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life after life part 3
tickling him and rested her tail on his shoulder. They laughed. I have my ways… She said playfully. “Wow that thing is flexible.” He commented. All the more better to tickle you with. She said teasingly. “How’s that wood doing?” Eragon asked, changing the subject. Oh, I forgot it was even there we’ve been flying for so long. She said. It seems to be doing fine. “Good.” He said.

Silence remained between them for nearly two hours. “I can’t wait till we land.” Eragon said suddenly. Saphira smirked. Can’t wait to have some fun eh? She asked, laughing slightly. “Yeah.” He said plainly. I think I’ve created a sexaholic. Saphira said teasingly. I though you said you could go several days before you wanted to have sex again. “Well you aroused me so much I can’t think of anything else. He said truthfully. You’re so attractive Saphira. You arouse me so much more than Arya or any other women did.” What other women? Saphira asked with a hint of jealousy in her voice. Did you have any other women you were attracted to that I don’t know about? “Well yeah, of course. He said. Before I met you.” Saphira snorted. “Are you surprised? Eragon asked indignantly. I was seventeen when we met.” I feel like we’ve always known each other. Saphira said softly. I forget that you lived for seventeen years without me. It’s difficult for me to imagine you living your own separate life that I know nothing about. The silence continued for several minutes before Saphira spoke up again. So what was her name? She asked. “Just forget it Saphira. Eragon said. I was young back then and would chase anything that came my way. She meant nothing to me. I just wanted her.”

You mean you wanted to… Saphira asked, trailing off. “Yeah, I wanted to, but that’s all I wanted. He said. I had no interest in love or developing a relationship. I just desired her is all. You can’t blame me. I was young and stupid and thinking only with my-” I understand Eragon. Saphira said, interrupting him. What else can you tell me about your life before I came along? “Well, let’s see…” Eragon said, trailing off. They continued to speak of Eragon’s life before they had met as they flew closer to their destinies…


They had flown for nearly sixteen hours and both of them were getting rather tired. Their tired eyes scanned the ground looking for a place to land. Saphira spotted a rather large hill up ahead that was relatively cleared. Eragon, I see a place up ahead. She said. It’s only a few minutes from here. It’s that hill over there. Can you see it? Eragon squinted in the rapidly fading sunlight. “No, I can’t.” He said. Several minutes passed and he finally was gazing upon the hill Saphira had pointed out to him. “Now I see it. He said. Oh Saphira, it’s perfect!”

He couldn’t see that well in what little light was left, but he could see that the hill still had some trees on it. For some reason however, they were almost all gone from it. Whatever the reason for the absence of trees, it was a good place to rest. It might even be suitable for their construction site. He couldnÂ’t tell. It was too dark. As they approached ever more swiftly, he realized the full size of the hill. It was easily large enough to build a small castle on. It would work nicely for a home providing the area was okay. He watched the wood as Saphira lowered herself onto the hill. It rested gently on the ground as she landed.

Getting off her, he untied the rope from around her body and slid the wood from beneath her. “I really should build this platform tonight, but I’m just too tired.” Eragon said. Too tired for a little lovemaking? Saphira asked with a hint of sadness in her voice. “Do you really need it tonight? Eragon asked. I could certainly live without it. I’ll do it if you need me, but I’d prefer not to tonight if it’s all the same to you.” Saphira nodded in understanding. I don’t really need it tonight. She said. I just thought you really wanted to do it seeing as you were so eager all day today.

“Yeah, I was really looking forward to it, but I’m so tired now…” Eragon said, trailing off. Saphira nodded again and walked over to a relatively cleared area to lie down. Eragon followed her eagerly. As he lay down beside her, instead of putting her wing over him as she normally did, this time she wrapped her neck around him, creating a small but comfortable area for him. With the combination of the fading light, the sound of each other’s breathing, and the warmth of each other’s body heat, they were both soon asleep.


Saphira awoke to the soft warmth of his lips pressed against her nose. She opened her eyes just in time to see him moving away from her. She lifted her head a bit, stretched out, and yawned. Well that’s a pleasant way to wake up in the morning. She said. Certainly better than the cold water routine. They laughed lightly, remembering the incident with the cold water. It had happened only a few nights ago, but it seemed like a fleeting memory to both of them. “I love you Saphira.” He said. I love you too Eragon. She replied. So, what are we going to do today?

Eragon thought for a minute. “Well now that I look around in the daytime, this place is looking better and better as a permanent home. He said. We should spend the day checking out the area and discussing construction plans.” Saphira nodded in agreement. Yeah I agree, but what’s the wood for again? She asked. I know it’s to carry supplies, but what supplies are you thinking of? Eragon held up a hand. “All in good time. He said. Before we start talking about construction, let’s go check out the area.” Alright. She said. Hop on. Eragon shook his head.

“No, let’s walk this time. He said. I want to check out the area from the ground. We’ll know a lot more from that then we will from flying over it.” Good point. Saphira said. She followed Eragon as he walked to the edge of the hill. He stopped right at the edge. What are you doing? She asked. “Just checking out the view. He replied. If we’re going to live here, it might as well be beautiful right?” You’re excited about this, aren’t you? Saphira asked. “Well aren’t you?” Eragon asked. Yes, but there’s many places in the world where we can live and that’s not the only village. Saphira pointed out. Let’s make our decision carefully.

“We will, we will. Eragon assured her. I just can’t wait to settle down. WeÂ’re so close now…” Should we settle down? Saphira asked. “Don’t you want to?” He asked. Well yes, but we should at least explore all the possibilities. She said. We haven’t even thought of the adventures to be had by roaming around for the rest of our lives. Just think of all the places we could see…all the things we could do. “True it would be an adventure…but we can always go roaming the world after we’ve settled down.” He said. Or we could settle down after we’ve roamed the world to our hearts content. Saphira said. You can look at it both ways. Eragon hadn’t thought about it like that. He lost himself in thought for several moments.

“I’d like to settle down, but I’ll do whatever you want to do. Eragon said. If you want to roam the world in search of adventure, I’ll follow you. I’d follow you to the ends of the earth Saphira. It’s not too late. We can leave the wood here and fly off again today into lands unknown…or we can build a place to live and try to find happiness in our simple lives. It’s your choice.” I’ll go with whatever your decision is. Saphira said. “Hey, no fair. He protested. I already called it. I’ll go with whatever YOU decide. End of story. What is it that you want Saphira? Do you want to go adventuring in the world or settle down here with me?” I just want to be with you Eragon. Saphira said. I don’t really care where I am as long as I’m with you. Don’t make me make this decision.

