Bondage queens.
04-11-2011, 11:06 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Yumi was surprised by how aggressive Ximena was being with Mindy, considering her mistress could turn around and decline the offer at any time. But she was pleasantly surprised, and as she listened to the deal she couldnt help but smile slightly. Now she was being tempted to stay as Ximena's slave, just so that she could get her vengeance on Mindy, and oh what vengeance it would be! She would torture that sheep for a month straight, make her suffer like no other! And then, when the month was up, she planned to escape, maybe even kill Mindy in the process. It took all of Yumi's will power not to chuckle at the thought.

She was shocked then when she was told to walk through the door first, thinking the slaves would enter last. She nodded and began to climb the stairs up to the door, and, if Mindy didnt do anything to stop her, would take a tentative step inside.


"Thanks!" Silvia said as she redressed herself, trying to get herself as clean as possible before doing so. She then helped Kitt to the door and waited for the car to pick them up. She wondered what to go next, and if she didnt see any signs of anything that could tip her off to another fun activity, she would help get Kitt into the car and go back home to wait for her mistress.

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]

04-11-2011, 12:16 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
"Well, I don't know how you care for your pets but I'd prefer not to just up and abandon mine like that. Especially with no explanation." Mindy looked curiously as Yumi walked inside, looking back towards Ximena, "Allowing the pet to enter first? You are a strange mistress aren't you? Or maybe you're not looking for a pet after all, maybe you see the dom that Yumi could be to you?" Mindy chuckled a bit as she followed Yumi inside the house.


Kitt wobbled dangerously as she walked, seeming more than half-asleep thanks to her mind-blowing orgasm, barely able to keep up with Silvia as she walked, leaning against her mistress a couple of times for support. When they arrived outside a small golf cart was already waiting for them a young woman wearing a tight leather outfit similar to the one Lupe had been waiting by the side of it, "Silvia and Kitt correct?" She asked as she walked over to lend a hand to Silvia with Kitt, "Your mistress informed us that she was leaving early with a new aquaintance, she wanted me to tell you that the car will be unlocked and the key is in the glove box and you may head home with your pet. She said she would contact you soon if she wasn't going to be getting home soon."

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

04-12-2011, 11:08 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-12-2011, 01:19 PM by CaseyChimera.)
RE: Bondage queens.
"You call me strange, Wooly?" Ximena raised an eyebrow. "Well I guess I am compared to someone as sadictic as you. Also, I don't see Little Snow White as a dom or even a pet. She'll start as a slave when she first submits to me. If she can follow all my rules at that moment, then she will climb to pet and finally dom. Normally, the entire thing can be achieved in one, two, or more years. However, with you as her slave, that might go faster than expected. Now let's all go to the main den. That's where the door to the arena is located.

She guided them through the mansion's corrider. The architecture inside matched the outside. The floor, walls, and doors are made from pure oak. Statues of various species posing nude next to the doors. The lights hung on the walls almost in a gothic fashion. There are a few mirrors on the wall. Each one looked like it has a frame of gold. Halfway, there's a spiral staircase leading to the second floor. There's a double door which she opened. The room revieled looked like it could fit a small house. The ceiling went as high as the second floor. Two crystal chandeliers hung down from it. On the right wall, a large 64 inch flatscreen T.V. with a full entertainment center. Next to it several gaming systems and all the games. There's also a large plush couch in front of it. On the left wall there's a large blazing fireplace with the cage closed. On top of each corner is a white gargoyle sitting on a ball. Right above it is a lifelike portrait of a liger. She's wearing a pink victorian hoop dress with matching silk umbrella. On the bottom are the words "Azula - Liger Amazon". In the center of the room, a round table with several chairs.

Ximena did a little bow to the portrait. "My Mistress." She then walked over to the right gargoyle. She pulled it down until it's facing downward. The wall next to it opened up and revieled an open elevator. She turned to Yumi. "Okay, Little Snow White. This is it. Let's see what you are really made of." She then faced Mindy. "Wooly, due to our agreement, you can join in. Now if you both please enter so we can get started."

