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Tzanmato in your face!
A new lemon in my digimon series. To see the others, simply go to link at my sig.

Tzanmato in your face!- a digimon lemon part 2 in Three figures saga
This isn't as much lemon as it's mostly meant to reveal more of the storyline. Oh well, theres still erotic scenes for those who want them. NOTE! This lemon has the following: Titfuck,(lots of it) Furry and maybe beastility. (atleast, if you count Digimons as animals.)


The man wearing hood walked amongst the ruins of once so beatiful country of Finland, wich was now turned into wasteland. He entered a small building, wich had a sign with "Alchol and Cemetry service" written on it, with shaking hand writting. Inside, he walked over to counter. "Give me the strongest alchol liquor you have." Says the man and turns around to look at customers around. His eyes stop at sight of one Renamon, with her mug full of ale. Her once beatiful fur, looked like it wouldn't have been combed for decades and it was covered with dust and stain marks. "Renamon…" "What?" The man removed the hood and revealed his face. "T-tank Cop??"



"Master T, I finnished my training." "Good girl." Said MISTER BIG T. The woman standing infront of him, was not a woman it was Jeanine. "So you learned how to take on tzen basatra?" "Sorry, I tried… I really did… I think only you can do it." "Hmmm… Very well."said MISTER BIG T raising to his feets. "Well, that's all. You can return to your quarters." "Thank you." As Jeanine left, MISTER BIG T began meditating. He focused all his thoughts to statue infront of him. Sweat began forming to his forehead and he began shaking, when with sheer will power he raised the huge statue from ground. After awhile, he placed the statue back. Then he began pondering how his student is doing. "She is progressing at great speed. In two months, she has learned more than most human or digimon learn in lifetime. I need her in my plans… As well the as rest of the gang."

AT THE SAME TIME… At the local bar.
"Renamon… My lovely wife…" "Tank Cop…" "Renamon… I… I finally learned the truth… And I… GOD I'M SORRY!!!" said Tank Cop hugging Renamon. "Please forgive me… I know what I did was wrong, but…" suddenly, Renamon jumped and hugged Tank Cop. "I should be the one who should be sorry…" "Do you want to come to my home?" "Yes…" Tank Cop began carrying Renamon, who seemed to be drunk outside the bar. He took her with him, to his new home. The home was a small cave filled with leaves acting as bed. It wasn't probably comfrotable, but it was survivable. Tank Cop took Renamon and placed her on the bed. "Sit." He said pushing her shoulders. Renamon sat down on the leaves and laid down. "What you want?" "Use your tits…" "Yes…" Renamon came closer to Tank Cop, opening the zipper of his dirt covered pants. Tank Cops already erect penis came to sight, wich made Renamon feel all fuzzy. She rubbed her cheeks at it and gave it a kiss. She licked at it a little, making it grow even biger. She then took hold of her tits and placed his penis in between them. She pinched at her nipples and began moving her tities up and down, giving great pleasure to Tank Cop. She took the tip of his penis in her mouth and began to suck on it too. She rubbed her nipples together, while still moving the tits up and down. Tank Cop groaned and came into her mouth. "Sorry… I came too fast, it has been long time…" Just then, Tank Cop noticed that Renamon had fallen asleep with his penis still in her mouth.



"Ummm… Jeanine! Jeanine!" said Renamon rising up to her feet. Jeanine was nowhere to be found. "She is gone. And your husband made her last moments filled with sorrow and guiltness." Renamon turned around and saw Kerdamon floating in air. "Who are you?" "A friend. Friend who wants to help you." "What did you mean when you said Tank Cop had filled our daughters last moments with sorrow and guiltness?" "Aah… He had sex with her." "What? No….It's not…" "It is true. He took her virginity away selfishly." "T-tank Cop… How could you?" Kerdamon smiled. His brainwashing technique is working greatly. Soon, she would do everything he would order her to do.


MISTER BIG T spat some blood. His head was all sore and he couldn't feel his legs. As he gazed down, he could see that when the roof had fallen down, the crumbles had landed mostly at his feet. He tried to move the pile of rocks, but it was way too heavy. Suddenly, MISTER BIG T crossed his hands together and began muttering something in unknown language. His eyes turned red and his muscles became much bigger, like last time he made the spell. Now he took hold of the pile with his right hand and threw it away at ease. After that, he returned back to his normal self. Just then a shocking realization came to him. "TANK COP! RENAMON! JEANINE!" He yelled, beginning to search trough the rummage. Suddenly, he saw a hand hitting trough the pile of stones. "Hey hang on! Help is on the way!" said MISTER BIG T throwing rocks to side. To his suprise, it was Jeanine, Tank Cops 4 year old girl. "H-how could she have strength to go trough all that amount of stone? Damn, I better get her somewhere, where she can recover."


"Aaagh…" said Tank Cop raising to his feets. "What happened? It feels like some explosion had gone trough my body?" Then Tank Cop remembered Kerdamons words and looked around. "Kerdamon! YOU SPINELESS PIECE OF DONKEY SHIT! Don't you even dare to fight me?" he yelled, circeling around the ruins. Then horrible realization came to him. "Maybe he died too? Maybe I'm the only person alive on this wrecked world??" just then, Renamon went past him. She seemed like she had been hurt very badly, she could hardly stand. "Renamon!" said Tank Cop trying to take hold of her. However, she turned him down. "Don't come close to me! Don't you dare touch me!" "What?" "I know what you did to Jeanine!" "(She knows? How?) I… I'm sorry, I wasn't myself…" "SHE IS FOUR YEARS OLD!!!!" "I know…" "Well, know this. I'm gonna divorce you." "NOOOOO!!! Renamon! Don't do this to me!" "It's over."


"Kerdamon… You were right…" "Of course. Why would I lie?" "Tell me… Are my friends alive?" "To be honest, I don't know. But I doubt it. Did you see the damage that explosion caused?" "T-they are dead?" "I didn't say that. But they might have been ended up anywhere on world." "You are saying… I should abandon them?" "No, I'm saying you shouldn't waste your life trying to find them. And if they ARE dead, you will never get the time you wasted searching for them back." "Y-you are right… Thank you… You are a great friend…" "My pleasure…"


"Kerdamon?" "What is it?" "I saw MISTER BIG T on tv. He was buil-" Just then, Kerdamon hitted his hand straight trough the TV. "ENOUGH!" "W-what are you doing?" "That moron is NOT alive!" "But that just came in." "He CANNOT be alive!" said Kerdamon, grinding his teeth. His plan had now gotten nasty turn. MISTER BIG T did survive the destruction. Not only that, Renamon now knows that her friends are alive…. She needs to be taken care off. Kerdamon sighed. He had kinda liked her, but he couldn't let his feelings interfere. "Ok…. Bitch…. I give you 5 seconds to run. Then I'll be coming after you." "W-what?" "1…" "Oh no!" said Renamon as she stumbled and began running away. "!" said Kerdamon almost instantly. "Ready or not, here I come!" he said, while beginning to run after her. However, fear seemed to give Renamon wings as she had already gotten way behind his reach. "Hmmm, let her go. She will run into wasteland and die in couple of days… Or will become too weak to opose me." thought Kerdamon with returning back to Dungeon of Dispair.


