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RPG - anything goes (ABSOLUTLY ANYTING)
Kiran looked around desperately and spots Shadow watching from the window "HELP!!!" He screams while struggling.

Jes looks at the window too and gives Shadow a threatening stare "Stop squirming!" She stomps on Kiran to keep him still.
"Great. How can the situation be any more absurd?" Candlemon looked out from another window at IceDevimon, "Here I am, being pursued by an evil villian and his henchmen, for an undisclosed and highly mysterious reason, with at least six hyperactive and violent schizophrenics." He put his head in his gloved hands. "I'm the only normal one here. Is this what "adventure" means?"

He stared longingly at the horizen past IceDevimon.

"It seemed a lot less like this in the books and theatre."
Kiran wisely kept still; Jes's foot dug into his back as he stared at the others watching his plight.

[Fucking useless ASSHOLES!!!]
[You didn't listen to me and look where it got you!]
[Oh! Such language! I'm impressed.]
[... Dick head...]

Kiran's face suddenly screwed up with rage "FUCK YOU, JES! EITHER GET OFF ME OR DELETE ME!" He shouted at her "GET OFF YOU FUCKING BITCH!"

Name: VIRUSmon

Type: Hell Bender - Virus

Level: Mega (from Vargirmon)

Attacks: Dark Helix (dark energy beam attack, widespread destruction, charged for greater effect), Diamond Prison (instant kill attack, target is sealed in a solid diamond), Black Rocket (launches self at enemy at very high speed, unavoidable)

Abilities: Madness (totally insane, attacks anything and everything), Absorb (other Digimon's data is leeched when in close proximity, gains their abilities), Demon's Curse (has zero defensive capability but also has near enough infinate physical strength), VIRUS (can infect other Digimon, force them to assist in battle or destroy them from the inside)

Description: Hideously deformed 10 foot human like body except for black draconian wings on back (wingspan - four meters) Eyes literally burn with malice. Hands end in four fingers, each with foot long curved claws

Kiran Digivolved, completely skipping his Ultimate form to go straight to Mega. Jes got thrown back into a tree when his wings exploded open; he took off and flew straight at IceDevimon with an insane shriek. The ice demon dodged him but still; Kiran's claws ripped through his arm.

Kiran stopped himself and turnd back to Jes as she rushed him with her sword. He neatly deflected it with the claws on his left hand, his right tighened into a fist and he puched her in the stomach; sending her flying into the cabin which, luckly, didn't get too badly damaged from the impact.

Kiran then prepared to deliver an attack "BLACK ROCKET!" He jetted after his daughter and slashed at her armor; leaving deep dents and scratches as he passed, the roof of the cabin getting ripped off by his left wing...
"I know the place needed some remodeling but we probably should've hired a proffesional." Shadow stared out the large hole in the roof.

Slashmon reluctantly put down the bag and jumped onto Shadow's shoulder, "What the hell happened?"

"Far as I can guess? She," He pointed at Jes "is piss at him," he pointed at Kiran, "And some stuff happened he got pissed and transformed."

"Kay. So what are we waiting around for? We should help."

"It's between them, why should we get involved in their little family feud?"


Shadow calmly rubbed his ear, "This is starting to get troublesome." He unclipped the digivice on his belt, "Fine, but get in their and see what you can do."

Slashmon gave a quick nod, "SLASHMON DIGIVOLVE!" he quickly transformed into fengalmon, pausing for only a second as he went beyond it. Two large metal wings formed on his back as metal armor wrapped around his body, he reached behind him as two large swords materialized in his hands swinging them out in front of him, "SLASHANGEMON!"

"Stop posing like some model and GO!" Shadow shouted pointing out the window.

Slashangemon took flight and quickly found the two, following the path of destruction helped, "HOLD IT!" He jumped inbetween the two, his metal wings folding around him to block an attack aimed at Jes, "I don't know what's going on but this has gone far enough! I don't want to have to hurt you so I suggest you stop now, you should know that I can beat you easily."

OOC: Note: Slashangemon doesn't realize that he skipped the ultimate level and assumes that's what he's at. And in a battle between ultimate angel type and ultimate devil type the winner would be obvious.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
DJ (looks to YukiRenamon): are you thinking..what I'm Thinkin'...?^_~

YukiRenamon: X3... you're getting serious now.... i like that

DJ: ^_~. Let's get busy

**back outside**

IceDevimon: okay... look, i'm just doing what Devimon talked me in to....because i was promised some Data. I'm Freakin' hungry here

**Just then..a flash of light something moves throught he shadows**

Voice (hybrided): hey..what's this about hunger?
*NOTE TO SHADOWKNIGHT* Umm... You do know that Jes is a Perfection level? And that Kiran is at Mega right now? Right? *END NOTE*

Kiran skidded to a halt mere inches away from Slashangemon; he shoved him to the side to clear the way for an attack "DARK HELI-" Jes cut him off with a quick strike; leaving a gash across his chest.

Jes wiped the blood of her sword carefully while watching Kiran loose strength and finally revert back to his rookie form "Pathetic old fart!" She kicked him into a tree which fell down from the impact.
**Out of the shadows... a new player steps into the game..standing infront of Kiran.... she looks like a Female Samurai and Kunoichi...rolled into one...with foxlike ears...sticking out of her long lush Silver hair........she was a human and demon all rolled into 9 fox tails stick out from behind her...**

Suneyashamon: ... i think you've had enough girlfriend. if you want'll have to cross horns..and boogie with me..X3 Bushido Style! ~_^X

**Just who is this Digimon...and what's she doing here?
"Oh, for pity's sake!" shouted Candlemon. "Here we go, from the Highway to Adventure down the Turning of Clishe! Something's ultra powerful to the point of indestruciblity, and in comes some new character to sort it all out: am I the only one here to see this? Ha!"

Candlemon sagged. "I'm so disillusioned. I want to go home."
Kiran struggled from under the tree and brushed the wood chippings off before glaring at Suneyashamon "Not now!" He stalked off a short distance. His cursing clearly audiable as he explored the outer limits of his vocabulary.

Jes shook her head "Psychopathic moron..." She blinked "Wait a second... did that girl just say..." :shock:

PokePimp Wrote:*NOTE TO SHADOWKNIGHT* Umm... You do know that Jes is a Perfection level? And that Kiran is at Mega right now? Right? *END NOTE*

Sorry worded it wrong, Slashangemon assumed you're guy was at ultimate since he went straight from champion.


"What the hell is going on?" Slashangemon got up from the ground, dusting some dirt off his wings with a simple flick, "One second you two're beating the daylights out of eachother the next he runs off? And who are you?" He nodded towards Suneyashamon.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad