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Marrying the Enemy (for shadowknight)
Jasmine Nodded to Katt when she said that giving her husband poison was no big deal, since the irony of the situation was that was a very big deal. Soon Casey was wide awake as he felt something going down the wrong pipe as he began to thrash. Yet the werelioness's hold was strong as held him firmly. The young boy coughed and sputtered some yet some of the poultice went down. Soon Jasmine turned casey to the side and laid down on top of him. Soon the young boy stopped breathing. Jessica waited for a moment knowing he had to die for the formula to work just like she did when she was younger. The feline got up and walked over to holding her for a moment to give her comfort. Then moment later a deep breath was sucked in as Jasmine smiled and quickly dragged Katt out of the room, know that Casey would be totally feral and be filled with rage when he fully came too. "Just let me him be for a bit now he most likely would be filled anger and aggression as long as he stays in the master bedroom he will be all right," she said for his and their safety.

As the door was shutting you could see his body lengthening as he was completely covered in fur. Soon the transformation was complete. Yet as he looked around the room he could smell his own musk and Katt's clearly now. the scent very appealing in a way yet remembered what he did earlier to his mate. He wanted to curl up and die thinking he fully took her virginity in his his mind he basically rapped her. He leaned his head back as he howled the word no it wasn't totally clear as it became a full on sorrow filled howl. He knew that one of the other people staying at the estate said Katt should let him mate her yet it still didn't make the fact of what he did anymore forgivable.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Katt's ears pressed flat against her head from the howl, the cry almost painful to her as well, though not physically. She knew her mate was suffering, and every part of her instincts were yelling at her to go to him, to try and comfort him, but she knew Jasmine knew what she was doing when she took them both out of the room so she fought against the urge, "Is, he going to be okay?" she asked, worried about his howling.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Jasmine reached out and held Katt close. as her ears tweaked. When she took the poultice she went berserk and on a rampage from what she was told and took out four hunters as well. Yet what she was hearing and vaguely remembers wasn't right. She could remember the rage the hatred the desire for blood shed. Yet the mournful sounds coming from the room were filled with sadness. She decided to see what was up with him as she walked towards the door.

When the werelioness unlocks the door and look in carefully looks around. She sees a fully transformed werewolf yet his ears were down. He was still laying on the bed whimpering. He lifted his head as he looked over at Jasmine. "I. i. att o.ay?" he asked awkwardly not able to get s or k sounds right the moment.

Jasmine closed the door and shook her head. From everything she read Casey should be destroying the room. Yet he was sad and in an odd way calm, she wondered if it was because he started to transform and it stopped that was part of reason he was so calm. And then there was the speech no were could speak in the last hundred years or and the last werewolf that could has been over three hundred years. She looked at Katt, "UM I think it is okay but not sure. I am right in thinking he wanted to know your okay right?" she asked, while she stepped away from the door if Katt wanted to check on her mate herself.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"I'm sure it'll be fine," Katt nodded as she pushed open the door, looking over towards Casey from the door frame, "Y-yeah, I'm fine," she said, a small shiver of fear shooting through her at the change, everything she'd ever been taught telling her to run. But she knew Casey, and were or not she knew he wouldn't hurt her, or at least that's what she told herself as she walked slowly into the room, "Don't worry, you didn't hurt me." she smiled, "Surprised me yes, but not hurt." she joked nervously. She stopped a short distance from him, unsure if he was really him or if he'd be feral, "Are, are you? Okay I mean." she said, looking over him to see if it looked like he was in pain.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey could smell Katt's fear and it was more rank smelling than their love making. He felt like he need to keep his distance from his own mate so he wouldn't harm her. "No your no I an smell you fear on you," he said because of his sensitive nose. He looked around the room a way to keep the feline at a distance. He saw the bathroom door, "Ssssorry," he said. He then jumped from the bed to the master bathroom in one smooth motion yet stumbled on the landing. As he stepped in he slammed the door; but since he wasn't use to having a tail it got caught in the door. HE let out a mighty howl of agony as he doubled over from the immense pain, whimpering sorrowfully like a puppy he still was.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Katt ran forward quickly, clearing the room in a single bound as she landed near Casey, "Now don't say that, of course I'm a bit afraid, I was raised since I could walk to be afraid of weres. But I'm not afraid of you." she smiled, holding his tail gentley and rubbing it to try and ease the pain, "I know you'd never hurt me," she smiled. She leaned forward a bit, sliding between the doorframe so he couldn't close it without pushing her away, which she doubted he'd do, removing her hand from his tail as her own wrapped loosely around it, "You startled me a bit in your transformation is all, if you had hurt me do you think either of us would be standing here right now?" she teased a bit.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey continue to whimper softly as he listened to his mate. He soon felt her paw rubbing his sore tail as the whimpering died down. He smiled glad she knew he would never intentionally hurt her. He felt the feline's tail warp around his gently parted her robe, while he pulled her close. "No and than you," he said glad she stayed by his side. He opened his muzzle in an attempt to kiss her, then tilted his head yet realized with his long muzzle would make it difficult, so he just gave her face a big old lick. He now realized why when they were transformed most couples choose to lick each other than try to kiss. The werewolf was getting aroused like most young boys did when hugging a girl. "Want... t.t.t," he said getting the t sound under control now, "to take shower or bath with me my ofuko bath in my old room; but do realize the water is deep in tub?"
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"I don't know, never been a fan of water, and that wet dog smell," She joked a bit, honestly she was a bit nervous about being in such an enclosed space with Casey, unsure just how in control he was of his form. He might never hurt her, but if he didn't even remember who 'he' was all bets were off. She giggled a bit from the lick, "Why don't you go take a shower, or a bath, and when you're done we can take a walk around, this place is beautiful, I'd love to see more of the wilderness surrounding it."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey didn't say anything as he stood there hugging Katt. He felt a bit rejected when she stated she basically didn't want to take a bath or shower with him. The werewolf lowered his ears and his tail hanged limply, "Katt I'm sorry for what I did even if I couldn't stop myself," he said as tears started to roll down his cheeks. The way she was acting was only making him feel worse about what he did "Don't act like everything is alright when its not.," he said as his own erection died down. "Also I am here for you my mate, my pack member," he said using pack mentality and the pack always helped each other especially if one was upset.. Since they both were hurting to him it was normal to want to stay close to Katt since help her though her pain even though he was the one who caused. "I thought we could at least wash up and get clean, so we didn't smell like you know...," he trailed off not knowing if his feline mate would get upset if he mentioned the word sex. "Also if you don't want to get cleaned up then we can do something else?" he suggested as he started to lick her freely cleaning her face and matting her fur in the process soon his tears dried upped.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Casey it is alright," Katt smiled, trying to comfort him, "I'm not hurt, so you have no reason to feel upset, I know it wasn't you, not the real you," she purred softly, she was a bit shy about saying that she actually didn't mind the slightly rough sex, it was just the surprise that she had been upsetted by, "I just don't feel much like a shower, I wouldn't mind getting the scent out of my fur just by running through the woods and dirt, then we can take a shower." she offered, "A nice walk will do us both good I think."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad