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Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 16 (70)
Another episode. Let's get to it.

We start with a video about some kind of phone booth that you can hear ghosts on. But character 1 says that it's just a normal phone booth. But then the phone rings and character 2 tells him to answer it. But, when the phone says "Help Me" they both freak out and run. Of course. Some female character is watching this on a phone while standing at said booth so she can get some answers this time.

Now it's our favorite odd couple Tagiru and Yuu as they're walking somewhere. Of course Taiki is helping the baseball team so he's not there yet. Smart. Yuu doesn't believe in ghosts but it could be a Digimon. And their Digimon are sleeping on their bikes. Even though there's buses coming by but they're having trouble finding the telephone in front of an abandoned hospital. Uh... Wait. They found it. But there's no hospital. But that's how rumors happen. Yuu picks up the phone, then Tagiru tries to get in there to hear and then the Digimon do too. Which them not being Superman or this being a blue Police Box, makes them get stuck and the door close behind them. Yuu then tels them to shut up. He hears the Help me coming from the other line and the girl from the start of the ep pops up in her alarmed tent. Her PKE Meter is going off too. And since it turns out that it's a spy series instead, there's no one in Japan she could call. And luckily, they call back the Digimon so she won't see them. Thus, she walks in on them and they cover by saying how close they are as friends. Looking past the bromance or the possible interrupting of anything dirty, she grabs the phone and tries to hear what's on the other line. But she doesn't hear anyone so she just goes with her PKE Meter going off. Leaving, she says she's the Spirit Hunter Kaoru and asks if their Loaders are also Meters. Yuu lies about it and Tagiru almost blows everything until Yuu shuts him up. After intros, she runs to chase the signal on her Meter and they go with her. Walking through the woods, they find the old Hospital and Kaoru hurts her leg on an old drain. She's fine but that'll cause her problems later. And it's a Power Plant not a hospital. The gate opens because it's Hydroelectric so that's why it does things. Now as she goes in, They Reload their Digimon to stay out of sight.

Walking in, Tagiru is scared and with some mood lighting and accidental shadows by the Digimon, he gets even more. He annoys Yuu while Kaoru says how ghosts are actually more about science. Then a phone rings. When she picks it up, she gets the same message Then the phone does some strange stuff, and all the doors/windows shut. Much like a Horror Movie. And so, she runs to find that sound and so Yuu then Tagiru run after her. After running around the corner, Airu crashes into Tagiru. The gets away from him. The she grabs on to Damemon/Gumdramon. And throws them away. It seems she really has it on for Yuu. ...Wait! What is she doing here?! Besides waiting to glomp/rape Yuu. Then finding the source of the weird light everyone sees, there's Kaoru. And she disappears. Which is what happened to Opossummon it seems. Funny bit between Airu and Tagiru/Gumdramon and it seems Airu came here to hunt. Or at least to find some cute ghosts. Then Damemon senses something. Chasing, chasing, somethings behind Airu and she's now behind Yuu. Ghost tentacle grabs her leg and Yuu tells her to stay behind him. Then they both end up on the floor. To avoid a spike attack of course. Much like a horror movie, the ghost is targeting the girl. Why? Because she caught it in a trap and sent Opossummon after it. Then that light shows up and she runs.

Now Airu has to show Yuu (and Tagiru too) where she set the trap so they can find the ghost. While Tagiru seems upset after being third wheeled, he gets happy when he hears it might be a Digimon. Wow. Yuu gets all the bitches don't he. And they all hate Tagiru at times. Now with the girl they just met so she hasn't had time to fall for the Ninja Pimp Yuu, Kaoru is waking up from whatever happened to her. Of course her legs hurts and of course, that light was a Time Shift. Now we see what says Poyo and it grabs her hat to run down the hole where Opossummon is. She climbs down after hearing help me and give me your power again. Suddenly, the Poyo speaking ghost like jellyfish thing. notices the team has Time Shifted and jumps on Opossummon's head to go meet or distract them.

They reach the hole and Opossessedmon floats up to say how Airu should be bullied just like she bullied them. Then it attacks and Yuu knocks her down to save her. She wonders why her Digimon is attacking and Yuu tells her the ghost is controlling her. So she gets the idea to pull it off of her. By Super Evo. But that just makes things worse so the guys have to Super Evo too. And now we have Arresterdramon and Tsuwamon to try to stop a very big attack. It does not work. And the spinning fire knocks down a big thing at the ceiling which crashes down into the hole. Which also makes Kaoru fall down and get knocked out. But the thing in the cage grabs her.

Now the guys have to stop this big water wheel? from falling anymore so they can save Kaoru. The two super-evos will hold it while they try to get her out. Their yelling wakes her up and the thing in the cage, a Patamon, tells her to lend him her power which she does and they float out. Which means the ghost thing on Cho Hakkaimon gets off and she falls down to Opossummon. Airu apologizes and Patamon introduces themselves (the other of course is a Poyomon) and says how they just want to live in peace and quiet. So they van be left alone. Even Airu agrees and they disappear. So, Airu leaves on a bus while the other two walk their bikes home. Kaoru? She's in her tent and wakes up from a "dream" to go check their phone again When she picks it up, it says thank you and poyon. Poyomon still has her hat! Anyway, what happened to Taiki? He's exhausted but luckily, the team won the city championship and Akari is there to look after him. That's a surprise.

Digimon Intro Corner. Patamon. Xros with Sparrowmon to make a Patamon with Sparrow wings, back legs, and guns. But they're heavy so he can't fly. ...Something about this seems obvious. Next ep, that son of a bitch Betsumon. ...I hope he dies.

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RE: Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 16 (70) - by UnknownH - 01-27-2012, 03:03 PM