"Ahahaha! You are too weak" laughed Kerdamon at the two in front of him. "Keep your guard up Jeanine, now it's time to test out your training." "I'm scared MISTER B-" "Call me Master from now on." "M-master?" "Yes, after all… You use my technique." MISTER BIG T then gave a murderous glance to Kerdamon. "I can sense, you two are strong. Stronger than I expected, I admit it. But still you are no match for my superior powers! Tank Cop is more angry than ever… I am stronger than I had ever imagined." "…. TZEN BASATRA!!" said MISTER BIG T, moving his palm in odd looking fashion. Both Jeanine and Kerdamon were suprised to sense that MISTER BIG T's powers grew nearly 10 times bigger than they were. The eyeballs changed to bloody red and veins came to sight on his forehead. Also, he was much more muscular than before. "Oh yeah. That's great. Very great." Said Kerdamon, sending one small blue beam towards MISTER BIG T. The blow was far more powerful than MISTER BIG T had imagined and even in his powerful form, the blow sended him flying against a wall. If he would have been in normal form, he wouldn't be alive anymore. "Master T!" cried Jeanine. MISTER BIG T held his stomach where the beam had hit him. He was trying his best to keep his guts from dropping to ground. "So little child? Are you a tough digimon?" Jeanine turned around and saw the massive body of Kerdamon above her. She began crying. "Hahahah! These are the wariors who try to opose me?" laughed Kerdamon. Just then, he was hitted by a large red fireball. "Aaargh!!!" He glanced down and saw MISTER BIG T holding his right hand up. "You are not dead yet?" "No matter if I die… I will never allow a cruel creature like you live." "FOOL!" said Kerdamon, hitting MISTER BIG T into his stomach. MISTER BIG T became all blue and he collapsed again. "Time to die!" yelled Kerdamon as he began gathering energy to form a powerful attack to finnish off MISTER BIG T. Just then a large scream filled the room. When Kerdamon turned around, he saw a light. And it was brighter than anykind of light he had ever seen in his 245 years of living. "So…Bright…" After the flash was gone, Kerdamons crispy dead body dropped to ground. Jeanine looked at her hands in amazed look. How did she have such power?


"Sleep well Jeanine." "Master…" "Yes?" "When will I see my mommy and daddy again?" "When we are both strong enough to fight the Three Figures." "I don't understand, why us?" "You have noticed air is more purer?" "Yes?" "It's mainly, because we were able to kill Kerdamon." "You mean…" "Yes… If the rest of the Three Figures die, our world will return back to normal." "But why us?" "Because we are the strongest wariors on earth." After Jeanine went to sleep, MISTER BIG T heard a knock at the door. He went to the door with caution, but when he opened the door he gladly let down his Guard MISTER BIG T-"Hi old friend" "Same here master. *Sees Jeanine on the bed* ........Uhhh Master, I know you like your women young but isn't that a little too young?" "Just shut-up and come in." "Yes Master."


"Good morning Jeanine." "Morning Master T." "I want you to meet someone who will help us a lot to achieve our goal." MISTER BIG T opened the door and a huge muscular man came to sight, wearing a green sleavless shirt, baggy shorts, comaabt boots, a hat and shades. "This here is Nuke Mayhem. It all started in the 1980's. A female worker at a nuclear power plant was soon to have a baby and almost everybody said that she have to stop working in such a dangerous place for a while till the baby was born, but the boss cared more about money than the lives of his workers so she forced her to continue working. On the day of delivery, the baby was born as a surpizingly healthy boy, but his Mom didn't survived the delivery. Custody was given to her best friend, a black woman who lived in the ghetto named Betty Jones. As he grew older, people started to knowtic that he was doing amazing stuff like lifting cars without breaking a sweat, the time accidently cut off his finger it grew back before the day was done, and other amazing things. He figured that their was a place where his gifts can succeed, pro wrestling. Thanks to his powers, street smart fighting from the ghetto, and the wrestling school, he quickly became a superstar fav of the fans. He was so good, he couldn't go any higher on the latter of fame and he just turned 18, what can he do for the rest of his life? " "I decided, I'd begin training under MISTER BIG T to become strongerer than before." "Ever since first encountering the aliens… Jeanine, you weren't even born back then… I always knew there would be something strongerer. So I began training. And everyday after *ahem* I saved the world I have trained my ki and my power." "MISTER BIG T trained me if at anytime, the world would face off a threat too big for him alone to handle." "I'm strong too!" "Yes you are. But you lack the experience we have." "…" "Well, I think I located Renamon and Tank Cop." "D-daddy? Mommy? I'll see them again??!" "Yes…" "Yaaa, maybe I'll even get more of Daddy's candy." "Your dad has candy, cool. I want some of that candy too." "Trust me Nuke, you don't want TC's 'candy'." "Why not? I like candy." ".........Just trust me on this Nuke."


