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Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 24 (78)
Here we go! Pen-Ultimate episode. And that mean 2nd to last.

So as you remember, Diablomon, Quartzmon, humans in Quartz, X7. The only reason we have Heroes here is because of the Xros Loaders. As usual. And as usual, they have to save the whole world. But to do this, they have to do a retreat for planning. But to chase them, Quartzmon sends a powerful villain to chase them. ...Myotismon! In a secret area thanks to Clockmon, everyone is there. Oddly, so is random COTDs and I think Taiki's mom. Zenjirou says how those without a Loader are in trouble. So he and Akari should get one now. But Akari smacks him to stop bothering the Old Man. Tagiru and Yuu get to the place while Quartzmon is moving and Mizuki is scanning the water since something is supposed to be down there. There area they're at is where Xros Heart fought Bagramon. And that's how we got Quartzmon. Thanks to Bagramon's power. But... They'll just take that power and use it for themselves.

Here's how things worked. Bagramon made Quartzmon thanks to the Digital power the real world keeps getting. And then, his split his power around to expand the DigiQuartz in the human world. Plus, that's why the limiter for the Reloading exists. He also took all the Digimon that "fell" into the Quartz and tried to take their data.

To beat this, Old Man Clock made all the Hunters to catch the Digimon so they could be safe from data stealing. Plus, if any showed up in other countries, he got some people to deal with them. Now for a big bunch of scenes.


We see across the world:

Adventure 01 Sora and Tamers Beelzemon
Miyako and Ikuto
Jenrya and Blitzmon
Thoma and Iori
Previously seen Adventure 01 Mimi and Ruki
The two Angels (I'm guessing Adventure 01 TK and Kari) and Ryo. Which of course none of this is his fault.

And this is all because of Old Man Clock. Also, the 5 previous Goggles are supposed to be the strongest of these extra heroes. Since they saved the world and all. Taiki is #6 and that's why he shouldn't have joined the Hunt. All 6 need to get the weapon from underwater and one of them has to use it to be the Best Hunter.

More Quartzmon moving and so many Myotismons. How do you beat a huge weapon? With a lot of small weapons. And so, Xros Heart will have to beat them and the best of them can work with Taiki and the other 5 as Hero #7. So Taiki and friend will do it. Where does that lead Zenjirou and Akari? With Xros Loaders! Obviously. Blue and Orange to match Omega Shoutmon.

Zenjirou now gets:

Akari now gets:

Those were obvious but I'm sure they have more.

Hilariously Xros Beelzemon is in Nene's Xros Loader. Since him and Mervamon are like that. Now for another list. Of Xroses.


Mervamon (as if they haven't been Xrossing themselves already if you know what I mean)



That was fun. At least what Zenjirou thinks.

Luckily, it's was Mervamon with Beelzemon's power not the other way around. So... He's inside her. ...Ok I'll stop now.

Also, Ballistamon has three guns, Dorulumon is armored up, and our favorite metal poo ninja is a huge star now. Also, Double Xros, Shoutmon DX. Sadly, no Evos for Sparrowmon, Ballistamon, or Dorulumon like the Manga but oh well.

Away from the battle, Mizuki found the "Brave Snatcher" that they need. So, in a special Image Space, Taiki/Hideaki/Mizuki/Kiichi, Team Antagonist, and Team Extra (those three extra Hunters) are going to decide the best Hunter. They need the best one to get Bagramon's Right Arm which is the power that was lost. This big hand bone staff thing is what they need to hit the weak point of Quartzmon's real body to stop him and Hunt him.

But sadly, the three of Hideaki/Mizuki/Kiichi can't do it since they don't have strong enough fighters. Airu doesn't want her Digimon to be hurt but Team Extra, Ren, Ryouma, and Tagiru will try. In fact, Ryouma is the only one besides Tagiru who should be trying. At least that's what Ryouma says. And so, they fight. Shoutmon Xros Sagomon vs. Astamon Xros Triceramon. And all of that before the Eye Catch at half the episode! Don't you love big episodes like this.

Back at the battle, Xros Heart beat the **** out of the Myotismon copies. But a few is left. So they just evolve them to MaloMyotismon. Back with the Hunters, we see why these two are the only ones who could win. Xros Heart: Four Mega Levels are a real threat as all but one Xros is beat down. And one Myotismon evos to Venom Myotismon. And I thought Malo was the worst. I guess it's Size Vs. Power. Luckily, no talking crotch. Hunters: Astamon Xroses with Cerberumon and beats Gumdramon. Crap. Ryouma can't be a hero. He doesn't even have Goggles. Ryouma gets... One of those big Compass things Sailors use. A Sextant.

Since that's done, we have two more Venoms as everyone is down for the moment. Shoutmon, being the King, won't give up. Who else do we know that doesn't give up? Masaru! Who flies in on Agumon Bust Mode to Daimon Punch! The Venom Myotismon into Dominos. Tai and Agumon are a bit impressed at Burst Mode. A Venom gets up to shoot but Here Comes Magnamon! And Daisuke. We can't let his Goggles touch Tai's in case there's a Time Paradox. Also, Here's Takato/Guilmon and Takuya. Now Evos all around!

WarGreymon! Dukemon! Aldamon! And one confused Zenjirou! Plus one angry Akari. Heh. Fighting, fighting, Dukemon stabs a MaloMyotismon through the chest. Awesome yet a bit violent. Adventure 01 Joe and Gomamon are left to destroy a Quartzmon in South America and he's not too happy he was left. Magnamon is a big gun but it doesn't last for a while. Luckily, Ken is here to help with Stingmon. He brought Adventure 01 Matt and Metal Garurumon plus the other Spirits to help. So now we get Imperialdramon Dragon Mode and Omegamon. And we get get Susanoomon. Although there's only four spirit balls (Chakmon talks) I'm guessing they have the other spirits with them. Anyway, they're not DigiXroses however. Tentomon explains it all of course. Not to be out done, Dukemon gets Grani back and goes Crimson Mode. Lastly, We get Burst Mode Shine Greymon. Since that's the last one left.

Omegamon and Crimson Mode cut some Malos in half while OmegaShoutmon joins Masaru for some Falcon Punch! Burst Mode, Susanoomon, Dragon Mode then Fighter Mode take out the Venom. Of course that last attack had Xros Heart hide behind Xros Metal Greymon. So Quartzmon learned you can't beat a bigger gun with many smaller guns because there's always more guns to beat that.

After the fight, Grani leaves and we get intros of everyone. Using the power of the Goggles and the Sextant they get the Brave Snatcher to help. Now Ryouma can save the day. ...Or it would be if he didn't grab Taiki and OmegaShoutmon with it. Huh? Ryouma is evil! He's helping Quartzmon. Now Quartzmon evos/Mode Changes to a big ball on three Spider legs and says how it's time for him to off all the humans.

Digimon Intro Corner. Myotismon. DigiXros with Yakiimon (Sweet Potato) to make, a Myotismon with paper wings. ...Uh... Anyway, Last Time on DXWYH, Tagiru has to step up to save the day.

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RE: Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 24 (78) - by UnknownH - 03-24-2012, 02:29 PM