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Star Wars: Episode XIII, Beyond Good and Evil(furry-based starwars)
Yoosei looked at Mitsuki and nodded. "see you later.. if by any chance during your patrol you will find any information about these rebels I am seeking for...please report it to me if possible" she then tilted her head and looks at Onyxia. "I know you won't let me down.. no matter what...I have faith in you" she said in a soothing voice.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Onyxia gave a stern nod "Do you have any general location of where the rebels may be?" she asked as she scratched her chin "I haven really seen any suspicious activity or sensed any dark forces the whole time I've been here."
"Forgive me", she closed her eyes and gently bowed her head, "I-I-I was having a nightmare about...", Feeling tears well up, she quickly changed the subject and looked up at Altima. "My name is Psyrixia, but you can call me Psyri, if you like. If you are the one who saved my life...I thank you." Reaching up to touch her claw with his, she eyed the handsome male dragon and asked, "So...what may I call rescuer?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"uhm, Altima Carpine.." the dragon said, blushing. He rubbed the back of his head, "but, you can call me Alt, if you like." he looked her up and down, "So, what were you doing out in the middle of nowhere near death?"
OOC: Disturbed, Lonely Werewolf, Matt, you do know a Sith just activated his lightsaber right next to your characters? You three are in a catina on Tatooine, right?
Psyrixia bows her head again, "I cannot lie to you...the one who saved my life...I am endebted to you. I am...or was...a member of the Sith. I was a spy, a saboteur, and an assassin all in the name of the Emporer and the Dark Side. Ever since I was child, that's all I've ever known - deceipt, death and destruction what price? The lives of my family. I can never go back to my home world...or even near that quadrant of the galaxy." Raising her head, she looked at Altima and admitted, "Alt, even in my weakened condition I can sense that you're a Jedi...a powerful one, at that. I...have heard...that you have a code you must follow...a duty you must perform against creatures, such as myself. I'm ashamed for what I am and what I've life, my young Jedi, is in your hands." She hangs her head and begins to sob.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"well, it is against my honor to kill someone in such a weak state without a fair duel. For now, I shall let you live upon my honor as a jedi." Altima said, as he held the stray jedi to his side. "But, all will not be too great for you. We cannot harbor any sith in our temple for too long. So as a test, you must prove to me that you are no longer a sith, but a force-sensitive in need of assistance. If you can prove to the jedi masters that you are no longer sith. then maybe, just maybe, you may become a proper Jedi." he gently rubbed her back.
"Mmmmm", the dragoness murred, "that feels wonderful. I have never been treated like this in my entire life." Regaining her composure, she bows her head, "Thank you, Alt...for all that you've done for me. I do wish to prove myself, but I still need to recover...a bit. In hoping that you can earn my can take these." Reaching under the bed sheet, she unfastens her belt and hands her weapons over to Altima. "I won't be needing these, not in my condition...although...there is a couple things I'd like to request, though. A nice hot bath...", she smiles at the Jedi, "and maybe some food and drink."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Mitsuki nodded as stepped out from bar and walk in a normal rate to the other small town, to continued patrolling the area. She don't want to use her abilities to scan the threats, because it may give a suspicion toward others. She rather let the threats or enemies come to her so she had lots of time to concentrate of how to eliminate them.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
cboy Wrote:OOC: Disturbed, Lonely Werewolf, Matt, you do know a Sith just activated his lightsaber right next to your characters? You three are in a catina on Tatooine, right?

I didn't had notice before that a character activated a lightsaber right next to mine, Disturbed's and Lonely werewolf's character.


Yoosei at the sound of a lightsaber being activated quickly turned around to look at where the sound came from. [i]"I didn't felt that presence before...why..." she thought for herself. "who are you?" she asks as she under her cloack quickly gets her lightsaber ready to be activated if necessary.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions