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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
OOC: OH HECK YES! Hehe... I guess I'll be mostly the last in getting a Synch Chip. They are only given to officials. And knowing Gun he- ehh... I better not spoil if this happens at all! mrgreen


Mar shook his head, "Alright... see you Shadow..." and he looked down on PyroMan, then back on his teacher. "Mister... do you think my Navi will be alright?" he suddenly asked Sir Grave. "I don't want PyroMan to die... and I know nothing about programming..."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Okay! I'll just agree!


Sir Grave jacked out. "Here- You can use a few of my heal-chips..." Sir Grave offered him some chips.
Mar grabbed the healing chips, "Thanks Teacher..." Mar slotted in two healing chips and hoped for PyroMan's recovery. "PyroMan..."

"Nnnhhh..." PyroMan rolled himself. Mar seeing this, only responded one thing:
"Is he asleep...?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Your Navi may just be tired." Sir Grave suggested.
"What should I do with him now, sir? How do I make sure he's okay?" Mar asked, really preocupied and worried about his Net Navi.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Allistair strode past Hawk towards the small cabinet, opened the door, and withdrew another small decanter. He locked it. It was a nice ornament, white paneled sides with two emerald windows. Shame it would be impounded when the authorities arrived.

Allistair swigged the alcohol. "So unfortunate Hawk. I'll make sure that when the authorities are done with you, the School Board will scissor your liscense and disone you from Principle."

His PET recieved a message before the program collapsed. It was from the boss, sealed with his mark. He had expelled the HawkRing ties to anything related to the Mafia, detailing information Allistair would need to continue as Supervisor of Schools, and siphoning credits to his accounts. The boss wanted him to melt away from the area for a while.

Walking through the adjacent hallways, Allistair found himself in the school's lobby. His eyes smiled at the tanks of Pacific Aquatics built into the walls. The Mandarin Fish, something considered a gift from him, paddled through the network of plasitc coral.

'Those Cybeasts were somethin.' Auspex chipped. Allistair grunted in agreement. 'I could take one out, but if there were more...'

"We must be careful around these kids Auspex. I don't want Hypnoman's mistake repeating in the future, and I don't want you to engage them at all."

'Yes Allistiar. What will you do now?'

"We're going home. I want to hear how my daughter's first day of school was."
"Let me go fetch some Rejuvi-Chips, they energize tired Navis." Sir Grave said as he dashed off.
Mar stood in his place, staring at his red Navi. "PyroMan..."

"So... we are going to start here Sir?" a Grunt asked, holding a black PET along with his other teammates.

"Right'o! We gotta prepare tha kiddos' field trip." a young voice announced as he held his own black PET. "Alright mateys! Let's go!"

"Aye sir!"

OOC: Well, on the next ''chapter'' the students of SunRay elementary are having a field trip to the waterworks in Mister Sir Grave's class. There, Douse is waiting to screw the day. Is anyone interested in controlling HydroMan? Here's a little Profile:

NetNavi: HydroMan.exe
Element: Aqua.
Special Tech: Trident Slam. (swings two huge Tridents at the enemy)
Advantages: Sea and Fire Fields.
Disadvantages: Electric fields and Electric Elemental attacks.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

I'll handle Hydroman. What about his operator?


"So?" Shadow asked. He had just finished running a simple demo program on his computer, Slash had just returned to his PET after finishing the drill, "How'd it work?"

"Same as before," Slash said, slumping slightly on the 'floor' of his PET, "Considering the large gap in my memory from the time we started to now I'm guessing it's a failure. You wanna try again?" Slash got up to his feet.

"No," Shadow quickly answered, "I know you think this whole cybeast thing may be a big help, but we still don't know if it has any long term affects on you. For all we know it may be an even worse version of a dark chip." Shadow leaned back in his chair, since he arrived back home he had been running scans on Slash. He was able to isolate the program, the 'Cybeast', but it had embedded itself to far into his memory banks and removal was impossible. So he had been running drills to try and control it, all he suceeded in was allowing access to it whenever neccesary, but control was still impossible.

"And by the way," Slash spoke up, snapping Shadow out of his thoughts, "I scanned as much of that data as possible."

Shadow put his chair back on all fours, "And?" he asked hopefully.

Slash shook his head, "Most is completely beyond even our abilities, probably even an officials, but I did figure out a few things." A wall of data began scrolling along the screen, "Turns out that the Net Mafia was involved in this whole thing, past that I can't figure out anything. It seems like Hawk was pretty low on the ladder."

"Great, from what I've heard of them they might come after us now. Loose ends."

"Should I e-mail Pyroman and Mar?" Slash suggested.

"Yeah," Shadow set down on his computer and typed out the message,

Mar, we decoded the data we found, turns out the netmafia was involved. scary huh? anyways i ran a few scans on slash and isolated the cybeast program i can't remove it it's in too deep but i was able to create a program that can unleash its power. i warn you though i haven't studied it much and he'll become uncontrollable, like when they first changed, it's to be used only in an EMERGENCY!!!! seeya.

P.S. Slash was wondering how Pyroman was.

"Done." Shadow said as he attached the program to the E-Mail, "Could you send it?" Slash gave a quick nod and sent out the file.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
And so, Mar's PET began beeping in a sudden, the E-Mail had reached destination, "Hmm? What's this?" Mar said to himself as he stopped looking on PyroMan for a moment and quickly selected to open the recent recieved E-Mail. "Attachment file from.... Shadow?"
The young boy blinked his eyes for a moment, then he read the message carefully. "The Net-Mafia... man, this- isn't good..."

"ZzZzz..." PyroMan snoozed, this action surprised his operator.

"PyroMan!" Mar said as he minimized the window, "He's asleep... well... this program ought to be installed."

Few seconds later, Mar took the opportunity to open and run the program on his NetNavi while he 'slept'.
"Well... It's done" he said some minutes later, "I still have to wait for Sir Grave..."


Let's see...

Operator: Douse.
PET: Big Version (Like Shadow's using), black, gray and blue colored.
Unique Program Advance: Tidal Wave (Wave+RedWave+MudWave)
Folder: Aqua-Wind-Wood-Break Chips plus very FEW Support Chips.
Synch Chip Aquired?: Yes.

WARNING: This operator IS allowed to call forth a Dimensional Rift.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad