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Digimon-REMNANT Prelude Taiki/Dorulumon
This is a prelude to a big story I'm writing. It combines several plots I've thought of over the years, and this is only a snippet of what is to come. This is ONLY a tease, so sorry for the minimal sex content. Call this an XXX-Mas gift. I will post more, I promise. But for now, here it is:

This song was my inspiration for the scene with Shoutmon:

REMNANT-Prelude (This scene takes place right around the very end of Episode 54 of Xros Wars, where Taiki is shaking Shoutmon's hand)

The sun shined brightly over both human and Digimon as one very concentrated group of human kids gathered in jubliation along with the Digimon they fought alongside for so very long. One person in particular, Taiki Kudou, was ecstatic that this was finally brought to a close.

"WE DID IT!!!!"Taiki raised an excited fist into the air. It was a time of great jubliation...after all, Shoutmon had just "FINAL XROSSED" with every Digimon in the Digital World.

"Be careful, Taiki!"Akari scolded him, waving a finger in his face."Really...the way you use up all your energy so recklessly is going to wear me out one of these days..."

"I'm sorry..."Taiki grinned, rubbing the back of his head.

"Taiki!"Shoutmon jumped up and slapped his back, nearly knocking the poor kid to the ground."You rabble rouser! You did it!"

"King Shoutmon."Taiki put out his hand, after regaining his footing."You earned the title."

"Ah."Shoutmon took his partner's hand, a jolt of energy gripping Taiki.

"ow!"Taiki was surprised, grabbing his hand at what felt like a static shock."That hurt!...okay, where are we?"

Suddenly, the area around them had disappeared and they were in bleak darkness. Where were they? Taiki surveyed the area around him only to find nothing...he sensed others around him but couldn't quite ascertain where they were. It was like they were here, but not at the same time. It was a weird sensation to Taiki...

"Welcome to the inside of your Xros Loader."A spotlight beamed down upon Dorulumon."This has been a long time in coming, Digidestined...Taiki."

"W-What?"Taiki said.

"You've fought a long time Taiki and I want you to know that what I'm about to tell you is not meant to alienate or harm's the solid truth. Will you trust me?"

"I...of course I do. I always have."Taiki crossed his arms, shivering."W-What's this feeling?...This chill going down my spine..."

"Deletion. The creator of this world has deemed this the sixth successful version of his experiment for sentient digital life and now no further use for any of us."


"Why do you think you saw cars sticking out of buildings in your world? Have you even outside this city?"

", I can't...that means that Akari, Mom, Zenjirou..."Taiki dropped to his knees, looking down to the ground."Everyone! EVERYONE THAT WE FOUGHT FOR...THEY'RE GONE?!"

"Digital humans and monsters, born within the same world via a program called the 'Black Box'. We exist only within the network...AI, artificial intelligence on steroids. He wanted us to know this...before even your Xros Loader succumbed to the deletion wave."

"What was the purpose of all this!? He brings us into existence with false memories and false experiences only to end things like...this? Why wouldn't he let us continue to exist?...why..."


"huh!"Taiki quickly turned his head around, seeing Shoutmon in the garbled holographic form he found him in when he first saved him.

"Taiki, this is my last message to you. As you are no doubt aware, the world you knew is now gone...but that doesn't make it any less real. What we experienced was real, Taiki. The feelings we had, the foes we faced...were not pre-engineered but created out of the thoughts and feelings of an AI like'll know her in time as 'Aura'. Dorulumon will be your partner now, Taiki...I'm sorry I'm not there to guide you...I wanted to be but the Conqueror would've been on to me..."

"The Conqueror?"

"I had to save you and as many of our friends as I that you could really save the world. His plans Taiki...they are terrible. I've left journals in the plains of this vast network. If he's successful...a lot of innocent people will die Taiki...the world will no longer be hospitable. I know this is a lot to take in...but I trust you about all else."

"Shoutmon..."Taiki picked up the small hologram into his hands.

"heh...I didn't know dying would take this long. I guess he wanted to make sure I suffered. Look addition to you and Dorulumon...I saved Bastemon, Gaomon, Renamon, Mammothmon, and's the destiny of Sleipmon to become king...unlike my reign, his will be lasting should you succeed."

Shoutmon whinced in agony as a leg disappeared.

"huhhh...Taiki...*sniff*I'm sorry. I can' this. Dorulu...mon. Gah this hurts...Dorulumon. Give this to Taikiii....shhhishsh"

With a blip, the transmission ended, leaving Taiki speechless. In the span of a few minutes, his world had been thrown upside down. The other Digimon he mentioned appeared around him...Bastemon among them.

"Taiki-sama..."Bastemon wrapped her arms around him."Where'd Shoutmon go?"

"Gone...along with everything else."Taiki sniffed.

"We're still here."Dorulumon walked in front of him, lowering his head down to Taiki's level and washing his tongue over the young man's lips. Taiki found his clothes deleted but his body preserved. Whatever Shoutmon did, it was just barely protecting them from whoever was trying to delete them.

"D-Dorulumon...Bastemon..."The girl started purring, rubbing her head against his body along with her hair. The Gaomon raised a leg, a golden stream of liquid coming from his in between his legs and marking Taiki. They were claiming Taiki as their own.

"Dorulumon?"Taiki asked, as Gaomon's tongue licked his ear.

"You are our property will lead us to the Digidestined, those Shoutmon has deemed worthy of being our partners."Dorulumon turned around, laying down on all fours."Press his face into my hindquarters."

Not struggling at this point, Taiki fought back his tears as it was too much to bear and just lost himself in the moment as the deluge of memories began to pour out of him. His face was pushed into Dorulumon's butt, a whiff of gas pushed into his face. He somehow found this...good, and proceeded to push his tongue into his buttcrack, cleaning him out as he felt Renamon and Bastemon's fuzzy butts rubbing against his back, marking them with their exotic scents. He felt a black collar on his neck, appearing as if by magic. He had submitted to Dorulumon...Gaomon let go, but Taiki hugged Dorulumon's butt close not wanting to let go.

"You didn't have to force me in, Dorulumon...I would've done it anyway."

"And...why is that Taiki?"

"Because you're still here. And that's what matters."


"But nothing. I knew I kept following you for a reason...why Shoutmon had you explain this to me. Thank you...thank you for being there."
[Image: Ikuto_Peckmon4_Ever.jpg]
"I'll keep you safe...forever."

Messages In This Thread
Digimon-REMNANT Prelude Taiki/Dorulumon - by Renafan - 12-25-2011, 05:34 PM