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Digimon Savers / Digimon Data Squad
Does anyone else have a feeling that maybe, just maybe, in a movie (or even sometime late in the series) we will see AgumonMega/GaomonMega Fusion? Like a new "Savers Omnimon" that could be damn cool. It all comes down to the megas and ultimates though.
Depends on how many kids they end up getting. And hopefully this agumon will evo into something different then a geo-something.
Yeah I bet Agumons higher evos step away more, but I still think a fusion could come.

Quote:depends on how many kids they end up getting

Well they are already up to 5 Digimon/Chosen pairings right? Masaru/Agumon, Tohma/Gaomon, Yoshino/Raramon, and the twoDATSagents/pawnchessmon(s).

And I think I figured out what is so out of place on Raramon, for me anyway. It's the eyes, the two dots are just so silly looking. She needs some actual eyes.
It depends on if the chessmon evolve or not.
Quote:It depends on if the chessmon evolve or not.
They'd almost have to; think about it. They start as pawns, then maybe bishops, or knights, then rooks, then queens, then kings. Meanwhile, Checkermon can only digivolve into KingCheckermon. :) I feel sorry for them.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Heh Heh that's pretty good. Maybe one'll be a kin and the other will be a queen.
Get the preview movie...

It's okay, shows parts of how Digivolving will look.
Dang, needs BitTorrent.
Try this
Yeah there is a subbed one up too.

I'm pretty excited about this, great animation, and if WtW keeps subbing they'll be done well it seems.