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Kyo: What the feck? *starts using spam to telepathically talk to Pokepimp* Is this your work again, Mr. Pimp?
Lurea: *walks in absolutely naked* Kyo, is the... *notices the candles and wine* Oh my... god.... *stares at the bubbles in the bath as well*
Kyo: Yea... Thought I'd make it special....
Lurea: *snuggles next to Kyo* Thank you....
Kyo: *talking to Pokepimp telepathically* Tell me, godammit! If it was, I wanna thank you SO much!

Raviel: Now, back to the game *frags Kiran again*

Circumstance: So much happening at once... :P
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

Me - *telepathetically talking to Kyo* Shut up and have fun already!
Kiran - ARGH DAMMIT! *cheats and frags everyone*
Jes - Why you... *punches him in the face while fragging him ingame*
Cloud - I'm confused...

Circumstance: Whops! Forgot something... *quiet music starts playing... seemingly from everywhere and nowhere at the same time* Better!

Kyo: *smiles and talks telepathically for the last time* When I finish, ask me anything ye want, I'll do it. *slips off his clothing and slips into the bath* Ahhh.... warm bath... *smiles, his head only visible above the water*
Lurea: You sure... you want to help me clean? *starts slipping into the other side of the bath and giggles as the water tickles her* You don't have to....

Raviel: *growls* Cheeky bugger! *punches Kiran as well*

Circumstance: Roll on the fun!
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Me - *smiling for no apparent reason*


Kiran - *spitting out blood* Damn...
Me - You asked for it!
Jes - *frags Raviel* HELL YEAH!!!

Cicumstance: Something is missing... Oh, yeah! *rose petals drift down around the room endlessly (they dissapear when they land)* *watery eyes* Aw! That looks even more sweet 'n romantic now! I think I'm gonna cry...

Raviel: *hears a yell on the game and realizes he was fragged* Oh shit! *picks up controller* Come on, let's play!

Lurea: *slides her back onto Kyo's chest* Thank you.... Kyo....
Kyo: *starts rubbing her back* No problemo.

Circumstance: Raviel wants to beat Jes in Doom, only by using the shotgun!
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

Jes - I.. AM... GOD!!!
God of Stupid - No! I am!
Me - *thinking*
Kiran - What is PokePimp actually doing...
Me - *waves him away* Helping Kyo... I need to concentrate...
Jes - *gets fragged* :shock: Evil You are going DOWN!
Kiran - *rejoins game and instantly gets fragged by Jes* Hmph!
Jes - You really are shit at this game... HELL YES!!! *gets ultimate weapon and starts a killing spree*

Circumstance: The music gets slightly louder and more... what's the word... intense...
Solution: In the room with Jes and co., right?

Raviel: Shit! *attempts to pick up BFG and gets blown up* You're good, Jes! *hears knock on door* Uh.. someone else is here...

Kyo: *smiles* So... you never told me what happened earlier...
Lurea: *blinks, and turns around* Oh, you mean why I wanted to get soaked.... *giggles* You should know of ALL people, Kyo...
Kyo: *smiles* Uh... *thinks* To make you want to get undressed?
Lurea: *turns back round* Bingo....
Kyo: *starts rubbing Lurea's back again* Heh, figures...
Lurea: *moans quietly*

Circumstance: *starts crying eyes out* I can see this in my head! *slams head against wall*
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

Jes - *nods head* You're not bad either.
Kiran - *gets fragged AGAIN* This is boring...
Me - *vein standing out on forehead* NNNG!!!
Cloud - *hic* Yummy beer... *HIC*

Circumstance: *breaks out new toy* Ah... The emotion enhancer... Try it! *faint pink glow fills bathroom*

Raviel: *sneaks up behind Jes on Doom* Gotcha! *fires BFG*
*another knock or two on the door*

Kyo: *squints* This must be Pokepimp....
Lurea: *moans softly* Ah.... *touches Kyo's hand* Keep... keep...
Kyo: *closes his eyes slowly, and grins* Maybe I could make tonight special for you like the last time..... *grins* There's still that mark on the floor.... *he begins to lick her neck softly*
Lurea: *closes her eyes as she moans deeply and arches her head back*

Circumstance: Onto the next frag! Onto the next scene! Move it! *starts marching*
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

Jes - :shock: Damn... Why didn't I see that one coming?
Kiran - *frags himself* ARGH!!!
Me - *vein on forehead explodes* EEERRAAAGGGHHHH!!!!
Cloud - Should I get a doctor... *opens door* Hello?

Circumstance: *nods* Perfect. *mist slowly fills the bathroom* One last thing... hmm... Anything you'd like in there, Kyo?