“Fine. He said. Then let’s leave it up to chance.” He took out a coin from the money pouch. “Side one and we make a home here and adventure in the world later. He said. Side two and we go adventuring in the world and settle down later. Agreed?” Saphira nodded. “So either way we’ll do both. Eragon clarified. This just decides the order in which we do them in, correct?” Saphira nodded again. He took the coin and flipped it in the air. It landed, but got covered in a small layer of dirt on impact that obscured it from view. He knelt down and gently brushed it off, being careful not to flip it. It was side one.

“So I guess this settles it. He said. Let’s go check out the area.” Saphira nodded. I’m glad it was side one. She said. I didn’t really want to go explore the world yet. I want us to have some time together before we go do something like that. “If you really didn’t want to go exploring in the world first, then why didn’t you just say so in the first place?” Eragon asked. I wanted to make sure you got what you wanted. She explained. When you decided to make the decision random, I couldn’t exactly go back on my word and say that I did in fact have an opinion. I really wanted you to make the decision. Eragon smiled. “I appreciate how you’re always looking out for my interests, but my only true interest is your happiness.” He said.

But my only concern is your happiness. Saphira said. “I guess we’ll just have to make sure we’re both equally happy then.” He said. I don’t think I could ever be sad as long as I have you. She said. “Same here. He said. All I want is to be with you. I want to spend my days giving you everything I have to offer and making your life as good as it can be. That’s why I want to make us a home. We won’t have to worry about anything but us then.” We’re selfish. Saphira said. “We deserve to be after all we’ve given to others. He said. No one would begrudge us that.” Then why did we leave without even saying goodbye to our friends? She asked with a hint of sadness in her voice. What we did was wrong Eragon.

He looked up at her. “Yes, it wasn’t very nice thing to do. He admitted. It wasn’t just unkind of us. It was a bad thing to do. I feel ashamed, but there’s not much we can do about it now.” You did keep a copy of the letter we left, didn’t you? She asked. Eragon nodded. Can you read it to me? I forget what we even said. “Me too.” He said. He walked away from the edge of the hill and went over to the bag. He got out the piece of crumpled parchment and began reading it aloud:

To whoever finds this,

We’ve done a lot for this world. We’ve sacrificed everything for the
ultimate peace of Alegasia…but we’ve sacrificed too much of
ourselves. We don’t know if we can adequately express our feelings,
but we have to leave. We can no longer handle the torment of our
memories, nor can we stand to live in such a stifled environment.
we must leave you all now. We can no longer handle living amongst
you. It’s not you personally, but the memories haunt us like a plague.
we wish to be released. We wish to live together for the rest of our days
outside of civilized society. We don’t know why we feel this way, but we do.
we hope you will understand this and live with our decision. Come after us
if you will, but we will evade you at all costs. We do not plan to return.
we are sorry if this causes you pain, sorry, or difficulty, but we must do this.
Eragon & Saphira

Eragon folded the piece of paper up again and stuck it in his pocket. He looked up at Saphira. “Well?” He inquired. It’s better than I remember it being. She said. I think they’ll understand. We’ve been through so much… “Yeah, I hope so. He said. Shall we continue our little survey of the area?” Saphira nodded, her mood brightening up a bit. Yeah, let’s go. She said. Eragon approached the edge of the hill again and started heading down it. She followed. It was quite steep and they were both having a hard time descending the large hill. They looked around their environment. “Okay, we’ll need a source of water.” Eragon said. Why? Saphira asked. Can’t you just use the water spell, or is it too dry here? “Well the water spell draws water up from the ground, but it’s not an endless resource. Eragon said. Eventually there will be nothing left to draw up. Do you hear any water?”

Saphira stopped for a moment and listened closely. Yeah, but that doesn’t mean much. She said. I can hear water from miles away. It could be a few hundred meters…or a few miles from here. “Well can you at least tell which way it’s coming from?” Eragon asked impatiently. This way. Saphira said. Follow me. Eragon stepped back, allowing her to take the lead. He followed her. They walked for a few minutes and eventually came to a stream. “This is a good sign. He said. There’s water not too far away. Now how about food?” I saw some berry bushes back there. She said. That doesn’t help me much, but it certainly helps you. Eragon started walking in a different direction. “Let’s look to see what kind of animals we can hunt around here.” He suggested.

Just as he finished his sentence, three wild boars ran by. “Whoa! He exclaimed. That was quite a coincidence.” Saphira laughed. Yes it sure was. She said. I don’t like boar meat that much. I wonder if there are any deer around here… “Well let’s go see. Eragon said cheerfully. This place seems so perfect.” Looks can be deceiving Eragon. Saphira warned. “I know. He said. We’ll be sure to check the place out thoroughly before we build anything.” He started waking again with Saphira close behind him. After a few minutes they heard a sound in the nearby bushes. They held still, waiting for whatever it was to emerge. Suddenly the creature came out with a look of bewilderment on its face. It was a small baby deer.

“Well there you have it. Eragon said. There are deer around here. But where’s its mother?” She must be dead. Saphira said. Look at it. It’s so skinny. Eragon looked down at the poor creature. It certainly was thin. It looked over at them. Surprisingly it didn’t run away or even make a move. “What do we do now? Eragon asked. Do we just leave it here to die?” I don’t know what else to do with it. Saphira said sadly. I don’t think it would allow you to pick it up. They don’t have advanced enough minds to talk to it. It wouldn’t understand that we were trying to help. Eragon knelt down and touched the deer. It still didn’t move. “There’s something seriously wrong with it Saphira.” He said. He reached around its body and picked it up. It offered no resistance.

“I think this is a newborn Saphira. He said. Only a few days old. That would explain why it has no fear of us and why it’s so freaked out.” How do we feed it? Saphira asked. Do you know what these creatures eat? Eragon shook his head. “Not exactly, but we eat it so it must eat some sort of plant.” He said. Saphira looked at the deer again. Eragon…I think it’s too far gone. She said. Let’s end its suffering now. We can’t teach it how to survive anyway. “I couldn’t kill it. He said. Look at how cute it is and besides…it’s just a baby.” If you really want what’s best for it, you’ll end its suffering. She said. I’ll do it if you can’t. “No, no. He said. Being burned alive or squished to death isn’t exactly the best way to go. I’ll do it.”

He took out his cutlass blade and pointed it at the youngster. Where’d you get that? Saphira asked. “The village. He said. Now be quiet. I’m having a hard enough time with this as it is.” You’re doing the right thing Eragon. She said. Its death won’t be as painful this way. Eragon set the deer down on its side. It didn’t move. Saphira was right. It was way too far gone. It was leaving the world as they spoke. Eragon put the blade up to its neck and swung it back. He closed his eyes as it made contact. Blood spattered everywhere. It didn’t even make a sound as it died. Eragon felt sick. He had just murdered an innocent baby deer. He looked down at it, observing the head that was cut clean off.

