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OMG, Savers yaoi! [fanart, Masaru/Tohma/Satsuma, wtf!]
hehe seems they're having fun X3

oh Kai add me to your yahoo messenger list pwease I'd like chatting with ya.
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Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by Gunter VanCrimson - 07-08-2006, 08:26 PM
Hoooouuuu.... - by SnK - 07-09-2006, 02:26 AM
[No subject] - by Kai - 07-09-2006, 06:45 AM
[No subject] - by blueeyedgabulvo0o - 07-09-2006, 11:42 AM
[No subject] - by mowgly - 07-10-2006, 07:32 AM
awsome - by digital1 - 09-03-2006, 06:36 PM
[No subject] - by Humon - 09-09-2006, 01:35 AM