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the tale of a lusty ninja
OOC: so here we are the 2nd part of the 1st story of this series kinda wired saying that anyway yeah so after this i can get back to order and go to part 3 of tales of lusty ninja the pairing in this part of the first story is naruko/konohomaru enjoy:)


"konohomaru, how was it" naruto asked not exactlly being the expert and it being his first time trying this and all wanted to know the reaction.

konohomaru was overwelmed by what had just happend but what ever it was it felt good really good and as he came down from his afterglow he was happy to tell and sat up straight.
"it was amazing boss, what the hell did you do becuse it was SOOOO good"konohomaru said eger to learn more of this new found intrest.

naruto was a bit stummped he didnt know much about this as it was he knew what a few things where called and read about how its done but never really did it in practice and never really remeberd what he had learnt so he thought hard for a minute before the knowledge returned to him. "ummm, i think its called a blow job; its where someone puts the mouth around a guys thing and move the head back and forth on it while sucking" naruto explained while thinking to himself wether he explained it well enough.

konohomaru was looking at naruto with awe he was so happy this was the best thing he had done in his life and he wanted to do more of this stuff."uhh boss, can we do like more of umm blowjob?" konohomaru asked not really sure of what he was talking about but knowing one thing he wanted to do more.

naruto a little stunned but happy none the less answered "nah konohomaru i want to try something elese but dont worry its like a blowjob but much much better and it makes us both feel good, well i think so anyway" naruto answered seeing the obviouse admiration in his younger friends eye's.

"wow really boss what are we going to do?!" konohomaru said with excitment starting to feel funny inside agen and a bit light head'ed.

"well its called sex and its useally what two people do when they really really like each other and words cant say enough but we can just do for fun also sex is useally between men and girls"(i have nothing agenst lesbian or gay in fact i myself am Bi but for the sake of the story where it is a very sterotypeical place i have to make them like this but these are not my views).

konohomaru was confussed not over the sex thing he had just learnt but about the boys and girls thing."but boss im not a girl and your not a girl and there's no girls around here so how are we going to do that, huh boss" said konohomaru in his confussion.

naruto had been waiting for him to say this "well konohomaru we do" said naruto with a wide grin and with that he made a transformation sign and said thouse words "sexy jutsu" and in a puff of smoke he was gone and replaced by an older female version of naruto known as naruko.

konohomaru stared at her starting to feel even more of a funny feeling in his stomach that he couldent explain but then feeling another one in his crotch that he could explain as he got another erection.

naruko giggled "well someones paying attention" naruko said through her giggle "but before we start i need you to promise me that you wont tell anyone about this no one at all not even your close'st friends becuse if you do even one person we will never be able to do this agen so you have to keep it quite and make it are little secret" naruko comanded with a serious look on her face.

"uhh sure thing miss boss" konohomaru said nodding to show that he understood.

naruko giggled agen(she does giggle alot huh)"well in that case leave the work to me" said naruko as she began to approch konohomaru who was laying on the grass naked on his back looking nervouse with anticipation and his 4 inch member pokeing straight towards naruko as if almost knowing what was to come.(lol pun intended)

naruko was standing with her legs on either side on konohomaru's waist and took hold of his member making konohomaru become like jelly at the knee's naruko then began to align her sweet juicy and allready wet entrace with konohomaru's little member and she then began to squat down on it feeling it enter and fill part of her fleshy walls as she then straddled konohomaru who imeadiutly felt some pleasure which made him gasp and what he assumed to be that back of that hole on naruko but naruko knew what it was and pushed down hard cringing as she did so and then it happend her cherry poped and a bit of blood went down konohomaru's member konohomaru saw this and was worried straight away.

"miss boss miss boss your bleeding inside are you ok we can st.." konohamaru said panicing before he was cut off by naruko.

"no no its fine this is what happens to a girl the first time they do this theres a barrier which blocks her off and it has to be broken for sex and is useally broken by a penis when she first try's sex" said naruko crying slightly as the pain began to slowly subside.

"are you sure that your ok naruko" konohomaru said still concerned.

naruko dident answer to this but she did make her response known when she began to ride konohomaru up and down.konohomaru got the message when she did this and began moaning agen. it didnt take long for naruko to start moaning either and she started moaning more and more with each thrust she had to make sure she got off before konohomaru becuse she knew that he would be spent and she also knew that because of his age it wouldent take long for him to climax but not only that she also knew that boy useally allways climax before girls but she wasnt going to let this happen and began to seriouslly pound down on konohomaru causeing his whole body to shake and even his hips began to hurt she was going so fast she was like a blur. together they moaned louder and louder as the pleaser got more and more konohomaru thought the blowjob was good but this was even better and he dident think that was possible.

"oh..oohhh oh naruko it feeeels sssooooo goood" konohomaru struggled to get out the feeling of thouse tight slick walls clenching so precisly around his member sqeezeing it and tuging it as his member slid back and forth rubbing agenst thouse velvety walls was too much and he was fastly approching his climax which was practicly here and he gave the loudest moan so far.

naruko heared this moan but knew she would not make her climax in time and so she clensed his muscles as too stop him from getting any closer to that release and it worked instently konohomaru's release was delayed as she got closer and closer to her climax and then it hit her and so she pounded down as fast and hard as she could and kept up this speed as she humped straight through her climax."OOHHH KONOHOMARU AHH" naruko screamed with a look of bliss on her face as she climaxed.

konohomaru wasnt far behind that clench before may have put off his climax but the second clench brought it forward and once all of thouse walls went tight around his member and then the overwelimg speed increased what he could not imagin it was then that he eyes began fogged with pleasure and lust he dident even care that he would have brusied hips in the morning as all he could see was this pleasure and soon it got all to much for the little ninja who the spilled what was left of his load deep into that warm slit between naruko's legs."OHH NARUKO" konohomaru screamed in response to her orgasem and the both climaxed together give or take a few seconds.

there they laid for a few minute enjoying the blissfull afterglow of one of the best day's of there lives. naruko dident really want to get up she wished she could allways have this she then got an idea "(hmm this is the best feeling i have ever had and i need more *snickers in mind* this is definetly something i am going to have to talk to naruto about)" and with that she stood up giggleing to herself at this nice idea maybe she could have this feeling everyday(that is where the name comes from as she is one lusty ninja).

today had been a very productiive day of training konohomaru had learnt something knew from his teacher which he would of never knew i guess you do learn something new everyday.

OOC: boom there we go now just to recap the order the pairing between konohomaru/naruko aka this one is the first part of TALES OF LUSTY NINJA the second part of TALES OF LUSTY NINJA is the pairing between naruto/naruko and the 3rd pairing which i intend to be similer to this one but instead of being STRAIGHT/yaoi it will be YURI/straight the pairing will be naruko/hinata mostly making it my first YURI as this was my first YAOI looking forward to doing it so untill next time guys and thanks for reading
i have seen the very darkness of humanity that we destroy are selfs in the end but i have also seen our potential for good and freindship and that is what i hang on too, I am unrelenting and i fight for what i belive in that is my goal.


click here to see my original fiction turn RP
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds

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the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-16-2012, 10:39 PM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-17-2012, 09:38 PM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-18-2012, 11:09 PM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-20-2012, 02:05 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-22-2012, 02:29 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-23-2012, 02:47 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-24-2012, 01:52 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 03-08-2012, 02:30 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 03-09-2012, 02:09 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 03-10-2012, 03:00 AM