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Poll: What season did you hate?
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Season 1
2 8.33%
Season 2
4 16.67%
Season 3
4 16.67%
Season 4
6 25.00%
I love them All!
8 33.33%
Total 24 vote(s) 100%
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Which Digimon Season?
Oh boy. I've been waiting for someone to make another post like this. I live in the USA so the following is based on the seasons showing in the said country where I've watched them on television.

Season 1: The season that started it all. Back when it premiered there was no comparing it to any other season for obvious reasons. I felt the ''bad guys'' were sort of rediculous. Etemon being a take-off or even rip-off of Elvis Presley, Myotismon being SO evil, beyond normal evil standards and Devimon having a small role in the whole evil equation. The eight main characters and digimon were so-so likeable. Mimi always complaining and being stuck up bothered me. T.K. crying, being immature and Tai being a hot-head. I loved the digimon cast though. They all had voices which fit their characters and bodily form. More then any other digimon cast.

The plot wasn't my favorite since the Dark Masters managed to take over the digital world while the digidestined were gone so easily without any real resistance was unrealistic. I mean an entire world filled with digimon, easily outnumbering the four of them and the four of them conquer the whole world without an underground movement or something like that? Th season does have its moments although I honestly have to say I hated almost 1/3 of all the episodes. Overall it was quite corny, probably because of all the dub differences, I can't tell since I've never seen any other versions. Plus the ending made me furious. Why the sad ending?! The digidestined saved both worlds and they have to depart from the ones they hold dear who also helped them do that daunting task? On a scale of 1-4, 1 being the lowest of the four, and 4 being the best I give this season a 2.

Season 2: First off there was no real reunion between the digidestined originals and digimon aside from the flashback where Izzy explained DNA digivolving which made me angry. Jumping a whole four years ahead was a risky move which I think failed. The originals aside from T.K. and Kari played little to no role this time around. Pretty much like in movies where an actor gets a ''with'' credit. Like with Sean Bean in Equilibrium or with DMX in Romeo Must Die. Then there's the Dark Ocean. That could've saved the season yet they completely dropped it never explaining the Scubamon or undersea master concept. Instead they introduced Arukenimon and Mummymon, two of the most annoying never die until the last episode motherfuckers who poison the show like Jesse and James did in Pokemon with their stupid motto and blasting off again.

Even after the control spires became inactive, the originals never bothered to join in the fight against the above mentioned assholes, BlackWarGreymon, etc. Digimon Emperor being a human opponent worked well but even that couldn't save the season. The new digimon were for the most part likeable although I despise Nefertimon and Pegasusmon, too ugly. The ending was sort of lame too. It didn't even close the book leaving new enemies out there supposedly although never explaining what they were or how the children of the digidestined would fair against it. And the part about every human having a digimon was insane.

Couldn't someone with a Tortomon just have him use his Strong Carapace attack on a bank or something to rob it? Sure there could be a digimon police force but with all of the crooks and corruption in the world today they'd most likely be overwhelmed. The new cast could've also been larger. Four new ones including Ken? That's half of what season 1 introduced. Overall I gave this season a 1. About 2/3 of te episodes I can't even watch because I hate them so much.

Season 3: Here's where digimon gets better. Love the concept of the real world having digimon as a franchise. Love the cast although Suzie can be annoying, even for a girl her age. Impmon realizing his true destiny was good too. Even better was that Leomon was killed. I cannot stand that digimon. When I first saw it I was ecstatic. Devas, Soveriegns and D-Reaper were the kind of baddies or misunderstood units you love to hate. Cast of digimon were okay although season 1 was my all time favorite. Also how this season had little to do with any of the concepts of seasons 1 or 2 was good. I mean no Primary Village, no opening the digi port, etc.

They could've spent more time with Ryo's past although I guess they didn't have the required time to go back that deep. The tamer crew was large which was good too. I pretty much liked everything about this series except for the ending. This was even more heartbreaking then season 1. Dear god, are those guys behind the story the most morbid group of people you've ever seen? Even with the surprise at the last few seconds and the movie it still doesn't fulfill the void left by having the digimon and tamers separate, even if it was for one day. Plus once again there was no tearful reunion between them.

Then there's the Alice issue. I felt so sorry for her, and also yearning for more info on how she met Dobermon. She should have had a bigger role, regardless if she was dead or not. TheDigiPort or DigiPedia explains how some fans think she was never even really there with Dobermon, that it was her spirit or something. I could watch every episode of season 3 over and over. I gave this season a 4, the best out of all four seasons.

Season 4: The fact that this season only premiered on UPN which a lot of people don't get made it less viewed. Then there's the whole rip off of power rangers claims. I wasn't expecting much from this series but it surprised me. I mean having biomerging in season 3 had everyone saying ''Wow! Humans becoming digimon?!'' Then when people saw this they said ''What the fuck?! This is lame!'' Cast was small once again but this time it didn't really matter. The no partners rule made such a need for a big cast unneccesary. Also remember in the bottom of the train station there were numerous trains filled with kids who in case it was needed would fill the role. Ranamon, Mercurymon, Cherubimon etc. were okay villans. The Royal Knights though were a Royal Pain in the Fucking Ass. Repeaing the whole Arukenimon/Mummymon thing in season 2. Luckily they were killed, eventually... The Duskmon being Kouji's brother thing was interesting.

I would have never guessed it. That is until people on this board spoiled it for me. The spirit evolving thing for me was cool. Before the humans had small roles in the fights. Now they do it all on their own, feeling the blows first hand and not standing by the side cheering their friends on. Some tragic moments made me upset although no show is complete without them. Also some unexplained things like Takuya turning into Flamon left me puzzled. Why did he change into that digimon? The best part though was that the ending wasn't sad. 1=sad, 2=happy, 3=sad, 4= happy, 5=??? I sure hope the pattern doesn't continue for season 5.

I gave this season a 3 on the scale. Its a shame so many people out there feel dissapointed by the end result of having a fourth season. I love digimon and time to time watch episodes I taped from all four seasons. The poll though was which season was the worst in your opinion. I already told you. Keep in mind everything I said in this statement were only my thoughts. You can differ if you want, or agree, it doesn't matter since everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I'm really looking forward to season 5. I might even have to change my favorites list after seeing it. Even better is that it will hopefully inspire people including me to write more. Maybe even attract more members to this site. Digimon will always be our thing. Hopefully its legacy will live on forever.

Messages In This Thread
Which Digimon Season? - by rorancrystalwolf - 02-19-2006, 12:04 PM
[No subject] - by DV85 - 02-19-2006, 01:12 PM
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[No subject] - by Herr Mullen - 02-19-2006, 09:13 PM
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[No subject] - by Wisemon - 02-20-2006, 04:47 AM
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[No subject] - by rorancrystalwolf - 02-20-2006, 10:28 PM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 02-22-2006, 10:27 AM
[No subject] - by rorancrystalwolf - 02-22-2006, 10:37 AM
[No subject] - by DV85 - 02-22-2006, 11:37 AM
[No subject] - by rorancrystalwolf - 02-22-2006, 12:09 PM
[No subject] - by dark_golf - 02-22-2006, 01:15 PM
[No subject] - by Wisemon - 02-22-2006, 04:17 PM
[No subject] - by rorancrystalwolf - 02-22-2006, 10:33 PM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 02-23-2006, 02:40 AM
[No subject] - by Wisemon - 02-23-2006, 02:51 AM
[No subject] - by DV85 - 02-23-2006, 04:46 AM
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