[Image: Wolves-183.jpg]

04-13-2011, 01:20 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
The more Yumi listened, the more she was tempted to simply submit to Ximena. Being able to eventually earn her freedom was a sweet deal, and still being able to torture Mindy for months. But was torturing Mindy worth a two, possible three year stay?

He thoughts were cut short when she looked at what the place looked like, following Ximena as she did. She quickly began to realize just how wealthy Ximena really was, as well as how seriously she took being an erotic mistress. She looked up at the Liger, huge powerful and sexy, and then looked at Ximena. She tried to remember everything she had said about her, and found her thoughts quickly viewing this in new light.

Ximena didnt act like a mistress that would simply release or let a slave go dom in just three years, or ever. She was a display of dominant energy at all times, as she showed with her aggression towards even Mindy. Why was she being so nice to her? A lowly slave? It didnt make much sense, especially from how she talked about her mistress. At the same time, Yumi knew that Ximena knew that Yumi could hear every word she said. What if she had been saying and acting like this in order to win her over before the real fight even started?! What if she didnt keep her word?! Why would she have to, she probably had an even more expensive and high tech collar just waiting to drive Yumi insane with pain. The idea scarred Yumi greatly, and she hesitated to step into the elevator.

"Wait..." She said, stepping back. "Are you telling the truth? Can I really be free in two, three, or four yeas? Will Mindy really be my slave? Are you trying to trick me?!" she couldnt stop herself from blurting out her words, but the pressure on her mind was so much that she felt like she might pop her brain with emotion if she didnt relieve some of the pressure. She stood there in silence, her eyes facing down and closed, her fists clutched, waiting to either hear an answer of some kind, or feel the blow that was more likely to follow.

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]

04-13-2011, 01:31 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Mindy looked over towards Yumi, then shook her head a bit, "I really thought I had taught you better manners than this at least, such a scene your making. I'd figure you'd have at least learned to properly address your betters before asking a question like that, but I suppose that can't be helped." She shrugged a bit, "If it were up to me you'd be severely punished, but since this is Ximena's home, I'll allow her to handle this as she see's fit." The sheep turned towards Ximena, she was also curious as the the woman's true standing, and was hoping to be able to gauge a bit of her personality by seeing how she reacted to the situation.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

04-14-2011, 06:56 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Ximena sifted her gaze at Mindy. "Very good, Wooly. It seems you finally know your submisive place here. Now if you would remove that ugly excuse for a collar, we can get this started." She then walked over to Yumi who has her eyes facing down and closed, her fists clutched. She raised her hand above her head. "As for you, Little Snow White," she quickly lowered it towards her head. That is until the last couple inches where she gently placed it on her head and scruffed up her hair. "There's no need to be so uptight. I don't know what kinds of punishments you would get from Wooly over this, but under this roof there's nothing wrong with asking questions. As long as you obey orders, then you won't be punished. These orders can be anything from chores to providing services to me. As for punishments, they can be painful, humiliating, or whatever depending on your disobedience. Obey, and you will be rewarded. That is if you submit to this procedure."

Ximena then moved her hand be behind Yumi's left ear and scratched it. "I promise you that everything I told you is the truth. There's no way I'm tricking you." She moved her hand onto her shoulder. "You will have Wooly as your personal slave for one month." She glared at Mindy coldly. She then focused back at Yumi. "Also the time limit you are here can vary. I was Azula's slave for three years until she released me while on her deathbed. Even freed, I would have stayed with her another three years if possible. That's how much respect I've had for her. Anyway, Lilith took two years until I released her. I even offered her to stay. However, she declined saying she wanted to start over somewhere else. I respected her decision. Who knows, maybe you will be the one to beat us both. So, how about it? Feel like coming down with me, or do you still don't trust me."

