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Ken was not ment to be a Digidestined?
You're right BlackPhoenix, the Dark Ocean part was really incomplete, I thought they gonna have more episodes about this since like you said the figure of a dark digimon namely Dragomon appeared on the background, they leaved a lot of incognits about the Dark Ocean, but well that's how Toei works :?

Hey Nate I was reading your post and this part:

Quote:I personally believe he continued to have the crest, and that it became necessary for him to have it converted to a Digimental at a later time, in order to battle someone who was posing as him, returned to his old state of the Kaizer. Because Tailmon could not use Armor Evolution, she was forced to "sit out" during the time the Neo Dark Towers were up, however her Digimental was accessible to all -- Ken was normally the one who used it, though, which resulted in Coatlmon.

Kinda reminds me of the first Drama CD of Season 2 Toei released in Japan. As much of you know the Drama CDs are stories based on the seasons of Digimon but is only in Audio.

Anyhow the first Drama CD which is called Digimon 02: Michi E No Armor Shinka, starts 2 months after MaloMyotismon's defeat meaning that is during Valentines Day, Davis trying to get chocolates from the girls emulated Matt by singing and playing the bass, when that failed he emulated Izzy by trying to fix a computer but with really bad results. :P

Anyhow, after seeing how emulating Matt and Izzy didn't worked Davis went to the edge of Impersonalize Ken's Digimon Emperor Persona since he thought that the girls loved the evil guy style, he even went to the edge of kick Veemon to make the act more real, but he took that too serious and it took Ken's convincing & the power Puttimon to stop Daisuke from relucantly beating up Veemon to get into character, But while this happened a digimon called Pukumon talked Boltmon into causing the chaos at Ginza, later on and I don't know how, Pukumon produced a control spear forcing the 02 gang to use the armor digieggs but when Joe got knocked over the team, their D-Terminals ended mixed ended in the following order:

TK with Kari's D-Terminal
Davis with TK's Terminal
Yolei with Davis' Terminal
Kari with Cody's Terminal
Cody with Yolei's Terminal

This gave origin to Mambomon, Saggitarimon, Rinkmon, Butterflymon and Pteramon respectively

all this 5 armor digimon plus Puttimon defeated Pukumon but in the end the poor Davis ended like how he started, without girls ga ga over him.

That Drama CD was mostly comedy and is pretty obvious seeing all the things Davis did in his attempts to win girls :P

But my point Nate is that the last part of your post remainded me of this CD since you mentioned in that part Ken battling someone who posed as him, in the Drama CD he had to convince Davis who was posing as his Digimon Emperor persona; then comes that Tailmon's digimental was accessible to all, thing that sorta happened in this Drama CD since TK ended with Kari's D-Terminal allowing Patamon to digivolve to Mambomon.

Now and on another note, the Digiegg of Miracles sure had produced a lot of debate around the fans of digimon but mostly the fans of Davis, a lot of Davis' fans think that Davis conserved the digiegg of Miracles and even say that Davis has the crest of Miracles when the truth is that there's no crest of Miracles, since as we all know the crests are based on the virtues and Miracles isn't a virtue since you can make a miracle happen at own will, you need to have fate or hope which is the same in my opinion so a miracle can happen, but a lot of Davis' fans think that Davis is the almighty powerful digidestined of all, no offense to the fans of Davis or anything but is true, I had seen a lot of fics where Davis had been God modded beyond the limits, or what do you think of Davis with the powers and abilities of Goku, Hyo Azakura, Yusuke Urameshi, YuGiOh and even some Final Fantasy style powers combined? obviously this results also in Veemon as a powerful mon, and as example there is a fic where ExVeemon took a full attack from BlackWarGreymon and he didn't dedigivolved, I mean come on, ExVeemon is just a champion level while BlackWarGreymon is a mega and everyone knows that BlackWarGreymon's dramon destroyers are really effective on dragon digimon, hence the name Dramon destroyers.

I don't have anything against the fans of Davis or fans of Veemon, but I think that all that god modding really erases the real character Davis was on the series.

Now and returning to the digiegg of miracles and as it that was mentioned here already, after Kimeramon's defeat the digiegg of Miracles turned into the crest of kindness, Azulongmon was who created the digiegg of miracles trough the crest of kindness, I read this on a very reliable site, (I'll post the link here when I find it), now as all of you know supposedly the Movie of Digimon we got here on America is out of continuity but this is not true at al; you see if we give the third part of the USA movie a continuity that would be after the gang defeated Ken, since at that time they were on summer vacations so after defeat Ken the team surely took a break resulting on TK and Kari going to America to visit Mimi while Davis and the others were on the beach and Ken still was out of it on his house sorting his thoughts and having all those memories, and that give us the reason why Ken didn't appeared in the movie.

Now Angemon and Angewomon going to mega wasn't precisely out of continuity, it was just a temporary evolution they needed to do in order to recreate temporary the golden digimentals, while Magnadramon created the digiegg of Fate, Seraphimon re-created the digiegg of Miracles to help Flamedramon and Gargomon to fight the corrupted Cherubimon.

Well that is my theory about the movie to give it a continuity within season 2, now and about Ken not meant to be a digidestined, I disagree too since it was explained already when Osamu took the digivice it didn't reacted, not even a glow, and as soon Ken touched it, the digivice reacted.
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