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A Week Of Sex Slaves
Gunter VanCrimson Wrote:Heh, short circuit or overload?

Whicever big flash of light and screen exploding is. Kinda like the time I put an 20 watt bulb into a 100 watt socket, it was cool.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
2 more posts to 3000... congratulations in advance.

EpsilonZX Wrote:it's soooo simple as to what powers the Digivice...

As we know Digimon are connected to emotions, it is a major source of power for them and those around them, the reason the Digi-Destines had to continuely rest after such minute fights is that the Digivice took some of the kid's soul to work 0_0

now you know and this concludes Epsilon's story time
Something close to that yeah. That sounds good.
Let us stick with that for now.
Sunday : Lillymon (good start :P)
Monday : Flamedramon (keep variety ;)
Teusday : Renamon (love the feeling of fur!)
Wednsday : Renamon (a male this time)
Thursday : Gatomon (save energy for tomorrow, let her do the work)
Friday : Ranamon (fav girl digimon, use all pent up energy on this one XD)
Saturday : Veemon (have a romantic time with this one instead of just sex. cant resist Veemon's cute face and voice
Hey- that sounds nice!
Monday: Flamedramon
Tuesday: Flamedramon
Wednesday: Flamedramon
Thursday: Flamedramon
Friday: Flamedramon
Saturday: Flamedramon
Sunday: Flamedramon

I'd play war games with him. Except, all the weapons have to be G36's. And I would laugh at him as he tryed to hold it, and I'd take him through advanced marksmanship training with an L96A1...and on Sunday it would just be a concert. WIth lots of pyrotechnics and mad sweet guitar solos.

pUrE PwNaGe.
Can't decide what day for each, though I know I would do Ranamon last. Choices are:
Ladydevimon (BDSM is probably her specialty),
Renamon (I've got a strange attraction to Vixens),
Biyomon (same with Renamon, I have a strange attraction to bird digimon, specifically her),
Palmon/Lillymon (see if she's as good as everyone thinks she is, no offense to anyone)
Floramon (another strange attraction)
Gatomon/Angewomon (I like cats, though she's the only one I like in that way)
And Ranamo, my dream girl.
Hmm... toughie...

Mon - Renamon (heh! whole day just for the fur)
Tue - Renamon (teasing! yay!)
Wed - Renamon (maybe more teasing...)
Thu - Renamon (pleasure time, ladies first of course)
Fri - Renamon (don't worry, I'll be gentle...)
Sat - Renamon (still gentle, maybe some experimentation)
Sun - Renamon (little bit rough, most likely not)

Aww! I just can't be rough on Renamon! Besides, I like the fur... :D
Oh well, so perhaps I'm just a big softie.
Then again, any sound of pain is a serious turn off for me...
(even with my best fantasy *drool*; anyone screams and I'm suddenly limp)
Anyway, it lasts longer then! Wink
Quote:Renamon (I've got a strange attraction to Vixens),

I feel your pain... well not pain exactly... Maybe more of a longing sorta thing...

GAH! I dunno!


Renamon - ...
Me - Hehehe
Renamon - ...
Me - You asleep?
Renamon - ARGH!!! *rubs eyes* What do you want?