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Digimon Expansion RPG
OOC: Don't forget to make her act drunk (talk stupidly, burp, etc). And also, my character isn't going to actually have intercourse with Aqauveemon unless she asks him. His morals won't let him do that without consent.

The panther could smell the little rookie's arousal, his cock slowly extending to it's full length. Aquaveemon's belly now stuck out about a foot and a half and was round and sloshy.

Deciding that she was full enough for what he had in mind, he pulled the hose from her ass.
"Ohhh- yeah.. uhm me gawd... thish fills so gewd!" Aqua drunkely said while laughing, her oil seemed to pour in bigger quantities the bigger she was, so there was quite an amount flowing out her canal and filling the air with the arousing scent.

OOC: Also remember how the scent affects, I doubt morals will matter after his hormones take over.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Sorry DMX, but I'm not real comfortable with nonconsentual intercourse, so let's just say that Aquaveemon's sex traits have met their match.


Dark Panthermon began to run his tail over Aquaveemon's swollen belly. Now that she had the beer in her, he just had to shake it up so that it would form gas bubbles; and he knew the perfect way to do it.

"Are you tickilish, my little beer-bellied rookie?" he purred, teasing her navel with a claw.
"Wha 'cha talking about?" Aqua moaned after she giggled once, the panther seemed to had coincidentially found her ticklish spot. Man I'm so big..., "Why did ya stop?" she asked to the smaller digimon below her.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: "asked to the smaller digimon below her". Uh, she's not floating above my character, she's lying on the ground.


Upon hearing her giggle when he teased her belly button, he moved his tail up to the little bulb of flesh, rubbing it in circles.

"Your inflation isn't over yet, my dear. Do you know what happens to beer when it gets shook up?" he purred, moving a claw to her armpit and beginning to run it up and down her skin.

He could smell her arousal, and it was sending a tingling sensation through his groin, his member fully extended now. His hormones were starting to rear their head, making him want to take her right there. However, his morals were stronger than his lust, so he fought them down. He was no rapist and he had sworn long ago that he would never take advantage of a womon.

OOC: You know, we could set it up so that Aqua falls for him. What do you say?
OOC: I'll tell you again: Be spontaneous. Don't ask me what to do. I respect everything that players do IF they don't break the rules in the process.

Think of it like this: If you are Role Playing, you are taking Dark Panthermon's characterization, so, if you want Aqua fall for him, then Play Dark Panthermon to entince her into said thing. The thrill is that you don't know if it'll work or not. It wouldn't be funny if she was pre-destined to fall for him or not ;)

And sorry for the typo.


Aqua once again giggled, but she could feel some extra tingling sensation over her belly as she confusedly said: "Beer? Uhh... your fillin' me with tha -hic!- beer?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Okay, my bad. Could you at least have her remember why she came into this place somewhere down the line; that'll open the door for any romance stuff between my character and yours. And I don't suppose you could tell me Aquaveemon's most ticklish spots so I'm not spending half the RPG looking for them.

"Actually, I just did. But in a few seconds, that beer is going to be gas," he cooed, leaning down and placing his lips over her belly button. Her navel had popped out during her inflation, and the panther now began to suck the nittle nub of flesh as though it were one of her nipples.

His tail moved down to the sole of her right foot, beginning to run up and down over her skin.
OOC: Well, draconic creatures tend to be really sensitive in their necks.


Aqua moaned as she felt she was about to blow inside, but it was just the beer being agitated. "Uhhh... okay... it feels funny..." she said as she hiccuped drunkenly.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Getting slightly frustrated at not being be able to tickle the rookie enough to make her squirm, Dark Panthermon suddenly remembered something he had heard about draconic digimon; something about their necks being extrememly sensitive.

He moved his tail up to her neck and began to gently caress the flesh. Meanwhile, he noticed a bubbling sound coming from her bloated tummy.

"It should feel funny, my dear. That's the beer bubbling inside of you, forming gas," he purred, bubbles floating through the air from her hiccup, as well as starting to emerge from her nose.
Aqua started shaking immediatly after she started being tickled in her neck, she shook so much all the beer inside her suddenly turned into pure gas, her belly looking even more bloated than before. "Ahhhh!" she screamed as in some way she was pleasured by the inflation.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad