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New Fantasy RP
Sure. Redo your profile as much as you like while the game still hasn't started! ^ ^ Oh, and could you post it here instead of just editing your profile on the post? It's difficult to keep going back and checking it. Your profile's good to go, by the way, Shadow! ^ ^
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Name: Ratros
Gender: Male
species: Lynx
Title: The shadowfrost warlock. Haveing left the univereties of magic to find his own scource of power he found a combination of two elements that have gave him great power.
Age: 26Appearance: tall (6.7ft), pale, with purple eyes and brown hair down to his neck. he often times where a black cloak around his body over a solid black shirt and pants
Brand: a snow flake on each hand, glowing a purple color
Affiliation: Legendarius
Classification: Hybrid Class: Necromancer and Invoker, Specializing in Black Arts (shadows) and Elemental Magic (Cryomancy).
Rank: Ex-dark arts intructor
Type: player
Sexuality: biexual
Past Relationships: He often hides his real name and self while going into town for what ever he needs and often times flirts with alot of women. mostly ones he finds attractive.
Turn Ons: power (not as in magical just rank),whips and chains, and domance
Turn Offs: gore, dead bodies, and red roses
Abilities: Combine the arts of cyromancy and dark arts he has crafted his own brand of magic caple of weaking and killing those he seems fit. He his caple of summoning a glacer of some of the coldest temperature of out pure shadows. and while on the darker side of his powers he is able to use chants and incantions to inflict hexs and other dark things.
Other: haveing left the school of dark arts as one of their finest teachers due to going mad, he crafted his own brand of magic combineing parts of the elemental with the dark arts. He now resides in the woods waiting for those who wish to join him so he can wage a new war on those who have offened him. his only friend to date is his undead cat familar jonesie who he meet after dabbling in some necromancy.

my NPC that will follow my main charater everywhere":

Name: Jonsie
species: undead feral cat
Gender: Female
Title: ghost cat, shadowfrost follower
Age: 506yrs
Appearance: a black robe, adjusted to the cat body with a hood fitted to let her cat ears through it. this covers her stiches that keep her together. her wepon besides her spells, a fish bone staff
Brand: a cat head under her hood, stiches holding her together while stuck in a black cat's body
Affiliation: Legendarius
Classification: familar
Rank: familar
Type: NPC
Sexuality: N/A
Past Relationships: loyal to her master only
Turn Ons: N/A
Turn Offs: N/A
Abilities: able to easily use acient hexs, incantations, and other curses.
Other:Being over 500 years old jonsie is able to use hexes and other dark craft from old times. After being summoned in a cat's body by her master she reamins loyal to him as he is the only thing keeping her alive. the familar speilzes in acient spells and hexes
"to see, to hear, to feel, to love." i have no idea why i made that up O>O
Kay, finally not lazy enough to put off my magic character.

Name: Katherine McBride / Katt
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: mid - late 20s.
Appearance: A relatively short, 5'1" woman with thigh long red hair and a light build with bright green eyes. Has double D breasts which she is quite proud of.
Stigma: A pair of tiger paws tatooed over each breast.
Affiliation: Legendarius
Classification: Shapeshifter
Rank: Advanced Student.
Type: Player
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual.
Past Relationships: None
Turn Ons: Cosplay, light teasing, anal
Turn Offs: Pain, blood, gore.


Tiger: Katt as her name suggests first attempted shapeshift with felines, choosing a rare albino tigress for her first form. She has a humanoid form as well as a completely feral form.

Tiger (Anthro): In her humanoid form she grows 3 feet taller and becomes noticibly more muscular, this form grants a boost to her strength, durability and senses, however due to her normally being unmuscular she finds it difficult to move in the muscled tiger body, reducing her speed.

Tiger (feral): Katt drops to all fours and takes on the form of a live tiger, the only evidence of her true identity being a ridge of red fur that runs down her spine.

Spider (Enhancement): Grows two extra sets of arms for a total of six. Mostly only used when an extra set of hands is necessary or will help speed along something she's working on, otherwise she finds they get in the way a bit, though with practice will become a useful trait on the battlefield.

Other: Seeming to have drawn more than she intended from the animals she's so far assimilated into her transformations, Katt tends to be a bit drowsier than most people and prone to taking short naps throughout the day. She's also capable of spitting up a thick webbing that light as silk yet stronger than steel thanks to the spider in her.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Hey, psycho, you want I should repose the profile we agreed upon here, or could I wait until the new thread?
The most dangerous phrase ever uttered in all of minecraftia: "/give honeydew 46 64"

Imaginato disciplinis cognoscere modum; sciam quid et ingenii?
My learning and imagination know no bounds; why should my knowledge and abilities?

[Image: scorpiomoon.jpg]
Alchemy: [from the Moon to] Scorpio to man to eagle to the phoenix (female) [to the sun] back to Her consciousness outside the box she created.
Renamon's Army
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Lady Devimon's Minions
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Post the new, fixed up one we agreed on here please! X3 It would be a lot of help to me! XD
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Ok, here 'e is!

johnalt Wrote:Name: John "Scorpio" Dakaruka
Gender: Male
Race: human (genetic experiment)
Title: known to both sides as "Fuer Grissa ost Drauka", "The Bringer of Death", for his infamous past, though it has multiple possible connotations. Sometimes may hear the short form "Drauka" to refer to him, though usu as an insult.
"seeker of truth", for his ability both to discern a situation and never stop until the truth has been revealed, and also for his tendency against lies.
"living contradiction", an inside joke among his closest friends, stemming from his ability to simultaneously be two things that by convention should cancel out, or at least not be able to be expressed together. Also a pun on the idea that "contradictions cannot exist".
Age: around 117
Appearance: standard form is human in appearance, being about 5'6" to 5'8", looks late-teens/early-twenties, "missing" left ring finger, clothing varies, but is usually wearing a black coat with a black, hooded cowl, as well as googles and and a black bandana covering his lower face (mouth, etc.); he almost always wears an amulet around his neck, on one side an eagle, the other a scorpion, inside containing a picture of his lost lover
Brand: on his right shoulder, the numbers "13 7 4 6 3 17 14" can be found; on his Left, an image that looks suspiciously like a model that some refer to as "Kepler's solids"
Affiliation: currently within the side of majic
Classification: hybrid (basic magician (though will lean slightly towards nature, sound, and artificer magics later), Physics, chemistry, alchemy, combatant, technician)
Rank: Formerly the manager of mixed sciences division; Currently a combatant/civilian/high profile individual within the walls of Legendarius.
Type: player
Sexuality: straight (though might be able to "share" with someone he trusts/loves like a brother)
Past Relationships: has only been in one "relationship" that he can call "real", the details of which he doesn't like to get into; let's just say it didn't end well Oh, does he have any friends/former friends within Archive or Legendarius? (not really, or at least not many; he wasn't exactly liked before he became a heretic either; see locket section)
Turn ons: pretty much what isn't in turn offs
Turn offs: gore, violence, pain, scat, urine, yoai, Rape, old people sex, necrophilia...
Abilities: vary greatly depending on the situation, the main limiter usually being either his current condition, but he is especially good in fields of chemistry, mathematics, relations, and physics, and is just starting to learn how to "control" his magical potential; though he isn't capable of anything too massive, he can usually hold his own quite well, if/when the need arises; though most of his major powers are "passive" or "involuntary". (to tOtally list an explain every little one would be 1) tiring 2) an unprecedented wall of text (for me anyway) 3) boring 4) a possible waste of time/site memory, so I'ma just putting the a few of the basic examples: )
Battle cry: He utters a loud noise that both weakens his enemies resolve and (slightly) health, as well as strengthening those of his allies (this is not so much magic or science so much as it is an intimidation tactic) Yes, I see how that works to weaken his enemies' resolve (it's loud, annoying, and possibly terrifying, if it sounds like a bird of prey amplified by his vocal chords or something), and it could be damaging if it makes ears hurt, but I'm not sure it would have the opposite effect toward his allies, even if they did knew that at the very least, that battle cry was on their side.
