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Colaberator needed........Please!
I'm sorry to say that I've come to a dead end to a story I've been writting. Writer's block, I guess! I'd like a taleted writer to join me in the creation of a new series that I've begun. He/She should have at least a few stories under their belt and be willing to share ideas about how they think it should proceed. Idea

This story will contain NO YAIO, :shock: but that's about the only rule I have. :) It is set ten years after Adventure 02 and many of the digidestined have found their place in both worlds. But a new danger is brewing in the digital world that will call our heros back to the fight that they thought was over. 8) I would like to state for the record, Malo-Myotismon is GONE and will not be making a reappearence in this lemon, though he may be mentioned, as a passing reference. Wink

I know that many of you out there may be busy with your own lives, school, work, and your significant other, MUST take preference over this story! But even a couple of ideas will be of great help. If you'd like to participate in this venture, PM me or add me to your friend's list on Yahoo Messenger,(I use my pen name here on the DaD), Windows Messenger doesn't seem to be working for me since the REBOOT. Guess I should work on that as well.

I guess I'll say thanx in advance for anyone who'd be willing to let me, at least pick their brain, if not totally colaberate with me on this series. I may not be a premier writer on this site, Red Rover has that privilege, I do think I have a few ideas that will draw other people's attention

SaberGatomon said it, and I'll say it again! Twisted

Messages In This Thread
Colaberator needed........Please! - by SaberGatomon - 05-01-2005, 01:17 AM