“Oh my god Saphira…” He said, losing his balance. He collapsed onto his knees next to the dead deer. Saphira put her head down in contact with his and nuzzled him gently. You did the right thing Eragon. She said. Your sacrifice has made this deer’s short experience in this world less painful. I’m proud of you. “Shit Saphira…let’s go back…” He said. Saphira looked at him, realizing the experience had more of an effect on him than she realized. He only said that word when in shock or when he couldn’t handle what was going on. She knelt down so he could get on easier. He approached her, but suddenly ran away and knelt behind a nearby bush. She could hear the sounds of him vomiting. He came back looking worse than he had before. She had to help him get on a bit. Once he was secure, she took off into the sky.

They were back to the hill in a matter of minutes. They hadn’t traveled very far. As Saphira landed, Eragon got off quickly. He took the bloody blade out and set it on the ground. Making a large indent with his foot, he used the water spell to make a small puddle on the ground. He took a cloth, wet it, and began cleaning his blade. Saphira watched him with a look of sympathy. I’m sorry Eragon. She said. I should have done that for you. I didn’t know it would affect you so… “No…I needed to do that. He said. I’m supposed to be the man…your protector, but I don’t fulfill that role very well. You’re always the one saving me and taking on all the burdens. I’m sorry Saphira. You’re the strong one. I’ve always been weak. I don’t deserve you.”

Don’t say that Eragon! Saphira exclaimed. Maybe I am stronger than you in some ways, but I’m a dragon. You can’t expect to take on the typical male role in this relationship. I’m not a human. He looked up at her. “It’s hard to remember that. He said. In some ways you’re more human to me than any human I’ve ever met. I consider you human regardless of what body you’re in.” Saphira didn’t know what to say to that. “I want to be your protector. He said. It’s very frustrating when I can’t fulfill that role.” I know its hard Eragon, but I am stronger than you in some ways. She said. But it’s not because you’re weak…it’s because I’m a dragon. I’m supposed to be stronger than you. No matter how hard any human tried, they could never match up to my strength.

“But I’m not just talking about physical strength. He said. I want to be able to do hard things like kill that deer and not force you to rescue me.” Eragon…you’re a very giving and caring person. She said. Having a difficult time killing an innocent defenseless creature isn’t weakness…it’s an aspect of your soul…an aspect that I picked you for. “I don’t care what you think weakness is. He said. I killed the deer for you because I didn’t want you to have to do it. I wanted to save you heartache, but instead I gave you more heartache because I was so affected by it.” The only way my heart aches right now is in love for you. Saphira said. Don’t you understand? I don’t appreciate what you do as much as I appreciate what you try to do. That’s more important to me. You tried to spare my feelings, and I love you all the more for it, regardless of the outcome of that desire. Your desire was pure and selfless and that’s what I admire about you. You could mess up everything you try to do for the rest of your life, and I’d still love you for it because you tried to do a good thing.

Eragon stood up, leaving the now clean blade on the ground. He ran over to Saphira and wrapped his arms around her neck. “Oh Saphira…I can’t even describe to you how much I love you. He said. My heart hurts every moment I’m with you.” Saphira bent her neck down, hugging him to the best of her ability. I love you too Eragon. She said. He could feel as the sapphire necklace touched his chest as they embraced. As they separated, Saphira couldn’t help herself. She lay on her side on the ground. Eragon walked over and lay next to her. He began rubbing her stomach. Eragon…promise me we’ll always be together. “We’ll be together forever Saphira…to the end of time.” He said. He buried his face in her breast. She wrapped her neck around him and they were both soon asleep.


Not surprisingly, they hadn’t slept long. It was daytime and they hadn’t really been tired, but their emotions got the better of them and they had fallen asleep together. As Saphira awoke with a start after an insect had landed on her eyelid, Eragon awoke as well. They looked into each other’s eyes. “That was a nice little nap.” Eragon said. Yeah, but I’m glad we didn’t sleep too long. Saphira replied. We’ve got work to do. He looked at her in surprise. “What?” He asked, confused. Let’s stay here Eragon. She said. The land is plentiful in resources, we’re the only one’s out here, and it so beautiful... “So you’ve already decided you want to stay here huh? He asked. I thought you said you wanted to stay here a few days before we started to build anything.”

What else have we to discover about the place? She asked. It works in every aspect we need it to. Eragon nodded. “Okay, if you’re sure.” He said. I am my love. She said, nuzzling him. I am… Eragon gave her a quick kiss before getting up on his feet. He knelt down on the ground. “Okay, so here’s my plan. He said. We’ll make the house walls out of rock and the roof from trees.” How are we to do that? Saphira asked. “Remember when you melted that rock for Brom?” He asked. She nodded. “Can you melt the rocks so they’re not transparent, but just stick together?” He asked. Yes if I restrain myself properly I should be able to do it. She said. “We just need to melt them together so they’ll stay. He said. It would take forever for me to do it with magic, but with your breath we can do it really fast. The hard part now is getting the rocks.”

Oh, so that’s why you got the wood to make the platform. Saphira said, understanding his way of thinking. “Yes, that’s what I have to do first. He said. While I’m doing that, why don’t you fly around here real low and see if you can find any rocks?” How large should they be? She asked. “Pretty darn large. He replied. We’re going to have to practically make a castle because you’re so big. Make sure they’re not so large that I can’t lift them but large enough for me not to be able to throw them with one hand. That should do the trick.” So about the size of your head? She asked. “Yeah, but I wouldn’t go any smaller than that.” He said. Okay, I shall return shortly my love. Saphira said. She took off into the sky before he had a chance to say anything more to her.

He walked over to the pile of wood and began to untie it. After the wood was separated, he got up and retrieved the hammer and nails. Then he began working on assembling the platform. He wished she would stop calling him that. It just didnÂ’t feel right. He didnÂ’t want to say anything because it might hurt her feelings, but he really didnÂ’t like her calling him by anything but his name. Maybe he would talk to her about it, but for now he would keep silentÂ…


Saphira flew high over the treetops. He didnÂ’t realize this, but she could get a better look at the ground from higher up than she could if she just skimmed the surface of the trees as he had suggested. Her first thought was to check over by the stream. Perhaps there would be some large rocks there. She knew they needed a lot of them, especially for making a house the size of a castle. She had a sinking feeling there wouldnÂ’t be enough of them. She soon came into contact with the stream they had visited earlier. Not seeing any large rocks, she followed it for a ways. Just as expected, it ended at a small waterfall. Regardless of its size, the waterfall sported some large rocks, but they were much too heavy for Eragon to lift.

