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I... I'm back.
Weee! In Order!

LonelyGabu: Lol, I never knew you had a sister! It was nice to meet her, she is, precious. Good luck with the migraine! Missed you bud!

Mr. Fred: Lol! Nice of you to say hi! Thanls buddy- I missed ya too!

Mr. Kyosan: Same thing, you're posting faster then I did when started posting, Rival! (pats back)


Aw Mr. Nate- Thanks, that's really sweet- you don't need to show affection! I'm just glad I got post things with a genius like you, knowing you cared enough to reply was good enough for me, I know you're very busy- what with your job and your reviewing- I hope to meet you again in RP! I totally missed you too Mr. Nate- OH- and your lemons! Your glorious lemons!

Lol, mr. Fred_18 again- it was no problem at all, Blunt is fine! Don't worry about it!
Heh, that's not what Blue thinks. And to tell the truth... he's right... I am a coward, theres no changing that- but I can be brave too- sometimes. Blue just got pissed of and posted it in the lets take this outside forum- well, he had a right to do so- after the things I made him go through- SORRY BLUE! Lol- that "I'll find your soul and make it regret you did that" thing sounded pretty arousing! lol- thanks! Thank you for sharing, and telling me I'm not a coward. I know you're right... I am no coward. I'm just... a bit lacking in the confident area.
ah nice to see you're back Gun *hugs tight*
Veemon's Followers
well, uhh, your welcome. I think.
can't wait to see you posting like mad when you get over what ever the problem is.
nice to see you back gun =p
Thanks Gunter, it was fun chatting with you again, and I hope there will be more cause i heart you mate... WUVVLES!!!! ^_^...and the came back again, annoying....

The rest of y'all that gave a welcome, very nice of you.....
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Mowgli! Long time no see buddy! (Hugs)

Lol, don't worry! As soon as my hands heal I'll RP and Post madder than ever!

Thanks Mr. Humon! It's nice to se you again!

I'm glad we got to chat again Lonelygabu!
I think that Gun will be back to his old "rp is oh so good, did I mention the plot twist," Gunter :P has been empty without him, I guarentee like he said once he heals, it will be gunter-free for all...No violence, only pies, and rps and some awesome posts :D
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Seit:-huge explotion,followed by Jack Spicer,Running out,on fire and rolling in the Grass,babbling stupidness.Seit,Calmly Walks out and points at gun.he falls to his knees still pointing,then to his face,still pointing.- wasnt me...-takes gas can and runs.-
my RP suddenly died. had no idea what to do. there was no reply to my posts, and I lost interest, lol. oh well =p
Which one!? I SHALL REVIVE IT!!