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What would you want in a 5th Season?
I think death would ad somthing interesting It would strike at your hart There would be a lot of amotions put into it.
Anonmon Wrote:Here's my idea for a 5th season of Digimon.
1.Cyberdramon works up the power to make a Dark Spore and starts controlling Ryo.
2.Ryo goes to Digiworld in order to find way to dimension-travel again because ENIAC took away his powers when he was implanted with the Spore.
3.Evil Ryo allows Cyberdramon to run wild, destroying and deleting as he wishes. Cyberdramon deletes the S3 Tamer's Digimon, and many Digimon begin to try and flee to the Real World or the high planes close to it. The Four Holy Beasts go into hiding. Cyberdramon begins to recreate deleted Digimon, including the Tamers, as his soldiers to go to the Real World and kill fleeing Digimon. He has some ulterior motive for this, that some of the fleeing Digimon carried a piece of Calumon's program with them, allowing them each to Digivolve under a seperate condition. Cyberdramon wants to be Milleniumon again, and needs that program to do it.
4.Hypnos notices the trouble and calls the S3 Tamers.
5.Tamers have no partners, so they start passing around Blue Cards in order to find new Tamers strong enough to go to the Digital World and resolve the trouble. At the same time, Hypnos starts disseminating a Green Card that upgrades the D-Arc's software, allowing it to run programs just like the Hypnos computer did. These programs are run off of cards similar to the Blue Card but different colors. The cards can be recorded with a computer.

The first story arc would be the Tamers finding and training new Tamers to take on Ryo. A minority of the new Tamers would get partners with Digivolution program-pieces in them, most wouldn't. Thus, either a certain Digimon's prescence or a Digivolution card is still necessary for Digivolving. Through contacts with the old Tamers the new ones learn bits of what is going on. The Tamers fight randomly BioEmerging Digimon and Cyberdramon's army sent to chase those Digimon until everyone's achieved a Chamion form and has a piece of Calumon's Code.

The second story arc is when the new Tamers go to the Digital World to "rescue" Ryo. They spend a long time exploring the planes and landscape of the Digital World, which by now has many new landscape forms, much more like the Adventure Digiworld because of Ryo's experiments in dimensional transportation. As they battle Cyberdramon's minions they learn of the plight of the DigiWorld and achieve Ultimate forms through Blue Cards. At last they find Ryo and tell him of what his partner has been doing. This breaks the spell of the Dark Spore, but first Ryo had been activating a program that would digitize him and feed his data to Cyberdramon, forming Milleniumon and the program is too far gone. Ryo dies and Milleniumon is formed.

The final story arc starts off with a battle between the Tamers and Milleniumon, who isn't trying to kill them but to defend his massive computers that are almost done creating a dimensional travel program. When it's done, he uses it to escape, and the Tamers must follow him. They follow him through many dimensions, where they have a seperate adventure and gain a new Biomerged Mega form in each. Finally, they end up in ENIAC's realm, where Milleniumon is defeated once and for all.

Wow... that's long enough to write a fanfic. I really need to think things out less.
I think the next season should have more nude girls
I think that this thread had a nice run up until that comment.
I hope this guy isn't one of those intellengence challenged posters you get on a forum sometimes
Quote:I think that this thread had a nice run up until that comment.
No, I think Cyber Stryker's Season 5 fic details ruined it a while ago. As far as I know, his Season 5 still hasn't been written. It's one thing to talk a series, but it takes a special kind of writer to write and complete an entire one. Wink
Quote:I hope this guy isn't one of those intellengence challenged posters you get on a forum sometimes
I wouldn't rule that out.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
I didnt bother to read any of the replys lol, too many to go through. So if these ideas are already up. well, you can read them again Wink

Anyways, Have a enemy that lasts the WHOLE series, I dont like how its just one dude after the other. Also, like someone else said, a dark group that are evil but also feel what they are doing is correct.
Also, maybe a all girls group that we see once in awhile??? hehe
Have more female wuts behind the mask of Angewomon and Ladydevimon. Have the main characters get their ass's kicked 1000 times, have a perv in the group. Make the leader of the main group be a digimon (half human I would suppose also)
Also, if there is going to be an enemy, dont make them die so easily.

Make it less like a "save the world with our HEARTS" kinda thing, the main characters have to be less perfect.....

Show the good side of Virus type! Show some hardships they go through? like maybe some virus digimon is shunned from everyone else in the village (lol too much naruto already) but anyways yea

I think it need some stuff that look like the first two seasons. plus of what happen in the last season. But need a new enemy, not the Devimon, Myotismon, Piedmon combe, but a new strong enemy, stronger then Lucemon in season four. The new digidestants also need a new outfits, and new activities. Not many people do what Cody does in season two, or a computer geinus like Izzy. Just regalur, everyday kids. The main digidestant digimon should be the ones that is not on much like Elecmon, or none at all like Tsukaimon. There is a lot of digimon that haven't made thier debut yet.
"It's one thing to talk a series, but it takes a special kind of writer to write and complete an entire one."
hmm I'll have to remeber that...

"Have a enemy that lasts the WHOLE series, I dont like how its just one dude after the other. Also, like someone else said, a dark group that are evil but also feel what they are doing is correct."
all this and lady devimon? *thinking*

"(what baby cydaquil said)"
well then I better get working then (and no saying anything wise)