She followed the stream past the waterfall and was greeted by a welcome sight. There were the remains of an enormous castle right next to the stream. It had obviously fallen in a great battle, for it was almost all demolished by now. Fortunately, most of the rocks were just the right size. Some were a little bigger and some where a little smaller, but the battle had been quite a fierce one. The castle was in ruins. She turned back, heading back towards Eragon to tell him the wonderful news.


Eragon cursed himself for being so stupid. He had the platform almost perfect, but he had gotten a nail stuck in the board the wrong way and it had split. He had arranged the twenty boards in consecutive order. Sixteen of them made up the surface area of the platform and four of them braced the sixteen pieces together. It made the platform rather odd looking, but it also made it stable and functional. The final dimensions were sixteen feet by eight feet; plenty of space for rocks…so long as they didn’t overload it. If the platform broke they would be screwed. It would take an entire day to get another one.

As he finished his thoughts, he saw Saphira coming at him on the horizon. He waved as she approached. I’ve got great news! She exclaimed as she landed. “What is it?” Eragon asked eagerly. She told him about the demolished castle. “That is good news. He said. We should begin collecting rocks immediately.” He grabbed his dagger from his pocket and started digging a hole in one side of the platform. What are you doing? Saphira asked. “I’m making holes so we can put a rope through it and you can carry it easier.” He said simply. Oh, I see. She said, continuing to watch him work. Soon enough, the holes were made and he had strung the rope through them. He motioned for her to come and stand over the platform. She complied. Soon enough she was saddled up like a harness with the ropes. “Is it secure Saphira?” He asked. She nodded in response. He got on her and she flew high into the sky.

Soon enough they had reached the site of the demolished castle. Saphira landed gracefully on a part of the ground that was relatively flat. She watched as he rolled rock after rock onto the platform. He made sure to put the rocks in the middle to give them some error room. Soon enough, fifteen were loaded onto the platform and he got on. Saphira lifted off carefully, fully aware of what would happen if the platform broke. It’s really heavy… She said. “I’m sorry Saphira, but we can’t afford to take any lighter loads. He said with sympathy. It would take too long to get the number of rocks we need.”

Saphira nodded in understanding and carefully flew back to the hill. They continued this for hours on end. Eragon had worked out the math in his head while flying in between. According to his calculations, they needed to gather roughly 1,050 rocks in total. They averaged 15 rocks per trip and 10 trips per hour. He estimated 7 hours until they were finished. It was a grueling 7 hours too. When they were finally done and the rocks were stacked along the outside of the hill, they collapsed on the ground, panting heavily. That was a lot of work, eh Eragon? Saphira asked. “Yeah… He agreed. But we’re nowhere near done yet.” What do we do now? She asked.

“Let’s gather some sticks to roughly outline the dimensions of our house so we know where we’re putting and melting these rocks together.” He said. I’m hungry. Saphira said. Let’s eat first. Eragon realized his own hunger as she said that. “Okay, but no cuddling up and going to sleep now. He said. We have plenty of time for that tonight. Speaking of which, can you wait until night before you need me again?” Saphira nodded. I think so. She said. My urges have died down a lot recently. “It hasn’t been two weeks yet.” He pointed out. Yeah, I know which surprises me. She said. I guess it’s because we’re working so hard and we’re under so much stress right now. “Perhaps.” He said. He walked over to the bags of meat and brought two deer over. He took a small amount of meat, put it in the pan, threw the rest of the meat to Saphira, and started a fire using a small amount of the kindling which he found around the small area. There was a lot of it.

He knelt down and began cooking his meat over the fire. “We need to leave some space for a garden.” He said. garden? Saphira asked in surprise. “Yeah. He said. I’m going to plant a large garden so we’ll always have fresh vegetables.” You mean so YOU will always have fresh vegetables. She said. I can’t eat that stuff. Besides, don’t you like hunting with me? “Well yeah I like hunting, but I can’t survive on a diet consisting of only meat. He said. And you can eat vegetables. Maybe not raw vegetables, but you’ll eat my meat and veggie stew.” Saphira shuddered at the thought of it. I don’t think so… She said, trailing off. “Hey if my dogs ate it, you can too.” He said. Several minutes passed between them before either of them spoke.

“So, let’s start a list of what we’re going to need the next time we go to the village.” He said. We already need to go there again? Saphira asked. “Well yes of course. He said. We’re going to need some wood for a door. These pieces of wood aren’t tall enough. Since the house is going to be roughly 21 feet high, the wood should have to be that long.” Ah, I see. She said. “Not only that but we’re going to need some seeds for the garden. He said. And I’d like to buy some furniture and some other things to decorate with. This is going to be a home, not just a pile of rocks that protects us.” How will the door be connected to the rocks? Saphira asked. “Oh, I….uhhhh….I’m not really sure. He admitted. Perhaps with rope?” Maybe we should use another type of material for the door. She suggested.

“No, no, this can work. He insisted. We’ll have to get some large square posts and drive them into the ground next to the rocks. Then we can connect the door with normal hinges.” What’s a hinge? Saphira asked, confused. “ piece of metal that connects to both pieces of wood. He explained. It allows it to swing easily. They’ll need to be pretty big though.” The meat had finished cooking. Eragon took it out of the pan and started to eat. Saphira watched him intently. How long do you think it will take us to finish the house? She asked. “Well from my personal experience, it takes three men around two months to build a house from scratch. He said. But then, this isn’t a normal house. It will only have one floor and making the roof will be quite easy. Not to mention I have you to help me. I think we can get it done inside of a week if we work constantly.”

Oh that’s not too bad. Saphira said. “No it’s not, but we’ll need to start building the walls soon.” Eragon said. Saphira lowered her head so it was at eye level with Eragon’s as he sat on the ground. Have you thought about the sleeping arrangements? She asked. “What do you mean?” He asked. I mean, are we going to make a huge bed for us? She asked. “Well yeah, that would be nice. He said. We can make it out of deer skins.” We’ve never mated in comfort before. She pointed out. I can’t wait to make love on a nice soft bed… “Is it really that bad being on the ground?” He asked. Well no, but I want to be able to do it in luxury. She said. I want to be spoiled. You already spoil me enough, but I want to make the experience even better. Eragon looked up at her. “I’ll do anything to please you. He said. If you want a nice bed then that’s what you’ll get.”

He finished his last bite of meat and stood up. Saphira stood up as well. He put out the fire with the water spell and walked over to one of the stones. “We’ll, let’s do this.” He said. What about the sticks? Saphira asked. Didn’t you want to lay down sticks to see how large the house would be? “I’ve done the math in my head and I’m sure I know how to do this.” He replied. Saphira nodded. Okay, I trust you. She said. He bent down and started rolling the stone. Once he had put it in place, he took another stone of similar size and set it next to it. Can I help? Saphira asked. Eragon nodded. “Sure. He said. Just start rolling rocks over to the area where I’ve started the outline to the house and I’ll align them up right.”

