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Furry Teen Titans HIVE RPG
Kenzuma lay with her, just staring into her face for a few more moments, then gently putting an arm over her, and closing his eyes, whispering quietly just before falling asleep. "Thank you.."
Several months later...

A lot had changed for Shadow since he and Anna had fallen in love. For one, he had opened up a lot more; the dark loner was now little more than a memory. For another, his clothing style had changed; now, rather than avoiding attention by hiding himself in a dark cloak, he invited it by dressing in dark pants and dark boots and a black leather jacket over a white muscular shirt. Finally...he couldn't keep his hands off his new mate and wasn't afraid to show his love for her in public.

"Mmm, check this out, baby," he purred to his ferret girlfriend, motioning to the poster on the wall. "Dance Under The Stars" was the title in big, sparkly letters against a stary background.

"Sound good to go to, my sexy ferret?" he cooed, moving a hand down to Anna's tushie and grabbing a plump cheek. Damn, I can't get over what a hot ass she has, he thought, chuckling a little.
Much had changed for Kenzuma as well, while he was still shy around those he did not know he could most often be seen following closely at the side of his mistress, Vook. He had taken the time to get clothing that fit him better, His pants now tight enough to show off a little, without being restricting, the shirt was the same style. All of his clohing was of slightly darker colors, but were blue rather than the black most would expect.

While not made of leather, his clothing showed his status as easily as if it were, and if it left any doubts in the minds of others, the studded collar around his neck dispelled those doubts quickly.

He had also been transfered from his old room to a smaller one in the suite that Vook shared with Altima, his meager belongings still leaving much empty space inside. Though he obviously enjoys his new role, it is also noticed that on occasion, his eyes still wander when presented with an attractive male.
Vook was walking down the hallway of the building, holding Kenzuma's paw in her claw, as the two headed to lunch. she was a little taller, and her hair was a little longer and silkier as well. "so, Kenzuma" she started, looking at her slave. "what should we do today? i'm giving you the choice."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Kenzuma blushed a bit, smiling up at her. "Um.. I don't know.." he said quietly, he had never really been good at figuring out things to do.
"ahh okay. lets just eat lunch for now hmm?" she said, walking into the cafeteria.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Kenzuma purred quietly, sniffing the air as it rushed through the open door. "mm.. smells good in there today.. Not like the meatloaf surprise they did last week... I still say that the surprise was that it wasn't really meat..." he said as he walked through the door.
Alita wandered the halls quietly, the months had not changed her much, her hair was a little longer, and her muscles a bit more toned, but all in all, she was the same.

"things have gotten quiet around here..." she thought, sighing as she slipped un-noticed into the cafeteria
"'re right!" Vook said, sniffing softly. "i smell good pizza!" she smiled, running up to the line and grabbing a couple slices.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Kenzuma eagerly moved up to the liine, grabbing a slice of his own when he had gotten up there. After he had gotten his lunch, he moved back to Vook's side, taking a quick glance around the room. "He still isn't here.. Is he mad at me.. or just doing other things.. Does he even remember me?" he thought after he saw that Shendo wasn't in the room.

He ke[t the look on his face cheerful, and quickly drove those thoughts from his mind. "Where do you want to sit?" he asked, smiling up at her. "It doesn't look like anybody I know is here.. and our regular seat is taken already.."