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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)
(Path to the Coast)

Alexander looked back at the depressing city. "Well, that was convenient. I would say teleport us to Narastola, but that's impossible with the magical protection it has now. It almost rivals that of Restocasia's protection." He didn't shudder or anything, even though it was rather terrifying. The queen was still no match for the Restocasians. "All right, Michiru. Let's see that spell then."

"I m-must admit th-that I'm a bit curious as well," Ariadne added, looking into the stormy sky, the barrier repelling the rain. Just a bit farther down the path, the rain and clouds and lightning abruptly stopped and was replaced by nothing but blue skies and the bright sunshine. It was an odd sight to be sure.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Path to the Coast)

"It does give some sort of convenience especially when we're in the middle of unstoppable fight, but of course teleportation do consume plenty of energy if you talk about teleporting all of us to further place like Narastola." Michiru explained while nodded to Alexander's request, lifting her right paw and wiggling her furry finger towards the stormy city. Then, a glowing lavender-color of arcane runes circle appear below Michiru as she began casting the spell in ancient language, which only the tribe understand. In this case, Ryo able to understand and listen to that spell.

Once Michiru stopped wiggling her finger, she push her paw forward a bit and the entire city turns into a dense forest with a walk paths for travelers to go through; the runes circle and tiny shield disappeared once the spell casts completely. "There you are. A city called Aqueorlitus is no longer existed in traveler's map, and the old witch will live and locked in alternate world for the rest of her life." She said.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

Aquorlitus, The City of Knowledge...

Quarry slowly began to descend, his speed decreasing at a steady pace that resulted in a gentle landing in the town square. The sun was high in the sky, almost past the climax of its arching pathway. All around, buildings made of blue-violet stone with strange symbols upon them stood prominently, reflecting the wisdom of those who visited them. Several ravens flew up above while a few remained on the ground, pecking at the bricks that composed the square. A few curious passersby glanced at the fan and the motley array of people upon it. Quarry gave them all a nice wave which was rewarded with numerous smiles and lots of waves back.

Solia nudged Ardeal, for he had fallen asleep while Solia read her book. "Wake up, brother. We've arrived at the city." Slowly she stood up and stretched. The maid girl was scanning the area with eyes as sharp as a hawk's. It was slightly amusing.

"Looks like there's no danger here at the moment," she spoke up after her scrutinizing.

"That's a relief," Ardeal said sleepily, barely managing to get up. He rubbed his eyes and walked a bit, glancing at the marvelous buildings. Meanwhile, Solia tapped Faiz gently in an attempt to wake him. She glanced at Quarry for a moment to see him talking with some of the townspeople that had gathered. Solia was sure that he'd be wanting his fan back soon.

(Path to the Coast)

"Excellent," Alexander addressed promptly. "We should move on. If we keep walking, we'll reach the coast soon. We'll be able to make camp on the beach...well, it's not much of a beach. The northern shoreline is very rocky, but that makes it unappealing for monsters and robbers."

"Have you b-been up here before, Alexander?" Ariadne questioned.

"Yes, actually. I've also visited Aqueorlitus before it became the puppetmaster's trap. I've been many places in search for rare items and monsters to hunt," he explained, unsheathing his dagger, twirling it, then sheathing it again. "Not many Restocasians live the life I do, mainly because it is forbidden. But I'm a special case." He sighed in content.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Faiz slowly woke up from the light sleep as Solia nudges him, stretching his body and yawning like a feral wolf before shook his entire body and looking around. This is the city he and his sister haven't reach so far, hoping his sister with him right now. "I guess we're here..."

(Path to the Coast)

"It must a tough life to be Restocasians, have to stay in one place and unable to go anywhere." Mika stated.

"So, we walk normally or in faster pace? I believe Mika and I can carry you two." Ryo suggested just in case Alexander and Ariadne prefer to reach the shore fast.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

Solia nodded with a cheery smile. "Yep. We've made it to the city. It didn't take long at all. With Quarry with us, we'll be able to get to St. Nerra City quickly, and then to Narastola. But first, we'll have to find out about the city itself and how to get there. There are so many rumors, we'll have to distinguish between what is true and what is false."

Quarry was waving goodbye to the people he was talking to and approached Solia and Faiz. "So, can I have my fan back, sleepyhead?" Quarry questioned jokingly, pointing at his fan that Faiz was now standing on.

"No one cares about your damn fan," the maid spoke harshly to Quarry as she finished scanning the area. "I'm going to get lodgings. Start questioning the townspeople and hit up the library. I want us out of here by tomorrow evening." Without waiting for a response, she suddenly vanished.

"What's her deal? She hasn't even introduced herself to us yet," Ardeal spoke up with a grimace upon his face.

"She's always like that. Her name is Marilyn, assassin by profession," Quarry explained. "I met up with her...oh no." His voice trailed off, a frown of deep depression taking the place of the smile he was just wearing. "I suppose you guys would like to know the results of the battle between Nara and Masquerade, am I correct?"

(Path to the Coast)

Alexander shook his head. "It's not that bad. To be honest, most Restocasians are perfectly fine living in their little paradise. That's what it is. Paradise. I'm just one of the weirder ones who happened to want to travel." He shrugged his shoulders.

"S-so, are w-we walking, Alexander?" Ariadne spoke up.

"Yes. Sorry, but getting us to Narastola faster isn't a good thing in this case. You guys are meeting up with some other people there right?" he asked.

"Oh, r-right. They h-have more to do than w-we do," Ariadne explained. "If we g-get to Narastola b-before they do, w-we'll be putting ourselves at r-risk. So it's b-better that we walk."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


"Oh, sorry..." Faiz then hopped off from the big fan and stood besides Solia. his eyes kept on trailing every inch of such a beautiful city with his ears hearing the conversation clearly. As Quarry mention about the battle between Nara and Masquerade, Faiz's ears drop as he does not want to hear it, no matter if it's a good or bad news. He began to leave the group and explore the city, hoping to get directions to the library.

(Path to the Coast)

"I have a feeling that they're in somewhere, but still far away from Narastola. So yeah, we can meet them before each the city." The dragoness said as leading the group throughout the path towards the shore.

Ryo then approach Ariadne and spoke "I notice you're stuttering in speaking. It's something wrong?"
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

"Sorry, Quarry, but it's a bit too ominous to hear right now," Solia said and chased after Faiz, not looking back.

Ardeal shook his head. "Is it bad news?" he asked, afraid of the answer, though not willing to just completely ignore it.

"I'm afraid the majority is bad news," Quarry answered. "However, there is good news in this shroud of darkness. I think I'll keep everything secret for now, but they must know eventually. I guess they will find out when we get to Narastola." He took a moment and held out his hand causing his fan to hover, shrink, and then fly towards it. He tucked it into his tunic.

"Ah. I must admit that I'm curious, but this may be for the best," Ardeal agreed. "Let's just continue on our quest as if everything is as it was. It must be difficult having that kind of knowledge though."

Quarry merely nodded sadly.

* * *

It took a few minutes, but Solia finally caught up with Faiz, using a little speed boosting spell. "Are you okay?" she asked cutely in concern.

(Path to the Coast)

As they walked along, Alexander kept his eyes open, analyzing the area. It was a dirt path with nothing but grassy meadows on either side. The grass was sure to increase in length over time as they approached the northern shore. He kept his nose trained on the scents in the air, for when just a slight bit of salt penetrated it, he would know that they were close.

In the meantime, Ariadne made an attempt to answer the curious Ryo. "W-well, I t-tend to be rather n-nervous a lot," she explained. "But n-not all the t-time. People t-tell me I-I don't s-stutter when I'm c-commanding my a-army, though. I d-don't even realize it."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


The wolf then stopped near the signboard, trying to read the ancient letter and finding which direction will leads them to the library. He was eager to read the history of his birthplace before and after the attack so he won't forget where he belongs to. "I'm fine, Solia...Do not worry..." Faiz replied with a slight smile, before pointing to the signboard. "Can you read those ancient letter...? Normally, I seek a help from my sister to read ancient letter since she's understand lots of languages..."

(Path to the Coast)

"As I recall, you didn't speak like this. I guess it caused from the sudden attack by the lifeless consul. Am I right?" Ryo said as pet Ariadne's head softly, hoping to calm her down. "Michiru said she have being stab like that for so many times, and there's no sign of fear inside her. Be strong."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds

Solia nodded. "Yes. That's the ancient language, the one we use to cast spells. This city was one of the first ever built upon this continent, way back when Restocasians claimed the land as their own. Some rumor that a hidden technology is being guarded somewhere deep beneath the city, but there is no proof to that claim at all. No physical evidence. No eyewitness accounts," she explained, looking at the sign, then looking around the city. "Hmm, these symbols are a bit off. An apprentice must have made this sign." She gazed at it for a few moments and then pointed east down a street that led to a fairly large building. "That should be it right there. It looks large enough, so I guess that'll be the one."

"Wait up!" Ardeal called out, skidding to a halt next to the couple. He took a moment to catch his breath, a bit of sweat starting to form on his brow. "I left Quarry to search the town. Marilyn's gonna join him after she makes the reservations at the inn. The library is supposed to be enormous, so the more people looking within, the better, right?"

(Path to the Coast)

Ariadne cringed a bit as the wolf patted her on the head. "W-well, I was doing g-good with my stuttering problem before a-all of this Aqueorlitus business," she explained. "G-guess it was p-pretty traumatic. B-but I'm sure if I keep m-my mind off of it, I'll be okay." She looked in her right hand to see the umbrella the puppetmaster had given her, smeared with blood of the man she brutalized. Not a man, she thought. A monster.

Meanwhile, Alexander ventured a bit ahead of everyone, scoping out the meadows. They were devoid of any trees at all, and the sight was rather bland, for there were no wildflowers to bring color and life into the area. He dearly hoped that the coast would end up being more scenic.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


"I guess I shouldn't depend too much on my sister. I can speak, but cannot write nor read the ancient language. Probably I should start reading." Faiz sighed while looking to the direction Solia is pointing before spotting the large buildings. "Hmm..That should be it. This city won't be called as City of Knowledge without large collection of books in big library. Shall we go then..?" With that, the wolf grasping Solia's hand and start walking down the pathway towards the library.

(Path to the Coast)

"Let the past become a history. We might feel worried if you kept on stuttering until we facing the queen soon. For now on, we take some rest before proceed with the next journey." Ryo smiled and pet Ariadne's head some more.

In the meantime, Michiru leading the trio and follow Alexander from behind, distance herself so Michiru can lead them just in case Alexander vanish from her sight.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds