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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
Shendo hadn't changed much over the months, not physically anyway. The hunger that drove him before had returned with a vengeance, and with the only one he truly felt comfortable with now having another partner, he began staying away from the HIVE whenever he could, often flying around the city, just to either seduce any random stranger, or to feed off of the energy released by a young couple taking the first serious steps in a relationship.

"The hunger has gotten worse since he joined with the dragoness... I wonder what it is about her that attracts him so..." he said aloud as he perched atop a building, so wrapped up in his thoughts, that he did not hear the soft footsteps behind him.
Name: Inarra "Blitz" Telrasha

Gender: Female

Type: Anthro Cheatah

Age: 17

Height: 5'9"

Clothes: tight blueish leathers that seem to have been custom made for her. She also wears a mask over her face, with a hood covering the rest of her head.

Description: A slender young woman of indeterminable nationality, her eyes gleam like sparkling diamonds in bright lights. Her long fiery red hair flows out behind her if not held back by her hood.

Powers: Super speed: can run at speeds beyond the speed of sound, and has incredible reflexes to match.
Lightning fist: Electricity surrounds her hands, turning them into potentially lethal weapons.
Lightning blast: She can shoot the lightning from her hands acurately at a range of 80 yards.

Info: She is highly skilled at martial arts, using them to easily make up for her opponent's usually greater strength.

Bust size 34 C.

Special Perks: the inside of her pussy vibrates during sex, increasing in intensity just before an orgasm.

Inarra walked up behind Shendo as he looked out over the city. "So, you are the demon I was told about." she said coldly, lighting crackling around her left hand.
Shendo sighed as her turned around. "Very crude miss..... and technically.. I would be a half demon..." he said, just as coldly, watching her warily.
Inarra glared at him. "You have caused a lot of trouble since coming here. It is time for this to end." she said, a bit of anger audible in her voice as she took one careful step toward him.
"uh...doesnt matter." Vook said, walking over to a table and sitting down.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Kenzuma walked over and sat down next to Vook, his stomach rumbling, but also knotting up a bit as he felt that something wasn't quite right. He shrugged that feeling off as he started eating, taking small bites, and chewing them carefully before taking the next one.
Shendo shook his head. "You are neither the first to threaten me.. Nor will you be the last.." "She is one of the cutest though... but that just makes her more dangerous.. Can't let my guard down" he thought, his right hand snapping to the hilt of his blade as a dark flame surrounded his left.
Vook smiled happily, eating her pizza as well. she loved the pizza in the cafeteria, and could easily eat it due to her large muzzle. (OOC: lol)
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Kenzuma giggled quietly seeing the big bites his mistress was taking, he had seen her eat before, not to mention feeling what that mouth could do. But he still couldn't help but be amused by it.
Vook had already finished her 1st slice, and sipped from a carton of milk she got. "how's your lunch, Kenzuma?" she said, smiling happily at him.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan