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Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 12 (66)
It seems two topics were lost during spam cleaning so I'll post my thoughts on the last ep in this topic.

Took a while but this week was my birthday. Had things I had to do.

Starting off with Tagiru late for school and running. He does not have bread in his mouth though. His first class that he's late for is Gym with the Hot-Blooded Mr. Sugimoto. A different type of hot blooded then Tagiru. But it's just a study period today. The teacher is feeling ill. Oddly weak and quiet. Much like the Judo and Baseball club which Yuu points out. This is odd and it could be a Digimon doing it. Which makes Tagiru fire up. Intro and school is over for the day. Tagiru gets happy and walks out, bothering Mami of course. Then Taiki walks up to Yuu. And being the Digimon Radar that he is now, shows Yuu all the sports clubs are tired. Tagiru Time Shifts and gets the notice of Meramon's head wearing goggles. No, wait. It was FlaWizardmon.

So, this is why all those people are so tired and weak. He stole their energy and personality. Which he demonstrates by doing squats like the gym teacher. But that didn't seem to give him enough strength since he switches to flaming baseballs. Gumdramon dodges all of these though this gives him the opening to judo throw Tagiru and steal his energy with a blue flame. This of course causes him to act like our goofball hero and now Gumdramon can't Super-Evo. And now FlaWizardmon ran.

Back on the school roof, (Seriously, how and why do all the anime characters in high school go up here? They'd never let us near the roof where I live I'm sure.) Taiki and Yuu see that Tagiru has no energy and so they need to go get his energy back. He can't go since he's too tired. We see how everyone seems to be weaker and weaker. Even the Cheer Squad is weak. Not Cheerleaders, more like those guys from Elite Beat Agents. That game on the DS. So Tagiru still can't get up and we see even people waiting in traffic are weak now. Make that everyone is.

Now Time Shift! as they found him. He attacks but is not doing well at all. But, he has Tagiru's power so he can just keep getting back up. Speaking of the human weeble, here he comes on Gumdramon. Now Super-Evo for all but Tagiru since they're not there yet and can't due to him being weak right now. Thanks to this ability of Tagiru, and the common Tropes of Shounen anime, FlaWizardmon just won't go down even after getting hit into a wall. And this is a bad thing. But luckily, Gumdramon flies in to block his charge and Tagiru wobbles and now he falls down off of Gumadramon's head.

This time, Gumdramon is the one getting beat but a quick flashback later, FlaWizardmon gets mad and kicks him away. Then he comes back still talking until he collapses. But he then gets back up and finishes the speech with a yell to get the power back into Tagiru. It's not enough but it's enough to get him to stand up. And to Super-Evo to Arresterdramon since he has more power charging up in him he can use.

Now it's a good fight and FlaWizardmon is beat and Hunted. Now back at school, the Gym Teacher is running everyone extra time because he was sick but they all collapse. Not a good idea to help him I guess. heh heh Intro corner we have FlaWizardmon of course and we Xros him with Wisemon to make a Mon who has stronger magic due to the intelligence but he ends up burning stuff down. Next ep, we have Ogremon and Fugamon (Red Ogremon) fight over Ramen.

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RE: Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 12 (66) - by UnknownH - 12-18-2011, 05:07 PM