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*kicks the door to the "bathroom" open* It's a cave.
wait, it might not be safe in there! I've got nothing to lose, so I'll check it out!
[goes into cave]
[comes out with a handful of necklaces]
hey! look what I found! it's the rest of the GFs I havent gotten yet! Yojimbo, Gilgamesh, Odin, Bahamut, Ixion, Quetzalcotle, Ramuh, Ark, Anima- argh! I cant name them all! just grab three each!
now all we have to do is open the door with the weapon in-
[jiggles the handle, it wont open]
hmmmmmm...... it wont budge.
[tries to push the door, pulls it, slides it left and right. it doesnt move.]
okay, now personally, I Think Violence is not the answer to everything.... But I like it.
[he suddenly punched the door off it's hinges]
there- what the!?

Melee: ???
[jumps out, and pounces Gunter, licking him on the face]
FINALLY!!! out after 472789705050648968560 EONS of being locked in that room full of horny prostitutes!!!!
(actually it was just a few months) :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: thank you Guntie- THANK YOU!!!!
argh!!! Blue!? Youre the secret weapon?
well... yeah. but the room full of horny prostitutes is hell!!! I mean- the first few days was great and all- but 5 months!?
Secret weapon huh? Hhmm.... How did you get in there? Were you kidnapped or something? And btw, I think it's safe to say that Gunter has mastered the art of melee... As for the other two though... Unless you're some kind of ancient mystical being, you wouldn't have much time to train those...
*starts sweating* uhm.. yeah- hahaha! mystical being! as if! hahaha...
*changes the topic* who wants to check out the pro-prostitutes?
*changes it again* Blue, How are you the secret weapon- and how did you get in there?
DO NOT GO IN THERE!!! those girls are ANIMALS!!!
*howls, and seals the door with 5 feet of ice*
I WAS kidnapped, then surrounded by those maniacs.... well, I thought it was heaven at first, but after the first few days- NO! no more!
weeeeellll.... the secret weaponS are: ye flask, ye pool of mystic wolf and prostitute cum inside there, any volunteers to get it?
oh! and me!
here are my stats!

Melee: ?????
Ranged: ?????
Magic: ?????

five digits man! out of 10, I got limit broken!! THATS why I am a weapon!
Errrr....what's goin' on now? WE NEED DIRECTION!

Why don't we go...hmmmm, this way? *indicates a wooden door*

I'll lead the way... *tries door* WTF?? Locked? Tch...

*fiercely kicks the door into splinters* Some stairs leading down, eh? Well...shall we, everyone?

*descends the stairs*