Okay. She said. She followed his instructions and after nearly three hours they had the entire home outlined in a single layer of rocks. It was a long narrow rectangle shape. What are the dimensions? Saphira asked suddenly. “Uhhh…according to my math they should be roughly 50 feet by 400 feet. He said. How do you like the size?” I like it fine, but it might be a bit too big for you. She said. “Yeah, I don’t think we’ll be able to find a dining room set to fit its size.” He joked. What about a door? She asked. “Ah yes, we should decide what side we want it to be on.” He said. I think it should be facing the sunrise so we can always have something nice to look at in the morning. Saphira suggested. “That’s a good idea. He said. I like it. Now step over here so I can see how many rocks we’ll have to take out for the door.” Saphira stepped over to where he indicated and he made a rough estimation of how many rocks they had to remove. He took the rocks and slid them away from the frame of the house.

“That should do it. He said. Now we just have to build it up. We’ve got the base layer.” So shall we continue? Saphira asked. Eragon nodded. They continued building the layers up. They had gotten nearly two of the seven layers up by the time it was getting too dark to work. “Are we done for the day Saphira?” He asked. She nodded. Let’s continue tomorrow. She said. I want to stop before I get too tired. Besides, don’t we need to hunt? “Yeah. He said. We’ve got one deer left, but it’s not enough for both of us. I mean, don’t you usually eat two deer just by yourself?” Yes. She said. Three boars or two deer. I wouldn’t want to eat any less, especially now since we’ve worked so hard today. I’m famished. Eragon smiled up at her. “Then let’s go.” He said. She followed him as he headed into the forest to hunt…


The hunt hadn’t been very successful, but not because of the lack of prey. It was mostly because Saphira had a difficult time navigating and catching things in the thick forest. Using fire was out of the question as well. She would have caught the whole forest on fire. They walked back even more tired than they were before. Saphira was a bit depressed by her failure in the forest. As they got to the top of the hill where they had started building their home, she lay down and sighed. That was…unsatisfying. She said sadly. I’m not too good at hunting in the forest. Eragon looked up at her as he started the fire. “You just need to learn how to hunt better in this environment. He said. You’ll get better in time. Besides…you know you’ll be satisfied another way tonight.” He smirked as she looked at him.

Plopping the meat in the pan, he chuckled lightly. I know I will. She said provocatively. But I wanted to talk to you about something. “What is it?” He asked. Before we became intimate did you ever….pleasure yourself? She asked. “Oh all the time. He said. Didn’t you?” Saphira shook her head. I tried it once and I really hurt myself. She said. Eragon looked at her in surprise. “What did you do exactly?” He asked. I…I used my claw. She said, feeling embarrassed. “Well didn’t you know that was going to hurt? He asked. You use your tongue, not your sharp claw.” Well yes, but I’m not flexible enough to reach with my tongue… She said, trailing off. “You’re not?” He asked in surprise. Saphira shook her head. “So you’ve never had the feeling of a warm wet tongue giving you pleasure?” He asked. She shook her head once more. “Well we’ve got to change that.” He said.

That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. She said. I was wondering if we could pleasure each other without actually mating tonight. If you’d rather mate I can understand, but I’d really like to try this. “I’m willing to try it if you are. He said. We can do it as soon as we’re finished eating.” Saphira nodded. He tossed her two deer and she began eating. By then the meat was almost done. They enjoyed each other’s company as they ate in silence. Saphira finished first. She was eager to start. Eragon finished shortly after her. He stood up and looked at her. “So…who wants to go first? He asked. Should I pleasure you first?” Saphira shook her head. You’ll probably release by pleasuring me. She said, smiling. I want to taste your release. It shouldn’t be wasted on your pants. Eragon nodded. His erection grew even larger as she finished her sentence. He couldn’t believe those words came out of her mouth. They were dirty…but he liked them. He lay down on the ground and quickly undid his pants. He slid them down revealing his bulging erection.

Saphira looked at it with desire. Not knowing exactly how to start since she’d never done this before, she gave it a quick lick. Eragon moaned in pleasure. “Careful Saphira. He warned. Those teeth are pretty sharp.” I’ll be careful. She assured him. After a few minutes of licking, she got an idea. She took his entire length into her mouth and clamped down lightly. Then she used her mouth as best she could to form a small tight hole that was perfectly sized for his erection. It wasn’t perfect seeing as she didn’t have any lips, but it felt extremely good nonetheless. After a few minutes of pleasuring with her mouth, she added her tongue into the combination. She licked his member quickly while it was inside her mouth. As it came out of her mouth, she quickly licked the head. This was too much for Eragon and he was soon approaching his release. “Saphira, I’m going to release.” He said quickly. She drove him all the way into her mouth and stuck her tongue under his throbbing erection. Soon enough, she could feel the boiling hot fluids splashing against her tongue. Eragon moaned loudly, releasing stream after stream of warm cream into her mouth. As soon as he was finished, Saphira took his member out of her mouth and swallowed. Mmmmmmm… She said. It tastes good…

“Oh god Saphira. Eragon said between breaths. That felt so good!” Saphira laughed quietly. I’m glad you liked it. She said. I could drink that stuff forever. “Now it’s your turn Saphira. He said eagerly, getting up. You’re going to have to lie on your back as well.” Saphira nodded and lay down on her back. She spread her legs wide and looked at him in anticipation. He knelt down on his knees next to her and began touching her area. “Try not to move around too much. He said. You could really hurt me if you lost control.” I’ll try my best. She said. Eragon put his face up to her area and stuck his warm tongue against her waiting flesh. He licked along her slit all the way to the top, stopping suddenly. She roared softly in pleasure. “You want more?” He asked, teasing her. Oh yes…please…more… She moaned.

Eragon smiled and put his tongue against her again. After a few more rounds on the outside, he took both hands and spread her open, allowing his tongue to penetrate her. She wailed loudly as she felt her tunnel invaded by his warm tongue. He took his time, licking her slowly and passionately. He kissed the outside of her area. He smiled as he watched her toes curl in pleasure. He drove his tongue back inside her, licking faster now. Her moans could be heard for half a mile. Oh Eragon… She wailed. Deeper! He was already in as far as he could go, but it wasn’t enough for her. She started bucking roughly. Realizing he was going to get injured if he continued the way he was going but not wanting to stop, he smashed his face into her, getting his tongue in another few inches. This seemed to satisfy her and she began to calm down.

