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Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 14 (68)
Enough of this.

Yeah, takes a while but I get these done.

It starts with old Man Clock explaining the plot. Now we see Tagiru's collection. He gloats and the Clockmaker pops up. He's on a boat! As like the mystery that he is, he says that there's a lot of Hunters gathering to get a chance at a super strong Digimon. And his Clockmon throws Tagiru a ticket for this event as they sail off into darkness under a tunnel. But the ticket is blank. And both Taiki and Yuu got them as well. But wait, there's some sort of Bar Code wrote on the paper. Which means Wise mon has to translate it. And of course, there was a Gumdramon calls Tagiru stupid joke. They're coordinates. And yuu found them being the brains and all. But wait, this isn't in Japan though, it's on an island. which Old Man Clock and his Mon are on and seeing a big digimon who is obviously on it.

Opening and we see a strange set of 5 people on the title screen. Luckily, we know someone who can take the team there. Kiichi and Locomon. And of course, Hideaki is on the train too. So these four will hunt and Kiichi will be back later. Our four walk through the forest on the island we see a house which is slightly run down and who's playing a piano in it? It's Team Antagonists. Ryouma is playing it. But wait, there's a ton of Hunters. Plus Digimon:

Striped Unimon
Numemon (Ha.)

So Old Man Clock shows upstairs and explains the rules. Which there are none. One of the Hunters asks if it's true that they get the Digimon if the capture it. This is true and it's a rare and powerful one too. With a glass breaking scream, the game starts and Tagiru hurries to get there first and Time Shifts. But once they get there, they're attacked by the Witchmon, Allomon, and Striped Unimon Hunters. Now they're ahead of him. Taiki however hung back to ask the Clockman about the DigiQuartz. Which he agrees on. Now back with Tagiru, Hideaki shows up to help him and distract the others but the grounds goes weird and a tree melts. Which drives the team of three away. Now we see Yuu having lost Tagiru of course but he's found by none other then Airu. Who has a super grudge/crush (I bet) on him. Having him caught by some balloons tieing him up in the air, she gets all Tsun and S on him. But of course, he has Tsuwamon hiding to catch her. And now they're tied up in a big bag tied up with her balloons. Heh. Now back to Taiki who's running. Flashing back to his talk, Old Man Clock says that Digimon in other countries have already lost their way. And this one is really strong. Then he's stopped by a mysterious guy in a cloak. The voice sounds like someone he knows though.

Taiki and Hideaki end up at a canyon where Ryouma and Ren are there as well. After an insult and a counter insult by Hideaki, some super heated water sprays up. Also, a volcano is erupting with digital energy. Here's the DOTW. It's Volcdramon! Of course Tagiru/Gumdramon are frozen with how awesome it is. It's burning freaking everything. Knocking out Dobermon (darn) and making both two of Team Enemy and "Team" Unnamed (the three that attacked Tagiru) avoid it. Of course Tagiru gets hurt wanting to fight him. Now they're back in that one house in the real world.

Hideaki and all the other Hunters are leaving since they're not strong enough. No one here is if they go head on. But of course Tagiru still wants to try Meanwhile Balistamon is surprisingly here to show a TV report about how Volcdramon is causing havoc around the island. So they need a plan to get it out from underground. And of course the other two are measuring the goundwater's temperature and it's getting too hot so they need Airu's trap to catch it. Then they see Tagiru and Taiki having a great idea to use Sagomon and Balistamon to shock the water. Which is smart and it works. What's not smart is his next idea to just beat him down. Ryouma and Ren tell him he need something to stop him instead of that.Of course while a trap would work, Airu didn't set any because she's trapped by Yuu since she tried to get him to get all M for her. So, getting OmegaShoutmon and Arresterdramon to attack while SuperStarmon uses Star Armies to hold it back. But the lava burns everyone. Not even Astamon and Yashamon can stop it. The Volcanic Foam hits everyone and almost knocks Taiki into a crack in the ground. But that mysterious cloaked guy grabs him. It's Kiriha!

So now he has a plan. Having Tagiru and Yuu lure Volcdramon to the forest beyond the river. He has traps. Since they only one he wants to hit on is Taiki. heh heh Anyway, the plan goes off with We are Xros Heart playing. Cool. Kiriha find the weak point they have to hit for massive damage and they keep fighting them. Once they get him to said place, MetalGreymon (Xros version remember), cuts some metal ropes to knock Volcdramon down. And now's the perfect time for Zeek Greymon! And he hits the weak spot. This blows it up and now Kiriha has it. Makes sense since his face looks a bit like Dracomon.

Ren is upset while Ryouma is somewhat happy about seeing this. Old Man Clock says thank you and goodbye to our team while Kiriha explains that he's been in the US where he found his team to investigate the DigiQuartz and now he'll look at other parts of the world. He'll leave Japan to Xros Heart though. It's super important. Xros Heart and Hideaki hear Kiichi and go home while Taiki is upset over what the old man says. The home town seems to be the epicenter of the problems.

Now we see a riverboat with Old Man Clock telling these people onboard that even after getting them together, they didn't get to do anything. But "That Day" will come soon. So who's on this boat? People that looks oddly like Savers' Masaru and Adventure's Tai. (01 that is). Both with Agumons. Hmm... I wonder what this means...

Digimon Intro Cornor. Volcdramon. Xros with Tsuwamon and it makes... a fake Mt. Fuji? Anyway next ep, Phelesmon (in a disguise of sorts) tells a lonely guy named Makoto that he'll get friends. Of course, he's evil so it's all a plot.

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RE: Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 14 (68) - by UnknownH - 01-18-2012, 02:24 PM