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The Dome (an anthro Pokemon myster esque RP)
A faint but visible blush would appear on Onyx's face as she became mad and shot shadow balls at Elric."Practice isn't the only thing I care about!I can care for living things too!"she would then use psybeam to render Elric unable to move.
The quiet glameow walked up behind the male eevee and asked,"Who are you looking for?"She would lean slightly over his shoulder smiling kindly."I maybe be able to help you."she giggled.
[Image: _final_fantasy_tifa_.jpg]
Elric did not react fast enough to dodge the attacks, in fact it seemed like he was not even trying to dodge them at all. "You do need more practice," he replied barely fazed by the attacks "I am a dark type psychic and ghost moves do not work very well on me. If you really do care about living things than why damage that girl so?"


"Gah!" shouted Elan falling over a bit "don't sneak up on me like that! Hey wait a sec."

He got up and dusted himself off. He looked and the girl and realized that it was her that he was looking for "I was actually looking for you and how come you seem to be in such good shape didn't that other girl hurt you?"


"He is a friend of mine," said Leon "his name is Elan. I was hoping you had seen hims since I kinda left him up in a tree."
Lufty stood by Leon, keeping quiet as her opinion on the discussion did not matter.


Mia gasped as she heard a voice, looking around in a panic before looking down past the waterfall and noticing a young male pikachu sitting on a rock. She stood up to look around better. There was no one with him. "Who was he talking to...?" The female asked herself.
Onyx would growl as she jumped down from the tree and punched Elric using the move giga impact.Then she would jump back and use will-o-wisp "I'll just practice on you!"she would shout with anger in her voice."I didn't damage don't know what I did to her.Why are you asking about her anyway?It is semi-annoying."she would turn away and run her fingers through her hair.
Diamond giggled "Your so cute!"she would say as she pinched the male eevee's cheeks."I am hurt but..laying on the ground crying about it isn't gonna help."she giggled some more."So,why are you looking for me?"she would ask as she continued to smile.
[Image: _final_fantasy_tifa_.jpg]
"Yah i saw him, he went off after a female who was attacked, he's spunky though i am sure the boy will be fine, now come over here, the bunny's finished" she says pulling the two now cooked rabbits from over the fire and laying them on some leaves "I am sure you two are starving."
Weight:250 pure muscle
Pokemon Breed:dragonite
Appearance: muscular and handsome
Personality: cool calm and loving
Abilities: flight thunder powers and water powers

marcus lands at the waterfall and sees the outline of a pikachu.

"um excuse me." marcus said nervously.
Startled Fury turns to the dragonite male and rushes to him and pokes his strong built chest."So you're real afterall. I thought you were another hallucination."
[Image: Code-Geass-25.jpg]

When all hope seems lost I go back and try to find it all
"My names Marcus. who are you?" Marcus asked.
"Oh my name's Fury and I'm a proud pikachu!" Fury's cheeks them sparked a little and he hugged Marcus."I'm so glad you're a real person finally."
[Image: Code-Geass-25.jpg]

When all hope seems lost I go back and try to find it all
"have you been alone here all this time?" marcus asked.