[Image: Wolves-183.jpg]

04-14-2011, 07:25 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
"Your funeral if I do," Mindy warned before looking over towards Yumi, "Release, code enigma Onyx." She said, the collar around Yumi's neck beeping for a second before it opened, falling off the feline's neck and onto the floor, "There you are, for both our sakes let's hope you know what you're doing." she said.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

04-14-2011, 08:58 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
"My funeral, eh? Sorry to disappoint you, Wooly, but I'm not prepared to die just yet. I know exactly what I'm doing." Ximena is still smiling down at Yumi, her hand unmoved from her shoulder. "After all, I've been trained by the best. I know she's either going to agree to come down to the arena with me, try to take both of us out, or make a break for it. I already mentally made the necessary counters for each of these and more." She began to breath a little heavy. "You know, I can't help but feel a little aroused by this. Is this fight going to start here with all of us instead she and I in the arena? How about it, Little Snow White? The choice is still yours."

[Image: Wolves-183.jpg]

04-14-2011, 11:00 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
(Fuck, flipping coin. Heads she resists, tails she obeys)

Yumi felt her fear reach its zenith when Mindy began talking, and expected to feel mind blowing pain from the collar at any moment. But then she heard Ximena's kind words and felt her hand rub her head and scratch her ear. She then gasped as the collar began to beep and she actually began to shake for a second before she heard a click and felt it come loose and fall away from her.


She reached up with trembling hands and felt her sore neck for the first time since the collar had been placed on her. She could still feel the tender tiny holes in her flesh where the thin as hair needles had penetrated her and caused her the most extreme kind of pain. The feeling of the collar coming off her neck returned to her feelings of freedom, of escape. She was suddenly terrified and desperate, she didnt want to be a slave for three more years, she didnt even want to torture Mindy. All she wanted was freedom, her freedom. She looked up with fearful eyes at Ximena, who still had a hand on her shoulder, before looking down at her collar and bending down to pick it up.

" dropped this." She said, picking it up to hand to Ximena. When the wolf tried to take it, she would quickly reach out with her free hand and grab Ximena's other arm, and with a strength she didnt know she still had, pulled Ximena's wrists together and snapped the collar around them. She then turned and tackled Mindy as hard as she could, doing all of this as fast as she could. If she succeed in getting this far she would try to grab something, anything off Mindy's person that she could use to help her, be it a whip, the remote for the collar if she had one, Mindy's cell phone even, anything, and would then run away as fast as her legs could carry her, trampling and running over Mindy of possible, and begin to run for the door.

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]

04-15-2011, 03:22 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Ximena is surspised at Yumi's actions. She didn't expected her to use the collar as a weapon. Not only that, but on her wrists. She kept the smile. "Clever girl. Truly a diamond in the rough." As she struggled with her new restraint, she saw her tackle Mindy. Yumi is now feverishly searching Mindy's body for something.

Ximena tried to break the collar's hold on her, and get ahold of Yumi, but it wasn't easy. The locking mechanism barely moved. Also, it dug into her flesh. Blood is dripping from the edges. "Alright, let's give this a try. Release, code enigma Onyx." At first nothing happened. Just as she is about to think of something else, an ecredible amount of pain shot through her wrists. "AAARRRRGGHHHH!" The shock knocked her down on her back. She panted as she forced herself onto her knees. When she finally came to her senses, she bared her fangs. "Wooly! How dare you! How dare you bring a torture device into my home! You're going to pay dearly! Security Protocol: Lockdown Level 1!" Right then, all doors leading outside are deadbolted shut and the windows gain metal bars. She managed to get on her feet, swaying side to side. "Little Snow White, can you please get off of her. Wooly, release me and face your punishment like the bitch you are. Refuse, and I'll go straight to level 2 which will be a far more worse fate for you."

OOC: I hope you don't mind, Shadowknight. I suspected that the collar would be booby trapped if anyone besides Mindy called out the release code. Anyway, it looks like she's going to be in a world of pain now.

[Image: Wolves-183.jpg]
