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Xeno panic!
Alex's eyes widened and he withstood the blasts of a number of blasts, before falling on the ground, still clothes burned. He closed his eyes and quickly held his breath, which with his alien physiology, would for a while to give an impression of death, or unconsciousness as he wondered what the hell was going on.
When Alex awoke, he would find himself in a padded white room lit by the walls themselves which gave off a very bright white light. On one wall there was a thick one way mirror and from there he was being watched. Aside from him there was only one other thing in the room, and that was a tray with food in front of him. The tray had a corn dog, a raw steak, pancakes with syrup and honey and a salad.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Where the hell am I!?" he roared. "I demand to know where I am at once or-Oooh, pancakes!" Alex laughed quickly began eating the pancakes, then the steak, then the corndog, caring little for manners. When he was done, he looked at the salad, then at the window. "What the hell is this?!?" he screamed.
Strangely, a voice answered him through the speakers. "Salad. Do you not like salad?" They were clearly studying him, making notes on everything he did. "Would you like more steak? Or pancakes? A drink perhaps?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Salad?" Alex repeated, and looked down on it. Leaning forward, he touched his tongue upon it, before biting and eating a piece of it. He swallowed and looked like he nearly gagged and shuddered. "Gross! Get me more steak! More pancakes! And...what is it call...some of those fizzy beverages that make you hyper....SODA!" the alien ordered, failing to grasp the concept of, imprisonment.
There was no response, but soon the tray lifted up and hovered through a small grate near the roof and came back in with the food. "Tell us if you crave anything else." the voice said mechanically.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"...Eh," Alex simply said and got back to devouring the food. "So...May I ask..." he began as he ate the food. "Why I'm here...? Where is here anyways...? Also, where's Silvia?" the alien asked as he began drinking the soda, and let out a loud belch. "Who are you people?"
"In order." The Voice said. "To be studied, in the ships main laboratory, being studied, the ships science division in charge of Xeno studies." the answers were clear cut and straight forward, giving nothing but the answers away.

Meanwhile, in a cell very much like his own, another prisoner, admitted into the lab shortly before Alex was trembled in fear and cold, her sore ass bearing a large tattooed number that had been branded and tattooed into her, once to fry through her fur, and twice to stick into her skin. She hugged herself tightly, her naked body still trembling. How had this happened?
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Wait...what?" Alex asked before realization dawned on him. "DID YOU SAY SILVIA IS BEING STUDIED!?" he roared, standing up. Suddenly the mass of flesh in his hands grew in size, becoming harder, bigger, stronger. He let out a cry and charged forward towards the glass as he pounded his giant fists against it like an animal, intent on breaking it and saving Silvia.
The glass did not give way, not even a little. The glass itself was made to stop space junk as it was of the same brand and thickness used to make windows into space, nothing he could do would break it, the hidden door or the walls. If he wanted out he would have to think of another way. "Calm down. If you do not then we shall gas the room until you do."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)