Yuri RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
06-17-2006, 05:05 PM,
"Stress? What do you mean stress?" Regina asked, knowing nothing about what she had just heard, she actually didn't listen to Alte in the proper way, but she still nodded to her. "Everything's better than waiting for that lizard to come here."

Regina looked over and didn't find Vicky, she tried to move a bit, but tripped and fell over Ante, her head was slightly arched forward to the point both girl's faces were almost touching. But indeed they DID touch, since Regina's lips connected with Ante's lower lip when she tried to get a hold from the table not to fall. "Stupid me..."

[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]

06-17-2006, 05:35 PM,
"It's Luvia, nice to meet you, Giren." Luvia gestured gracefully.


"Two whiskys-" Red said to the bartender.
06-17-2006, 11:41 PM,
*decides to seek out Luvia myself, because let's say I'm feeling a bit horny and desperate right now...(I even grab the special pass for her and put it in my purse)*

"Luvia...!" I called, "It's me, your special ballerina Jeannette Xiao. Please don't keep me waiting long, okay, come see me right now, please. I beg you, I do want to meet you..."

(continues the search for Luvia...but only 'cause she couldn't be bothered to find me! Oh why must I fucking do this myself?!)
06-18-2006, 02:22 AM,
OOC: lol, things like this take time, it needs a bit of a story first, she's making her way to the bar right now.
06-18-2006, 02:59 AM,
"Gotta hurry...!!!"
With ballerina grace and kunoichi speed, I tear off like a blur to the bar (the one with the drinks, not the ballet barre!)

"Must...seek out...lovely French vampiress princess...!" I panted, running as fast as my graceful legs could take me. "Oooh I hope I don't rip my tights on the way..."

I somehow manage to see her just in time.


*finds her and gives my free pass*

"Bonjour, sorry I had to run this fast and far to meet you, but if I didn't do this, you'd be way long gone and I'd be lonely. Anyway..."

(composing myself and being as royal and geisha like as I can)

"I'm Jeannette, Princess Jeannette Xiao. I also am half-French born, and am also a Chinese Amazon warrior woman when I'm not doing ballet. How do you do, mon cher?"

*bows and curtsies...but I wait for her answer politely*

"I hope she doesn't reject me," I thought, "Because, if she does reject me, my evening is sooooo fucked!"

PS. I wonder if I could have a sexy hot lesbian friendly pic of Luvia too? I need something to think about, something this princess can cum in her tutu thinking about this special vampiress.
06-18-2006, 05:32 AM,
Red offered to shake hands with Vicky. "I'm Rebecca, by the way."
06-18-2006, 06:01 AM,
Vicky smiled cutely and took Red's hand in her finned claw, shaking it with her. "Nice to meet you Rebecca!"

[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]

06-18-2006, 06:15 AM,
"Likewise, Girl Friend!" Red (seemed to have) Grinned, "Just call me Red!"
06-18-2006, 06:18 AM,
Vicky giggled and nodded, "Okay, Red." she happily answered.

[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]

06-18-2006, 06:20 AM,
"So... Vicky... What's your story?" Red asked suddenly, not touching her whiskey.