Life fire: Channels a small amount of his own life force, sending it from his finger tips in a ball of bright light; also makes an excellent flare/beacon/lantern; though among of life force used is minimal, prolonged usage is unwise (about same ratio as exercising) (magic... I think... Yeah let's go with "magic" class for this one) Perfect. Can it also be used offensively? Seeing as it can be used as a flare, what will happen if you point it at an enemy? (yes. It is fire. And it burns. Burns hurt. Yes.) Righto, so it's supportive and offensive. This is like, the perfect basic magic to use, except it drains precious life force instead of mana. Mana is like stamina, but for magic. Everyone has it, but scientists can't detect, access or use their mana supply without belief and magical training. (oh, we are making a distinction between mana and life energy? Ok then normally it uses mana then (as well as the siren song), but life force can be used as well, at the expense of the user, for a more powerful, devastating effect, called "final life fire"; same basic priciple, but bigger, more destructive, (again same principle for siren song) and, depending on whether it was to protect another out of spite, the ash left behind will taste either very sweet or very bitter, resp; I'm not going to bother making a distinction between the two, as theyre basically the same, just a greater effect at a greater cost)
Siren song: Using some of his own life force (a little more than for his life fire) to initiate the spell, he channels sonic energy at a frequency specifically designed to activate what he calls the "siren reflex" in his enemies, based on a discovery he had made that deep within the core of each species lies a "reflex" that, when activated by sound, causes the organism to "self destruct" (this not completely true; simply causes [what he he suspects to be] blood pressure to raise so high organism bursts; though this is actually just a side affect of the fact that that specific frequency causes all the cells to "vibrate" at high rate at once; think along the lines of "singing to make glass break" principle); it can (and does) affect everyone around him (including himself, though obviously significantly less), but using it for multiple enemies takes its tole; that coupled with the fact that he hates using it (with allies around ESP, again for obvious reason) he almost never uses it, and then only in an absolute emergency or worse (this is mostly science, but he uses a bit of magic to catalyze it)
Speaker of a thousand languages: from bacteria to whale, he can communicate directly with any creature, animate or otherwise; he usually shuts this out though, as it can sometime become overwhelming (this is science; you might be right though: considering scrapping it) Maybe... he uses it... to give the computers commands or something... might have been useful, I'm not exactly sure. Up to you whether to scrap it or not.
Lines of power: his... 'unique' experiences and understandings of the world around him allow him to glimpse the true glory of the nature of things, even allowing to view the 'lines of energy'; this combined with his scientific knowledge often comes in handy; though prolonged usage does have it's side effects, so to counter act this, he wears shaded goggles to limit the effects; side effects significantly reduced at night (allows him to see the lines of power, energy; science/magic mix if plausible I guess you can use the knowledge and understanding of science with the special vision magic would allow you... And I know that it allows you to see the lines of power... but... what do the lines of power... do? (what does wind do? What does sunlight do? Nothing really; they just are. Imagine being able to se the flows of energy, magic, whatever. Use your imagination XP) Oh, my imagination ran wild there for a moment and I took over mars with it. X3 Yeah, I figured as much, I just wanted a confirmation, just in case.
DNA hybridization: was subject to 'DNA' experiments (most of them his own) involving scorpion and eagle genetics; he has very advanced systems, such as massive (from eagle) yet efficient (from scorpion) metabolic, circulatory, and digestive systems, as well as an enhanced immune system (from scorpion), and a unique bone structure system made of what he calls "biosteel", a mixture of regular bone compounds (calcium-protiens, collagen, etc), protiens similar to those found in spider silk, carbon-fibers, and chitinous compounds similar to those that make up his carapace in his scorpion form (more on that later), the structure of which i's unique and incredibly strong, as well as the ability to take the shape of these beasts [mostly] at will, though this requires even more energy; the eagle part of him is most active and able to be called upon during the day, whereas the scorpion prefers the night; he can call upon them both, if the need is absolutely dire, this requires yet more energy, and becomes difficult to control; also, if his mental, physical, and/or emotional states become degraded, his control weakens still This is not basic genetic engineering. This is advanced. (perhaps... is that going to be a problem?) Only a little. You told me he only had a basic grasp of all the branches of Science, but I suppose he really does specialize in some things more than others. This is okay. (well, he probably wasn't alone in these experiments; they probably were his conceptually, but he likely had some help. Or whatever.) Understandable.
Master artificer: can construct many powerful and unique weapons, tools, etc, as well as craft and transform various materials to suit his purposes; though not on par with the AoA, their abilities are similar in this regard, and John can use (to limited effect) some forms of living tissue or organic matter (though it usually goes against his 'code' to do so)
Eagle senses: the eagle part of him allows him to have much, much more improved vision and hearing abilities (From genetic engineering)
Scorpion empathy: the scorpion's natural ability to 'sense' the world and people around them, as well as their motives and intentions (Scorpions perceive the world through visual, tactile, and chemical sense organs. Their eyes cannot form sharp images, but their central eyes are among the most sensitive to light in the animal kingdom. Evidently they can navigate at night by using shadows cast by starlight. Lateral eyes (ocelli) sense only changes in light intensity and are used to establish daily cycles. There is no mention of scorpions having the ability to sense motives and intentions.) (hehe, looks like we both found that website; however I'm mixing a bit of lore into this as well; I'm also thinking of changing the wording of this, but I'm having trouble wording full descriptions for his scorpion/eagle "enhancements", etc; but that probably won't come in til later, so I'm not too too worried yet) Ah well, you'll think of something. You can always liken it to instincts. The instincts of a bird of prey, or a scorpion. Scorpions are cool, damnit, they have to have SOMETHING. X3 (Damn right! :lol;)
Marksman: fair decent at sharp shooting, and know his way around a bow and other firearms As a result of training or genetic engineering? (no, from basic training and slight amounts of skill) Ah, he's a naturally skilled marksman and trains at it. Fair enough. (well, sorta... Though I guess being able to see up to 3 miles And at night to boot.
Or so away might help a little bit...)
Weapon proficiency: is very proficient with virtually any weapon (Again, as a result of training or genetic engineering?) (also again, training and massive amounts of skill) That's a lot of weapons to to be proficient with, but hey, maybe he's just naturally suited for fighting more than being cooked up in a lab writing equations. No prob. (yeah, one of those cruel irony things...)
Other: his mixed scorpion and human systems have made him extremely long-lived; (How so?) (better systems, more efficient, longer life; humans are already pretty efficient, mix that with the eagles high metabolism and the scorpions even greater efficiency, well, you do the math; this is what my numbers show) Define... "better systems". Cuz mixing a human body with a poisonous arachnid's extremely different one sounds like it would subtract from the life longevity rather than add. Scorpions live an average of 4-25 years, according to google, mostly because, well, their systems must suck compared to a human's. Tortoises and turtles can live up to more than a hundred years, and that's without human DNA. Sure, a falcon has a higher metabolism, but a scorpion has a lower one, and the human body can actually be pretty wasteful. Things can get a little more complicated than that. Unless of course John can just put in aspects of the Falcon and the Scorpion he wants and discard the aspects of himself that he doesn't want... and the result was a longer life span. Does he age physically? (this part is not at will; it was, and since the modification, is, how his genetics works; that was part of the point of the experiment, most likely; the scorpion has a very low metabolism, true, but that is due to the extreme efficiency of their digestive system (only need to eat 5-50 times a year, can get all the water the need from their food, no water excretion, only minimal nitrogenous excretion); this can be used to help counteract the massive metabolism from the eagle (this is mostly due to flying, hence the proportionally larger vital organs, muscles, etc) so in theory as long as he stays grounded and barely does dick all and eatsountain of food every week he should be fine; also the improved immune system from being an arthropod helps alot; besides when they "cut and pasted" him they woulda thought of any sidetracks to it, I'm sure; as for physical aging, yes, but the rate is very reduced, as the rate of cell degradation is reduced, hence the longer life; he is prone to very little, so I guess it's like a "failure to die", if you will) I suppose it's more of a genetic mix and match by colleagues. X3 All of the pros, none of the cons. though he does not remember exactly how old he is (such trivial matters) (No. Important details.) (again perhaps to you; not to him) he estimates it to be somewhere around one hundred years or so when he was first drafted as a soldier/scientist scoring both massive breakthroughs and collosal victories, putting him in the class of legends (Scientists don't have "legends". Just track records.); (legend was used for lack of better term; lore, myth, or story might be more better, or, like you said, track record) since then most of the information on him was either 'burned' (Archive is called Archive for a reason. They no doubt have more information on himself than he himself knows about himself.) (possible; perhaps probable) or classed top secret, all that's really known about him is that the last thing he was working on was something called "Fill the Gap", What is this about? I want to know. (something he stumbled on; a connection between regenerative energy (life), "free" energy (vibrations in most forms, simply), and the electromagnetic spectrum (light), the results of which could imply the missing link to explain magic, contradicting every single thing taught by archive!) There is no link between science and magic here, I can't stress that enough. XD I'll just include that in a later plot where John doesn't actually find a missing link, he makes one that works, doing something other scientists have failed to do for hundreds of years. (fine by me; timeline is very malleable as far as I'm concerned for how he has become