While MISTER BIG T and Jeanine at their lunch, Nuke was at another table busy flrting with one of the waitresses that work at the cafeteria. "Yes and then he said 'I see! You are stronger than I expected NUKE MAYHEM!'" "Wow! You must be tough." "I sure am. So… Wanna have some....."fun"?" "Ummmm… I don't know, we could get in a lot of trouble." "Awww, c'mon, pleeeease… *puppy eyes*" "Ummmm… Ok, just… Don't look at me like that, it's making me blush." NUKE MAYHEM and the girl, who I shall call Real for reasons unknown to you(Don't even ask) from now on. Anyway, they began walking to the bathrooms, entering the male bathroom that was closed anyway because it was out of order, and locked the door. They get on the floor and Real sits on NUKE'S lap and starts taking off his shirt, exsposing his muscular chest. She starts rubbing her hands all over Nuke's chest, feeling up his pecs and six pack, playing with nippes a bit. Nuke cup's Real's huge breasts and squeazes them, causing her to moan. "You know Real, I do have fetish for big breats" "Well then, it is my job to give the customer what he wants" Real takes off her shirt to show her nice D tits concealed in a tight bra, and when she took that off, her beautiful tits plop out for NUKE ogle. "Nice Juggs you got there lady" "Well sir, go ahead and feast away on my 'womanly treats'." Nuke grabbed one tit as he put his mouth on the other and starts sucking on it. "Oooooooooh Gawd" moans Real from the feel NUKE's forplay, she was already getting wet in the panties and nuke helped it by rubbing his conceal erection on her crotch. "Oh waitress, I have a complaint, I'm very uncoftable in my crotch and whatever the problem is I want you to 'lick' the probeml" "Yes sir." Real took off Nuke's shots and boxers to reveal a half-hard 8 inch cock. "Wow, that's pretty big problem, but I can lick it." She starts licking the head slowly, while rubbing the base with both of her hands, feeling it get harder in her grasp. "Wow, you can lick that problem very good, but think you can do it better between your tits." "OH yes sir!" Nuke sat on one of the toilets naked as Real got on her knees and positioned her tits between his dick. After she perfectly positions herself, she squeazed her tits together on NUKE's cock, and starts moving them up and down. "OOOOOOHH YEA, your sure do...... know what the.... *pant*....customer wants, because I love..... the titty-fuck. You should be..... promoted." She moved them slowly and gracefully and she love the feel of NUKE's hard cock rubbing on her tits. There was a problem though, she wanted so badly to finger her already soaking pussy but she can't do that and titty-fuck Nuke at the same time. Nuke-"I see you have other things on your mind, mind if I take it over from here" Real just nodded, and Nuke took ahold of her tits while she fingered her pussy. As Nuke pounds her tits with his dick, Real reaches deep down into her pussy with her fingers, imagining a big hard is fucking it right now. "Oh gawd, I...... *pant*........can't *pant* hold out for much *pant* longer." "Neither *pant* can I baby*pant*." Both of them increase the speed and tempo, nuke can feel his dick getting harder and hotter and Real can feel her pussy getting swollen. "Real, I think I'm gonna cum soon." "Oh yea Nuke, cum all over my face and tits" "You got it baby" Nuke starts tit-fucking Real faster and faster and faster and faster until....... "Here it CUUUUUUUUMMSSS!!!" A huge load of Cum spats Real on the forehead and goes everywhere on her face and tits, giving her one hell of a face omelet.(I suddenly want to eat fried eggs. Too bad I don't have any fried eggs.)That huge cum-shot drives Real over the edge and she cums, all over the floor. "Nuke, that was incredible*pant*" "You weren't so bad youself girl*pant*" Suddenly a huge banging came from the door, that scared NUKE soo bad, he shitted in the toilet.(Litereally) MISTER BIG T-"NUKE! Are you done fucking that waitress in the bathroom, we gotta go." "Fucking a waitress?! I have no idea what you talking about" "Don't play dumb Nuke, everybody heard you two, Jeanine is even crying because she thinks you two are fighting like TC and Renamon did sometimes." "Oh, well let me clean up first." A few minutes later, MISTER BIG T was outside with a tearful Jeanine, telling her they weren't fighting. "So you see they weren't fighting, they were playing in the bathroom, but were too loud. *thinking to himself* Damn that Nuke, we must hurry now." Suddenly NUKE barges out of cafeteria. "RUUUUN!!!" Then a pissed off Real with a butcher knife starts chasing him. "YOU ASS-HOLE, YOU GOT ME FIRED! GET BACK HERE SO I CAN KILL YOU!" So Nuke, MISTER BIG T, and Jeanine starts running. Jeanine-"Master T, are we playing tag?" "Uhhh... yea. So keep running before she tags us with that knife." "Whee! Sounds fun!"


