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Story of Tsukaimon and Kaiser
Kaiser and Tsukaimon

Kaiser Andira is a 10 year kid that lives in a small city name Alton. He is playing with his computer one day and then the computer start to act strange. Kaiser looks at his computer and bang it a few times. Then a digivice came out of the computer. Kaiser is looking at the digivice. He is wondering what it is for. He said to himself, “what do I do with this thing?” He then point it to the computer and he was suck into the Digital World.

Kaiser start to wake up. He looks up and see that he had fallen a great distance. Kaiser then look over to his left side. A training Digimon name Tokomon is looking at him. Kaiser scoot back. He said, “what, or who are you?” The Digimon said, “I am Tokomon. I am here to be your partner.” Kaiser said, “are you sure you got the right person?” Tokomon said, “I sure do.”

Kaiser and Tokomon start to walk around. He said, “where the other humans?” Tokomon said, “I know some here, but one name TK had a Tokomon that digivolve into Patamon.” Kaiser said, “you want to digivolve into a Patamon too?” Tokomon said, “no, my goal is to digivolve into a Tsukaimon.” Kaiser said, “a Tsukaimon huh?” Tokomon said, “it is the virus type of a Patamon.” Kaiser said, “so we better get training then. We need to built your strength.” Tokomon start to smile big.

Kaiser said, “Tokomon, look at that Digimon. He is getting closer. Tokomon said, “not worry about that Digimon. It is a Monochromon.” Kaiser said, “there are other friendly, tamed Digimon here.” Tokomon said, “yes, and more dangerous ones too. The one that we need to stay away is name Devimon.” Kaiser said, “Devimon can come and we will defeat him, me and my partner, Tsukaimon.”

Kaiser look over and Tokomon is starting to glow. Kaiser said, “what happening to you Tokomon?” Tokomon said, “I am digivolving.” Kaiser said, “cool, I have to watch this.” Kaiser watch his Tokomon digivolve into Tsukaimon. Kaiser said, ”that is cool. Will you be digivolving again soon?” Tsukaimon said, ”maybe soon, but not right now.”

The glow is seen by TK and his partner Digimon, Patamon. Patamon start to sniff and said, “he is back, and he is not alone.” TK said, “who, what, huh?” Patamon said, “my evil brother in arms, Tsukaimon is back and he is nothing but bad news. If you ever see him, you will attack him and the poor kid he has to be his partner.” TK said, “lets go investigating.” Patamon said, “that is a good idea. I not want anyone hurt.”

TK and Patamon walk through the forest. They peak their heads out of the brush. They see only Tsukaimon. TK said, “that Digimon looks just like you Patamon.” Patamon said, “that is call Tsukaimon. His special attack is Bad Message.” TK said, “looks like he is easy to beat. Lets get him.” Patamon said, “I am ready TK.” TK said, “wait a minute Patamon. Look over near the tree. It is a human.” Patamon said, “lets spy them and see what they are going to do.” TK said, “my thoughts exactly.”

Tsukaimon continue to train. Kaiser continue to watch. Then Tsukaimon sees a Pagumon and a Koromon. Tsukaimon said, “you two need to go, I am training here.” The Koromon and Pagumon both look confuse. Kaiser walk up and said, “Tsukaimon, that is no way to talk to baby Digimon.” Tsukaimon looks down and said, “I sorry Kaiser.” Kaiser said, “that is a good boy, Tsuakimon.” Tsukaimon start to smile and said, “I should tell you that there should be others here as Digi Destine.” Kaiser said, “lets look for them.”

Patamon has his mouth wide open to see Tsuakimon and Kaiser working together as a team. TK said, “Patamon, lets get back to the others. They need to see this new person and this what you call Tsukaimon.” Patamon said, “that is true. I need to tell the other Digimon.” TK and Patamon both start to move back to the others, but unaware to TK, he accidentally left his school name card.

Tsukaimon sees some brush move. He said, “Kaiser, I see something over there where that brush is.” Kaiser said, “lets go and investigate.” Tsukaimon said, “okay Kaiser. I hope you understand I can not digivolve from this form yet.” Kaiser said, “I know, but I can always go back to the real world and take you with me.” Kaiser and Tsukaimon both walk up to where the brush move. Tsukaimon said, “Kaiser, what is this?” Kaiser said, “it is a school ID card.” Tsukaimon said, “do you know him?” Kaiser said, “I will ask around in the morning. Lets go home.” Kaiser and Tsukaimon both got to the real world. Kaiser said, “lets get to bed. Night Tsukaimon.” Tsukaimon said, “night.”

TK walk to Matt and said, “Matt, we saw another human and a weird Digimon in the digital world today.” Matt said, “I see. Do you know who the kid is?” TK said, “I do not know him, all I know is that he had a Tsukaimon.” Gabumon said, “a Tsukaimon, I hope that thing do not digivolve into a Devimon.” Patamon said, “impossible, Devimon is still alive.” Gabumon said, “I do not think he will as well.” Patamon said, “we will investigate tomorrow.” Gabumon said, “I will contact the others for them all to get their guards up. It might be a long, tough battle.”

Tsukaimon woke up in the middle of the night. He fly out on the porch. He then look up at the moon and said to himself, “I will get you for hurting me Devimon.” You will never win.” Patamon woke up and look down. He is surprise that Kaiser and his Tsukaimon lives in the same building. He continue to listen to what Tsukaimon is saying. Tsukaimon said, “I was the mega type Datimon.” Patamon wonder who Datimon is. He fly back to TK and look in his digivice to see who Datimon is. The Digivice said that Datimon is a fallen angel. Patamon said, “I will let TK know in the morning. I am going to bed right now.” He fly to the bed and cover in the blanket next to TK. At the same time, Tsukaimon fly to the bed and cuddle next to Kaiser.

` End part 1
Creative Minds

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Story of Tsukaimon and Kaiser - by Cuddy Fox - 02-03-2012, 11:18 AM