here) the findings of which were so staggering that it made him question everything, (Scientists naturally question everything.) (perhaps once, in this world, but now, in that one? You cant control people who question everything, trust me) Oh they can, trust me. From subtle brainwashing to drugs, and autocracy, this is how a dystopia functions. There will be people (everyone is smart, of course there will be people) who figure out how to escape though. This is where the plot twists start racking. (hm, well, I'll let you handle the specifics then) right when he was on the verge of breakthrough, then he fades back into legend, and has been hunted since; that would have been about 10 years ago, he estimates (If he is intelligent enough to do all those things above, he would have exact figures instead of estimates. Scientists hate estimates in this world.) (true perhaps, but again, perhaps he is intelligent enough to understand that it really doesn't mean dick all, esp for somebody like him) he has a basic understanding, with a few slight preferences, of most, if not all, of the parts, however this has allowed him to gleam a "unique" understanding of their function, not just as individual parts, but as an entirely unique whole, allowing him to wield them in ways most wouldn't dare to fathom, making him currently number one on anyones hit list; so farhe has had 10 wile e. Coyote style fails, and doesnt seem to be giving up anytime soon (though may be close to changing...) Oh, and he is also a great musician, masseuse, and chef, the fact that he can cook coming in handy as he requires emmense amounts of input to support himself (He's that skilled and STILL requires these recreational abilities to support himself? He is also a blacksmith and a sculptor!) (ok, you know what fuck off dude, so what if the fucking death machine practices art in his spare time? Lord knows what woulda happened if I had dared suggest he had a dog), A genetically engineered super dog who is also a cyborg, of course! X3 I was just being testy at scientists not having any spare time to themselves at all. Eat, sleep, work. Maybe socialized with other scientists, learn, learn, learn, invent... things like painting, or playing the oboe are considered wastes of time, but perhaps that's what sets him apart from the others. He has a higher level of... aesthetic interests. He'll have had to learn all that in Legendarius though. Archive doesn't have musical instruments or anything like that. How long has he been in Legendarius again? (I had put 50 year originally; having crunched the numbers for likely longevity again I decided to shorten it to 10 years; besides, I'm sure he discovered certain pleasing aspects in the visual and/or sonic fields he was working in *grin*) Hm. It can be longer if you wish. Scientists are notorious for having sex without love here. No pregnancies either. Children are all grown in labs to assure peak physical and intellectual health. People's emotions are kept in check by a drug called +ID, which basically removes all guilt or feelings of affection or need, replacing it all with a feeling of satisfaction and a need to move forward. There are no funerals held either. The bodies are cremated and harvested for phosphorous. Pretty crappy world, huh? Heaven for them though, a world without love is also a world without hate, or heartache. (...what? I was talking about music and colour patterns that looked "cool"; wth are you going on about? On a side note, yeah... I'd quote Plato here for yeh.... But yeah.) though the need becomes substantially less the less he uses his abilities. Either his combat ability goes down as his recreational ability goes up, or his science ability goes down as his magic ability goes up, it's all a matter of focus with people of his caliber of skill and intelligence. (so he can play the pianno as well as cut off your head? So what if he can carve a face or mold a sword?) Well, put it this way, if you don't constantly hone your skills, they diminish the longer you don't use them. I used to draw when I was 12, but I stopped to focus on writing, and my skill as an artist dropped significantly the next time I picked up a pencil (after a year of not drawing). Then I tried to stop roleplaying for a while, and that skill diminished, and I had to work at it again after I had crawled out from under school. So just to be fair... the longer John doesn't study every field of science and learn how to use magic, or learn recreational activities, his skills would have to fluctuate up and down. (granted. But like you said, he is artistic recreationally, as is his current practice of any of the science learned from his time at archive outside what he needs for regular use; he doesn't often train, and what he does in his spare time i's basically just that: spending spare time, keeping the illusion of life alive, hiding himself from the complications of life, not to sharpen, but to use, if you will; I'm sry for the terible, terrible wording there; most of it's just rambling anyway, I suppose; btw I'm sure he wouldn't mind too too much if he started to lose his ability to be a walking death machine) It's okay. It's half my fault for being a psychotic perfectionist. X3 But I should also put more information on how much of a dystopia Archive is. In contrast, Legendarius is pretty stuffy about it's traditions and rituals. XD Has a fair amount of patience, but very little tolerance, which sometimes makes it seem like he has a bit of a short fuse at times, and i's very easily irritated with loud, high-pitched noises.