It wasn’t long before she had a release. He eagerly lapped at the fluids that spewed out of her. It tasted almost sweet-like. Wanting more of the taste and wanting to give her more pleasure, he drove back inside. She released again soon afterward. They kept this process up for several more minutes. After her third release, they both had to stop. After he removed his tongue from her depths for the final time, he leaned against her heaving form. She looked into his eyes and saw his face was totally covered by her fluids. She watched as he licked a glob that had settled on his lip. How does it taste? She asked curiously. “Sweeter than any fruit and more rejuvenating than any potion.” He said, smiling. Saphira smiled back at him. She tried to get up only to be greeted by a dull ache in her area. Oooh… She said. “What is it?” Eragon asked, a bit worried. I’ve released so much I hurt. She replied. That was the most draining experiences I’ve ever been through. Pun intended.

Eragon looked at her. It took him a few seconds to get it in his tired state, but he finally understood what she meant. They laughed loudly at her comment. I love you so much Eragon. She said affectionately. “I love you too Saphira. He replied. I’m so glad we have this relationship with each other. It just seems so natural. Like it’s supposed to be, regardless of how wrong others would think it was if they saw us.” We don’t have to worry about others anymore. She said. Just us. It’s a wonderful feeling to be selfish for once. Eragon smiled and started massaging the outside of her area in an attempt to sooth her sore muscles. Saphira closed her eyes and purred in pleasure. “Are you satisfied now?” He asked. She looked at him and patted her stomach, gesturing for him to come closer to her. Stopping his massaging, he crawled on top of her and scooted up so that his entire body was atop her stomach. She laid her head next to his and licked him affectionately behind the ear. He laughed softly as her wet tongue tickled him. Saphira hummed in contentment as he stroked her snout. They soon fell asleep under the star-filled sky; both content with the love they shared for one another.


Saphira awoke peacefully. She opened her eyes slowly and observed his form resting on top of her. It was then she realized he had an erection. She could feel it pressing against her. Eragon… She said softly. He twitched slightly, his mouth curving into a smile. Realizing he must be dreaming, she let him sleep. “Oh Saphira…I love you.” He murmured. Saphira smiled, realizing he must be dreaming about her. She gently wrapped her arms around him. Wake up my love… She said. I’m here for you. Eragon slowly opened his eyes. “Mmmmm…oh… He said, still in a daze. I must’ve been dreaming…” Saphira laughed softly. You were. She said. I’m flattered to be the center of your dreams. He looked up at her. “How did you –? “ He asked. You were saying my name in your sleep. She said, cutting him off. Besides, I can feel your erection against me.

He blushed slightly. “I’m sorry. He said. It was a very good dream…” Oh, don’t be sorry. She said. You must not have gotten enough last night. “Oh I did. He said. You’re just so attractive. I could release a thousand times and still be aroused by you.” She smiled down at him and licked him affectionately. To her surprise, he stuck his tongue out and licked her snout. She laughed as his tongue tickled her. He quickly put his tongue back in and started kissing her passionately. She looked into his eyes as they separated. Not a word was spoken between them as they allowed themselves to be caught up in the moment. They made contact again, kissing each other with firm passion. Shortly afterwards they separated again, each of them needing to take a breath. They made sounds of contentment as they relished in their joint experience. Neither of them wanted to stop, but they knew they had work to do.

“I don’t want this moment to end, but it must. He said quietly, sliding off her and dressing. If we ever want that house of ours built.” She nodded in agreement. She looked at him with soft eyes. I’m so….happy…. She said softly. I can’t even begin to describe how much I love you. He rubbed her neck affectionately. “That’s why we show how we feel by giving pleasure to each other… He said. When words just aren’t enough.” They never are… She said softly, pressing her muzzle against his lips once more. They separated. He put his hands up as she moved her mouth towards his again. “No, we have to stop. He said. We can’t let ourselves be taken away by our emotions right now. At night we can let ourselves experience the pleasure of being together, but in the daytime we have to work. Now is not the time. We’ve got so much work to do. Winter is coming just around the corner.”

She knew he was right, but she just couldn’t help herself. She rolled over and lay on her stomach. Please Eragon…lay with me. She pleaded. Let me show my love for you… “Saphira, you know we can’t right now.” He said sternly. She stood up, not really knowing what she was doing. She walked over to him and pushed him over. As he lost his balance, she caught him with one arm and gently laid him down onto the ground. He yelped in surprise as she laid on him. She didn’t put all her weight on him, but she caught his legs under her stomach, keeping them firmly in place. Her arm was still beneath his body. He arched his back and looked up at her. “Saphira, what are you – “ He said. He was cut off as her long tongue forced its way down his throat. He closed his eyes and embraced her as she probed his depths with her tongue. It was the strangest and most erotic thing he’d ever experienced.

He gasped for air as she removed her tongue from his throat. By this time he had a bulging erection. “Oh my god Saphiraaaaa…” He wailed, almost passing out from the pleasure that was induced by the erotic nature of their actions. Take me Eragon. She begged. Please…just forget about all the work we have to do and be with me. Just for this moment… “Okay… He whispered, almost inaudibly. I can’t deny you…” Saphira smiled down at him with intense desire in her eyes. She got off him and rolled onto her back. She watched as he undressed. Seeing his erection filled her with a sense of arousal she’d never felt before. It was somehow different this time. He walked up to her, his erection in hand. She watched closely as he aligned it with her opening and slowly pushed inside. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as his member filled her depths.

He started out slowly, almost teasing her with how slow he was going. She moaned loudly as he slowly withdrew and pushed back inside. He began to gradually speed up. There was nothing inhibiting him seeing how aroused she had been before they even started, but he wanted to last as long as possible for her. The way her loud moans aroused him made him want to finish right there, but he held back to the best of his ability. He began kissing her stomach as he thrust. Realizing he wanted more passion in the act, Saphira craned her neck forward and licked his face. He looked into her compassionate eyes and kissed her snout. They were soon locked into a passionate kiss. As he sped up, she broke the kiss and moaned loudly in his ear. He felt her hot fluids squirting onto his thighs as she had her first release.

She turned her neck to the side and gently bit Eragon’s neck and shoulder area. He moaned in pleasure as her razor sharp teeth made deep indents in his flesh. Regardless of what her instincts told her to do, she was careful not to pierce his skin. She removed her teeth from him and shoved his mouth open with her long tongue. He moaned in pleasure again as he felt it deep in his throat. The pleasure was too much for him and he was soon filling her depths with his seed. Saphira took her tongue out of his mouth as he released. Oh Eragoooon! She wailed. Don’t hold back! As he released, he felt her muscles tighten, squeezing him and holding his member inside her. This was accompanied by a huge release of fluids from her body. They moaned as they released together. As the fluids stopped flowing from their bodies, they collapsed in exhaustion. Neither of them could speak. Saphira had maintained her head in the same position; right next to Eragon’s heaving form. They tried to kiss, but were incapable of maintaining one for longer than a few seconds because of their need for oxygen.