"Good morning Lopmon." Said Terriermon coming to his lovers sight. Terriermon had changed. A large scar went up his left eye, wich was closed shut. It had been unusable ever since a splinter from the explosion hitted the eye. On other hand, neither was Lopmon as gorgeous as she once was. Her once so beatiful ears had suffered damage and she was nearly deaf. "How is your eye?" shouted Lopmon. She didn't mean to shout, but it was just her ears, her shout sounded like normal voice. "I can see some light with it already." "Oh that's great news!" Just then they heard the door opening. Terriermon immediatly took fighting position. However, his anger transformed to happiness in a instant when the face of MISTER BIG T came to sight. "Good to see ya buddy!" "Yeah, ain't that the truth. However, we must hurry for…" After MISTER BIG T explained the story. "Wait, if you knew where he is, why didn't you stop him yourself?" "EVERYONE knows where the leader of Three Figures is. The point is, who is dumb and strong enough to opose him." "I guess, you need our help?" "Yes and most likely Tank Cops and Renamons. Have you seen them?" "Uhh, I saw Renamon at bar awhile ago…" So the gang began walking off. Soon, they catched up Renamon who was taking bath. After a short reunion and explanation, Tank Cop and Renamon too were with them.


MISTER BIG T, NUKE, and Jeanine were walking along to their next destination. "Grrrrrrr" goes Jeanines stomach. "Master T, I'm hungry, can we please stop and eat?" MISTER BIG T-"Well I guess so, it is the time for dinner anyway." So the gang stits down on the ground to eat, not noticing a huge shadowy figure aproching them. MISTER BIG T-"damn, I forgot to re-supply our food rations at the cafateria earlier today." NUKE-"Well I didn't forget, I still got some candy from the cafateria's desert section" Shadowy Figure-"Greetings, I..." Jeanine-"YAAAY CANDY!!!" Jeanine shouted as she went for NUKE's shorts and try to pull them down. NUKE-"Gahhhh, what the hell are you doing kid?!" Jeanine-"Daddy showed me this where people keep their candy." NUKE-Well that's not where I keep mine, so let go of my pants!" Shadowy figure-"Greatings, I..." Jeanine-"Don't you try to hold out on us, your pants smell just the candy Daddy had" A sweatdrop forms on NUKE's head, knowing the smell is from the babe she banged from the cafateria. "So give us the candy now!" said jeanine as reaches down NUKE's pants. Shadowy figure-"I said gre..." "HEY, get you hand out of there you sick ki..." "SILENCE!!!" Everybody looks to see where that voice cam from. Shadowy figure-"Greatings, I am Steel-Rockmon, and my master told me to not let you pass, so prepare to die" MBT- "Shit, this kind of ultimate Digimon is very stong and has great defnence, his steel shields arms." NUKE-"It's okay MBT, I got this one. All right Mr.Butt-uglymon, you'r going down. You see I have training from the WWE(before it was wiped off the face of the earth) and from the great Mr. Big T. So see, your going down, and you got no cha...." *Steel-rockmon punches him in the face* "Hey, why you do that you prick?! Yor suppose to wait to I'm finish, say some insults to me, me on you again, and when we get the go signal, then we fight!" MISTER BIG T:"*Puts hand on face in shame* Just fight him NUKE." NUKE:"You got it master, when I do what my Master says, I do it wit....*Steel-Rockmon hits him again throwing him in the dirt* I think....... I'll fight you now" Nuke charges at the evil digimon with barage of fists, but the digimon blocks them all with his arms shields, so Nuke knees him in stomach and give him a right hook, but he blocks those too. Then the evil digimon elbows NUKE in the face, making him temporarily reteat back to his group. "Okay big guy, if that's how good you denfence is with those hands, I guess I'll just take the back door." Nuke charges at him again, but this time he jumps over him and back kicks in then back of the digimon, giving it a major head ache.Then nuke spin kicked him in the back, throwing him into the dirt. NUKE charges at him again and uses one of his trademark moves. "BIG BOOM FIST!" After the dust clears from the attack, nuke found out that Steel-rockmon already had his steel shield arms ready to block the attack. "AWW Shi..." Steel-Rockmon jabs the blade from his arm shields into NUKE's stomach, and uses it to pull him off the ground and spin him in the air like a flying toy plane of a sting conected to the ground, then throws him to ground to where MISTER BIG T and Jeanine were. Jeanine-"NUKE!" she runs to NUKE, whos stomach has turned all red from blood. "Please don't die!" "I won't Jeanine, my wound will heal very soon, I just need somebody to hold him off while I finish healing." I'm on it" said MISTER BIG T. As Nukes super regenerative powers began healing his wound, MISTER BIG T tries to fend off Steel-rockmon but even he is having a tough time with Digimon with this great defence. Then out of nowhere, the Digimon uses a fast blow with right palm, knocking off MISTER BIG T to ground. The evil digimon was about to go for the kill, but then something took hold of his arms. It was NUKE. While the Digimon was focused on MISTER BIG T, NUKE had already healed up and got behind him, with his arms wraped around the digimon's arms, stopping him in his tracks. MISTER BIG T-"Allright NUKE, I'll take it from here." "No need MISTER BIG T, I said I got it and.... I..... WIIIIIIILLLLLLLL!!" With all of his super-strengh, NUKE rips Steel-Rockmon's arms out of their sockets, leaving him in a insane amount of pain and no defence. The damaged digimon slowly turns to see who did this to him, and see's NUKE, coverd in his blood, showing him the finger. NUKE-"Buh bye, BIG BOOM FIIIIIST!!!" Nuke's trademark attack left only the remains of bellow waist down. NUKE-"I told I'd take care of it, now lets eat" Jeanine-"Yea, I want that candy!" Hearing Jeanine say candy, instinctavily made nuke cover his crotch with his right hand. "I mean the candy I found I found in your backpack while fighting Steel-Rockmon" "Oh, hahaha...*sigh*" Both NUKE and MBT form sweatdrops on their heads while Jeanine enjoys a lollypop. Renamon suddenly slaps Tank Cop. "Don't look at her like that!"


"Yum! That was good!" said Tank Cop patting his belly. "I can sense a huge power nearby. We are close to him." The heroes continued their walk towards small chambers where Deathromon was. Deathromon was gazing up at the ceiling of the chamber, wich was filled with star marks and lines made from blood. "Heroes of the world, I presume?" "Oh the mighty Deathromon, the leader of the three figures. We are here to restore the earth back to it's normal state and if you don't give up the powers on your own free will, we need to kill you." "Kill me? HAHAHAHAH! How can you even consider that? Do you have ANY idea how strong I am?" The digimon turned around, showing it's disfigured face. His jaw was filled with spikes going vertically trough it starting from cheecks. His eyes glowed red as they gave up murderous glance. Jeanine took hold of MISTER BIG T's right leg. "I'm scared…" "Don't worry… It's all going to end soon."

Deathromon sended a huge fireball at the heroes. NUKE MAYHEM made a back flip and threw radioactive fire-ball at the leader of Three Figures. He however, didn't even brother dodging. He hitted the ball with his right hand, making it hit ground. "Damn…" "NUKE MAYHEM… Focus your strength… Do it… Like we trained…" "Ever heard the phrase 'easier said than done'?" "Don't give me whining shit, just do it!" Nuke gave up a war cry as he ran towards Deathromon, preparing to strike him with the BIG BOOM FIST. However, before Nuke could even rise his fist to perform the move, Deathramon had already moved behind him and kicked into his back and neck two times. "Aaagh…" said Nuke falling to his knees. "I should have trained… More on the speed…" he thought holding his head. "Everyone! This digimon is way too powerful for us to alone beat him! We all need to attack him at the sametime and show no mercy, since he will not give any to us!" screamed MISTER BIG T. Everyone nodded. Terriermon and Lopmon jumped up in the air and tried attacking Deathromon from the side, while MISTER BIG T began powering up the tzen basatra so he could beat up Deathromon. At the sametime, Tank Cop and Renamon attacked him from the front with powerful jabs and kicks as Jeanine sneaked behind him to beat hell out of him. The try was good, but it was no use. Deathromon jumped forward, kicking Tank Cop into stomach and hitting Renamon with his elbow. Without even a pause, he turned around and kicked at Terriermons head, while he sended small fire at Lopmon. This sight made Jeanine completely lose herself. She fell to her knees and began to sob. The evil digimon raised her up with one arm and smiled. Just then he remembered, MISTER BIG T was still standing. Turning around, he saw MISTER BIG T under tzen basatra rushing at him. MISTER BIG T began hitting Deathromon faster than sound, but he still managed to move away from the blows. Frustrated, MISTER BIG T shooted small beam straight at Deathromons face. The only visible effect was that now Deathromon was more angry. With one swift kick he kicked in throat of MISTER BIG T and began then hitting him at belly and chest area, finally giving jumpkick wich sended him flying against the wall. "Aaargh…." Said MISTER BIG Ttaking hold of his painful side. "MASTER!" cried Jeanine. All her friends had lost in a instant. But even from all the pain and suffering, faith and hope rised. NUKE rose to his feets, as did the other heroes. "Most digimons couldn't have survived such a blow. Intresting." Said Deathromon, rubbing his chin. "Ok! Let's bring up heavy guns!" said MISTER BIG T. Everyone quickly formed around him. "DELTA…..ATTACK!" they all shouted. A humongous purple energy came from their hands straight at Deathromon. Deathromon was able to dodge the energy, but the attack however seperated his right leg. "Aargh.." gasped Deathromon, faling to his healthy leg. Suddenly, MISTER BIG T dived closer and broke his left arm with sudden arm lock. He then backed away to rest of the group. Despite all this damage, Deahromon tried to move, but he fell to ground. Jeanine went and took hold of him. "Why…Are you helping me? I'm…Going to kill you, you understand that?" "Why do we have to fight? You are hurt so much, you won't survive… Can't you just give up?" "No…Never…I am the…Deathromon….. I live to kill…. I kill to live… I am the destruction and Omega…And….If I'll die, I'll take YOU with me!" saying this Deathromon raised his healthy hand as he prepared to strike her down. "NOOO!" screamed Jeanine as she blasted Deathromon with fire, destroying his body completely. Moments passed, but finally Jeanine turned around with teary eyes. They began leaving the secret hideout as the seperated leg of Deathromon was spitting blood out of it. Little did they know however, that a dark figure had observed them all the time…

To be continued…
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Lord Patamon Wrote:King of sadism alright, that's a perfect title for you

Messages In This Thread
Tzanmato in your face! - by MISTER BIG T - 04-10-2003, 02:01 AM