Psycho Backlasher Wrote:
johnalt Wrote:
Psycho Backlasher Wrote:
johnalt Wrote:
Psycho Backlasher Wrote:
johnalt Wrote:Ok, thinking of changing the "scorpion senses are tingling" to an idea of different vision abilities; ie normal vision, "magic" vision (ie lines of power), eagle vision (can see much farther and with more details and easier to see movement, but close up vision and night vision and seeing stationary things becomes impaired; basically equivalent of "zooming in" on a scope), and scorpion vision (this would be like the night vision thing, and I'm sure we could put in something about pheromones or whatever to explain the "sense motive" aspect); these would be at will, but not without cost, or something like that... Just more thoughts.

Perhaps he can simply switch visions by concentrating? If his concentration is broken, he goes back to default vision? Hmm... the pheromone thing would be pushing it... perhaps he's just a lot more perceptive (reading people's body language, facial expressions, etc), and can use the fine hairs on his body to sense... heat or something... from them, and by reading the heat pattern, can have an inkling of their 'motives', but not to the point where he'd be able to read minds or anything. X3 Skilled people would still be able to hide their motives from him, but that's where his advanced animal instincts and gut feeling would team up and kick ass for him! XD

Yeah, everything on your profile is now acceptable. X3 And oh, I seem to have misplaced the whole section about Archive being a dystopia and put it as a reply to something else. XD This was just an insight to what "love" would be like to scientists. It's practically against the rules, and rule breaking has it's punishments... so maybe John's past lover paid this price, and John's motives are partially personal?
Actually, some scorpions are very sensitive to pheremones; in fact some have a special chemoreceptors just above where their genitalia are store specifically for that purpose, to help them sense... females... during mating periods >:3 but i think you might be on to something with the fine hairs thing though.