Eventually they stopped trying and just lay there together, both of them heaving as a result of their passionate actions. They looked at each other, each of them filled with a combination of lust and love for the other. “Why…why…was that…so…………insanely pleasurable?” Eragon asked between deep breaths. It’s this necklace... Saphira replied with difficulty. The jewel is affecting us…or at least me… “I don’t…want to believe…that. He said. I want to think…this is…genuine…” He turned his head and started kissing her snout. Still erect, he made a few small thrusts which were greeted with moans of pleasure from Saphira. He kept up his actions; regardless of the fact they both knew they werenÂ’t going to release again. He withdrew till only the tip was in then slowly slid back inside her. They both groaned in contentment as he thrust. I love you Eragon. Saphira whispered. Her mouth made contact with his and they were soon locked in another kiss. “I love you too Saphira.” He said as they separated. They smiled at each other and continued kissing.

Nearly another twenty minutes passed before Eragon lost his erection and they were forced to stop. He slowly withdrew from her and stood up shakily. Saphira rolled onto her stomach and stood up as well. I think you should take this necklace off me. She said. We’re losing control of ourselves. He looked up at her. “It’s not the necklace. He said. It’s us. Controlling ourselves isn’t as simple as removing a necklace. We must find the resolve within ourselves. But I don’t want our relationship to change. It has so much more passion now. I like not being able to control myself…don’t you?” Saphira nodded. Yes I do. She admitted. But we have work to do. You said it yourself. “We do have a lot of work to do, but I’m not willing to sacrifice the way our current relationship is for a pile of rocks. He said. Are you?” No. She whispered. “I love you so much more than I did a few days ago. He said. If that’s even possible. Every time I release, my love for you increases. It’s like alcohol…the best kind.” He walked over to his clothes and began to dress himself.

Saphira nodded. I understand. She said. I feel the same way. I want to kiss you right now. I already want you to take me again. “I know. Eragon said. I can’t take my eyes off you.” He looked at her intently as he stepped forward. She lowered her head as he reached up to touch her. There was an intangible feeling between them as they touched. Saphira closed her eyes as his soft hands caressed her face. “Why did you bite me?” He asked softly. She opened her eyes quickly. I’m sorry. She said. Did I hurt you? “No, it felt really good for some reason. He said. I just wanted to know why you did it.” She looked into his eyes. I don’t know. She said. It was like I had to do it; like someone was forcing me to. I really wanted to bite into your flesh, but I easily resisted that temptation. “You wanted to hurt me?” He asked, taking his hand away from her face. Well not hurt you… She said. But I wanted to clamp down much harder than I was. Perhaps it’s part of the dragon mating ritual. The skin of a dragon is much harder than that of a human. I doubt clamping down as hard as I wanted to would have hurt another dragon, but it would have certainly hurt you. That’s why I didn’t give in to my desires.

“Well I’m glad you didn’t Saphira. He said. You could easily kill me if you lost control in that way.” I know. She said. You don’t have to worry. I didn’t have the slightest bit of a hard time resisting that desire. I love you too much to ever hurt you no matter how much I lose control. I truly believe that. Eragon looked up at her and smiled. “I trust you Saphira. He said. I know you wouldn’t hurt me.” He reached up and began rubbing her face again. “Let’s get this house built so we won’t have to worry about anything else anymore.” He whispered. Yes. Saphira said softly. I don’t want to have any responsibilities anymore. Let’s get this done. Eragon slowly backed away from her, trying to resist the urge to run up and embrace her. Saphira stayed in place, looking at his longing eyes. It took everything she had to resist the urge to knock him over and lock him in a passionate kiss once more. They looked away from each other at the same moment, mutually breaking their connection.

Eragon grabbed a rock and took it over to the incomplete second layer of the house. He placed it on. Saphira rolled another rock over to him and he placed it next to his, continuing the layer. They worked in silence, each avoiding each other’s eyes. Several hours passed. They worked quickly and diligently and soon had four of the seven layers completed. Suddenly, something changed between them. They both realized it simultaneously and looked at each other. What happened? Saphira asked in confusion. I can suddenly look at you without wanting to tear your clothes off. “I don’t know. He said, equally confused. My desire to just throw it all away and make love to you is gone too.” Saphira’s eyes widened. Oh god… She wailed. Eragon watched in silence and amazement as her slit parted and a small egg started coming out of her. She looked back and lowered her end section, allowing the egg to hit the ground safely. Eragon looked at it, paralyzed in shock.

“H..h…how? He asked, almost passing out. We’re different species…” Well there’s not a baby inside of it. Saphira said, laughing loudly. I worried you there for a moment, didn’t I? “W..what?” He asked, still in shock. My time has ended. She explained. At the end of my time, I expel an egg, regardless if I’m pregnant or not. This explains why we were filled with so much passion. This was my last day to get pregnant before I have to wait another year. It’s only natural that my desires would be strongest at this time. “But…what about my passion? He asked. I’ve been acting a lot more passionate than normal lately.” We’re connected Eragon. She said simply. My stronger mating desires obviously got passed on to you. Eragon nodded, still shaken up by the experience. “What do we do with the egg?” He asked. Well normally I just crush it and leave it where it was, but let’s keep this one. Saphira suggested. It’ll remind us of the most passionate time we’ve shared together thus far. He looked up at her with loving eyes. “Yeah, great idea. He said. I’m already missing the uncontrollable passion we shared. Does this mean we can’t mate anymore now that you’re through your time?”

Saphira looked at him with a smirk. No, we can still mate…but it certainly won’t be as crazy. She said. I’ll miss the animalistic lust I had for you. We’re in control of ourselves now. “Yeah…” Eragon said in a sad tone. Don’t worry. She said with optimism. My time will come again in a year. We’ll be able to share this experience again. “I wish I had a time. He said. Then we could experience this uncontrollable passion twice a year.” There is truth in the saying that there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. She said. Now we have something to look forward to every year. “But you do still love me, don’t you?” Eragon asked in a sad voice. He felt like he’d lost something important in his life. Saphira felt the same way. She craned her neck down and brought her mouth to his. They closed their eyes as they allowed themselves to be swept up in a passionate kiss. Of course I do. She whispered as they separated. We’re just able to control ourselves now. Eragon smiled. He felt like the empty void that had been left by their uncontrollable passion was being filled again…filled with love and affection rather than hollow lust. It was a good feeling.

“I feel better now. He said, smiling brightly. Like everything’s back to the way it should be.” Me too. Saphira said. That uncontrollable passion was intoxicating, but it shouldn’t be the basis of our entire life. Besides, if things had kept going the way they were going, our house would never get built. “Yeah, you’re right. He said. I love you Saphira.” I love you too Eragon. She said. I guess you were right about the necklace. He smiled at her. “Yeah, I had the feeling it wasn’t the result of a simple jewel. He said. My feelings of passion were real and I had the feeling yours were too.” She smiled at him warmly. Shall we continue working on the house? She asked. “Yeah, we should but I wanted to ask you something. He said. Do you think you could kiss me again…like when you knocked me over?” Saphira looked at him in surprise. Her mouth curved up in a smirk as she stepped towards him. She gently knocked him over and used her front arm to break his fall. She sat on his legs once more, pinning him beneath her. He arched forward and embraced her as her tongue made its way down his throat. They closed their eyes relishing in their passion-filled embrace. Nearly a full minute passed. He gasped for air as she removed her tongue from his throat.

How was that? She asked provocatively. “Oh god…it was wonderful. He said. But now we have to continue working on the house.” I think I like you in this position. Saphira teased. I can do anything I want to you when you’re like this. “You don’t need to have me in this position to have that ability. Eragon said. I’m yours Saphira. Forever and always.” Her eyes danced as she looked at him. Come nighttime, you’re going to wish you hadn’t said that. She said playfully. Now get up. We’ve got work to do. She took her weight off his legs and used her arm to help him stand up. “Whatever you say. He said. You think we can get two more layers done by tonight?” Saphira nodded. So long as we work efficiently and don’t get distracted anymore. “We haven’t lost our passion, have we?” Eragon asked with a hint of hopefulness in his voice. Not one bit. She said, smiling. We’re just able to control ourselves now. But seriously, we need to get going on the house if we want to get two layers up by nightfall. He nodded in agreement. Picking up a nearby rock, he started a new layer. Saphira rolled more rocks his way as he lifted them up onto the topmost layer.

They worked for many more hours, even going a bit into the night. She would bring the rocks over, he would place them, and then she would melt them together with her breath. They barely got the sixth layer done by the time Eragon couldn’t see anything anymore. By the end, Saphira was having to direct him, telling him where to put the rocks seeing as he couldn’t see in the dark. He was breathing heavily as he placed the final rock up on its place. As soon as he stepped away, Saphira melted the rocks together. There. She said with satisfaction. Layer six is officially done. “Whew! Eragon exclaimed. What a day! I’m about ready for bed now. Where are you? You’ll need to lead me to wherever you want to sleep tonight.” He stuck his hands out in front of him. His hands were soon in contact with the warm flesh of her side. I’m right here. She said. Follow me. Eragon nodded as she began moving forward. He kept up with her as best he could, but it was very disorienting to walk without being able to see anything even with her as his guide. Soon enough, he felt her shifting and realized she must be lying down. He tried to follow her movements and lay down himself, but as he settled down, he realized he wasn’t touching her at all. Just as he was about to move in an attempt to find her, he felt her grab him with her front paw and drag him closer to her so he was in contact with her stomach.

He rubbed her as they lay stomach to stomach. She purred contently. Are you ready? She asked softly. “Ready for what?” He asked. To mate of course. She said simply. “Saphira, I can’t even see. He said. How am I supposed to mate with you?” Just take your clothes off and I’ll guide you. She suggested. “I don’t think so. He said. I want to see you as we mate. I want to watch as you experience the pleasure of it.” Then make a fire. She suggested. I really want you tonight Eragon. We worked hard today. We deserve it. Eragon nodded. “You’ll have to light my way as I gather sticks.” He said. That’s fine. Saphira said. She got up quickly, leaving Eragon lying on the ground. Suddenly the nighttime sky was totally lit up by the intensity of her flame. He got up quickly and looked around, knowing she couldn’t keep the flame up forever. After several minutes and several moments in total darkness as Saphira recharged her flame, he had gathered a suitable amount of sticks for a large fire. He lit the large pile on fire and stepped back. The area was soon lit by the warm light and Saphira could rest.

Saphira lay down on her back quickly as he stripped himself of his clothing. I want it fast and hard tonight. She said. None of that teasing and trying to last as long as you can. Eragon looked at her in surprise. “I thought you liked it when I did that. He said in a hurt tone. That’s why I do it.” Oh I do like it. She said. I just want to try it differently tonight. I’m in the mood for a quick mating. Can you make me release in mere minutes? Eragon nodded. “Yes I can probably make you release in less than a minute, but I’ll release quickly as well. He warned. Are you sure you want this? Unlike you, I can’t keep going after I release…but if you’re serious, I can make our experience last less than five minutes.” Saphira nodded. Make me release as fast as you can. She said. I don’t care if you release right after me. I just want to try it. I know I probably won’t like it that much, but it never hurts to try things, right? He looked at her and smiled. “Right.” He said. He approached her slowly with his erection in hand. He aligned it with her opening and jabbed inside as hard as he could.

Saphira’s eyes bulged as the sudden experience of him filling her depths hit her. He didn’t slow down. Instead he started pumping in and out of her as fast as he could. The sounds of their bodies slapping together filled the nighttime air. Saphira’s toes curled in pleasure as she was unable to adjust to the feeling of him inside her before he was out of her and vice versa. She was already feeling her depths tense up, getting ready for a release. She wrapped her arms around him as she had her release. As soon as her release had subsided, she felt as he pumped his hot fluids inside her willing body. She squealed in delight as they started to overflow out of her and ran down her body. Eragon stopped thrusting. She felt him pulse inside her as his member continued to pump stream after stream into her. As he collapsed on top of her, his member was still spurting fluids. After what seemed like hours, he stopped releasing. “Oh god…that hurt… He said, groaning. I released too much…” She reached down and licked his face affectionately. I’m sorry. She said. It was a little too much for you, huh? He looked into her eyes. “That was the most intense release I’ve ever had, but it’s not something I want to do again.” He said. Me either. Saphira said. It was worth a try I guess.

Eragon groaned in pain as he withdrew from her. His member was hard and red. Saphira looked down at him in sympathy. She reached down and liked his face affectionately. I wish I could do something to help you. She said. That was very unsatisfying. Do you want me to lick it? It might make it feel better… “No please don’t. Eragon said. The last thing I need is another release.” Saphira nodded in understanding. “I don’t
i have seen the very darkness of humanity that we destroy are selfs in the end but i have also seen our potential for good and freindship and that is what i hang on too, I am unrelenting and i fight for what i belive in that is my goal.


click here to see my original fiction turn RP
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life after life part 3 - by acejt - 11-09-2011, 06:37 AM