVE MERCY- *krkkrrrrrrxxxxxx*