For the personal thing, that wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but it's a pretty good fit, actually; I could go with it.

Yeah... but not everyone are female, or horny. X3 Pheromones are usually given off by females when they're in heat or ready for sex. Male (humans) rack up their pheromones the longer they don't shower, so I'm not sure being sensitive to pheromones will help John be perceptive toward their motives- unless he wants to get laid. :3

We can always tweak the personal thing to something more suitable to your taste! ^ ^
Those are just the more powerful sex phermones; many emotions, etc actually give off hormones and [theorectically] pheromones, it just takes something with above human sensory organs to perceive Them (which makes the theory difficult to prove); and, honestly, you of all people are criticizing me about getting laid?! >:(

It wasn't about tastes, trust me... Let's just drop that, a'ight, I'ma thinking I'll stick to pretty much that.

*Waves paws around frantically* I wasn't being critical! XD Well, if it's hormones, that's another thing. X3 We'll pretend all theories check out for now. Science needs dem theories! :3

Aw... okay. Just in case, I'll leave you this! *Big hugs*
The most dangerous phrase ever uttered in all of minecraftia: "/give honeydew 46 64"

Imaginato disciplinis cognoscere modum; sciam quid et ingenii?
My learning and imagination know no bounds; why should my knowledge and abilities?

[Image: scorpiomoon.jpg]
Alchemy: [from the Moon to] Scorpio to man to eagle to the phoenix (female) [to the sun] back to Her consciousness outside the box she created.
Renamon's Army
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Lady Devimon's Minions
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Btw, we already have a drug like +ID: it called Ritalin + citalopram. I have to take both every morning for that same reason.
The most dangerous phrase ever uttered in all of minecraftia: "/give honeydew 46 64"

Imaginato disciplinis cognoscere modum; sciam quid et ingenii?
My learning and imagination know no bounds; why should my knowledge and abilities?

[Image: scorpiomoon.jpg]
Alchemy: [from the Moon to] Scorpio to man to eagle to the phoenix (female) [to the sun] back to Her consciousness outside the box she created.
Renamon's Army
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Lady Devimon's Minions
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Found this cool pick!

Ooh and this One's about angels demons Demi-gods and sex Shocked

Ps I warned you it would be a wall of text
The most dangerous phrase ever uttered in all of minecraftia: "/give honeydew 46 64"

Imaginato disciplinis cognoscere modum; sciam quid et ingenii?
My learning and imagination know no bounds; why should my knowledge and abilities?

[Image: scorpiomoon.jpg]
Alchemy: [from the Moon to] Scorpio to man to eagle to the phoenix (female) [to the sun] back to Her consciousness outside the box she created.
Renamon's Army
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Lady Devimon's Minions
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Interesting, but instead of triple posting, next time, try and use the edit button and add more information. XD Looks like I'll have to clean up and edit your profile myself though, so it may take a while.

That profile is good, Shadow! Alright, is everyone good to go? No questions or anything regarding science or magic in this world?
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
*frown* but it's exactly what we agreed upon. I just left our discussion within to allow some more explanation to those it wouldn't make sense to. Besides, I'm on an iPod; it virtually impossible to scroll the edit window. I meant no hassle.

Edit: ok, I think I cut out most of the useless bits; pls let us not dwell on this! My incompetence have stalled us long enough, can we pls move forward *sad face*?

Edit2: you did forget to go into the distopia ideas you said you would though, and, to be finally clear, magic in this world i's defined as "gift from god", so to speak?
The most dangerous phrase ever uttered in all of minecraftia: "/give honeydew 46 64"

Imaginato disciplinis cognoscere modum; sciam quid et ingenii?
My learning and imagination know no bounds; why should my knowledge and abilities?

[Image: scorpiomoon.jpg]
Alchemy: [from the Moon to] Scorpio to man to eagle to the phoenix (female) [to the sun] back to Her consciousness outside the box she created.
Renamon's Army
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Lady Devimon's Minions
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz