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Same-Sex Marriage Legalized in the US!
it's been Legal here in WA state for a while,so if I wanted to I can marry another woman
and later we could smoke some pot
((and it's a good thing my parents are okay with me being a panromantic ace))

but yeah I'm happy that the rest of the states legalized it
also all the Hobophobes getting all mad over this, their anger makes us stronger (*-`ω´- )人

((now if only Gay marriage was legalized in other areas of the world))
[Image: tumblr_njc3zwUeik1rbdrw4o6_r1_250.gif]

Messages In This Thread
Same-Sex Marriage Legalized in the US! - by Jaser - 06-27-2015, 02:17 AM
RE: Same-Sex Marriage Legalized in the US! - by Nebudelic - 07-18-2015, 07:40 AM