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Raw Danger: The Story Of Joshua Harwell (Updated frequently)
First things first. This is the first part of a new series I am starting, called "Raw Danger". This series and it's stories will be written after a video game called "Raw Danger". The stories of the caracters in this series of stories are going to be the same as the stories in the game. So, if you have played the Raw Danger game, you already know what will happen in this series.

This story follows Joshua Harwell and Stephanie McMurrough.

"Go grab some food from the kitchen and bring it here. She should be serving the center table." The head waiter instructed. Joshua Harwell carried out his task. He brought the food to Stephanie McMurrough, who then asked Joshua for help. "Thank you for you help. Will you help me carry these empty plates to the hall?" Stephanie asked. "Sure!"

"Stephanie, go guide the guests from the lobby and back into the banquet hall." The Head Waiter ordered. Stephanie ran off, with Joshua following.

Joshua came out of the washroom, to find Stephanie with a little girl. Joshua went over to see what was wrong.

"Oh, Joshua. This girl seems to be lost. Will you go and find her mother?" Stephanie asked. "Of course, I will find her right away!"

Joshua came back with the girl's mother. "Oh thank God that I found you! Come on darling! Thank you for finding my daughter!" The girl's mother said before walking off. Stephanie and Joshua headed back to the banquet hall.

The banquet hall Joshua and Stephanie were working in is a huge underground building. The very roof of the underground building meets the ground level of the city, with a huge window shining over the massive 12 basement level atrium. The rain outside is very heavy.

Joshua walked around the banquet hall, looking for something to do. He found the mayor of Del Ray, being interviewed by the news group.

"Ah, your just in time. Will you go get me a glass of mineral water?" The mayor asked. "Yes sir!" Joshua replied. "Um, Mayor Goldstein? Um, I-I have to go." The mayor's assistant said impatiently. "Hey! Going to the restroom again? He's really nervous. Nonetheless, it's not important. My water though, now that's important!" Mayor Goldstein said.

Joshua headed to the kitchen to grab the mayor some water. When he arrived there, Joshua saw the Head Chef talking impatiently on a building phone. "First the water, and now the gas. We can't do our job with out them!" The Head Chef recited. He turned around to face Joshua, who stood behind him. "Yes? What is it? Do you need something?" The Head Chef asked. "Well, the mayor asked me to bring him a glass of water." Joshua asked. "Ah, okay. Hey! The mayor wants his water!" The Head Chef shouted to another one of the chefs there. The chef brought Joshua the water. As Joshua turned to walk away, he noticed the Head Chef begin to talk on the phone again. "Hey, are you in charge here?! Come with me right away!" The Head Chef shouted to the phone.

Joshua hurried to the mayor. "What took you so long?" Mayor Goldstein groaned. He gulped down his water."Ah, perfect! Thank you. I appreciate it." The mayor rejoiced. Just then, the mayor's assistant ran back to the mayor. "Don't run around like that, you're disturbing our guests!" The mayor insisted. "I-I'm sorry. But-" The assistant wispered something in the mayor's ear. Joshua couldn't hear anything about it. "What!?!?! Right, I'll come right away!" The mayor seemed shocked. "Please excuse us. The chef personally selected tonight's dinner. Thank you all for coming!" Mayor Goldstein said to his interviewers before walking into the hallway.

One of Joshua's fellow waiters ran up to him. "Hey, we all need to meet in the kitchen. I'll be waiting for you there."

Joshua went to the kitchen.

There, was the rest of the waiters, waitresses, and chefs. The Head Chef began to speak.

"Okay, everyone's here, there's no need to panic. I heard that the levee along the Hudson River just broke." Everyone just gasped. "Everyone! Calm down! We need to get to work! I will assign a task to each of you. Joshua, bring the guests back from the lobby and into the banquet hall."

Then, there is rumbling, which only lasts for about a second. Ankle deep water flooded into the kitchen. Everyone left to carry out their task.

"Joshua, you're in charge of the staircase. Don't allow our guests to panic." The Head Chef said.

Joshua headed out into the lobby telling everyone he saw to head back to the banquet hall. One of the guests in the lobby, told Joshua that Mayor Goldstein's assistant just went into the washroom. Joshua went to go and get him.

When Joshua went into the washroom, he saw the mayor's assistant trying to stop the water, which was spraying from the sink.

"Oh, hey, look. The sink is broken. Umm, I'll leave it to you." The mayor's assistant then ran out of the washroom.

Then there was another rumble, this time, more water rushed into the area. There was now a hole in the wall. Joshua fled from the washroom, seeing that he was now trapped in this portion of the lobby. He was told by The Head Chef that Stephanie was supposed to be in the women's locker room. Joshua crawled through another hole in the wall, that went into the kitchen. Joshua went and followed the hallway to what was the women's locker room. The hallway is flooding in ankle-deep water.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Stephanie was clearly trapped in the locker room. "Stephanie?" "Joshua? The place is flooded and I tried to get out through a hole in the wall but I couldn't get up."

'A hole in the wall?' Joshua thought to himself as he looked up to see a hole in the wall that could only be reached using a ladder. Joshua looked around for a ladder. He found one and tried to climb up, only to be stopped by electrical wires. He looked down into the locker room to see Stephanie waiting there patiently. "Hold on! There has to be a breaker somewhere!" Joshua stated. He quickly found a breaker, and shut off all power, but as he did so, there was a loud boom, then a rumble. Joshua looked back quickly and saw water as high as the ceiling coming for him. Joshua made a run for it, climbing up the ladder, and into the locker room, just in the nick of time.

Joshua got up. It was dark, yet there was enough light so he could see lockers pushed down and destroyed, and water on the ground. Stephanie was no where to be seen. So, Joshua searched the lockers, finally finding Stephanie in one. She came out of the locker, wearing her coat.

"Did you find anything?" Stephanie asked. "Well, I think we can get out through that crack in the wall if we push over the locker. Will you help me?" Joshua said. "Of course, let's go!" They moved the locker, and into the kitchen it was. They left the kitchen, and entered the badly devastated banquet hall. There was a massive trench going through the middle of it, piles of tables and chairs, and water flowing like rivers in the banquet hall. "Can we get out of here?" Stephanie asked nervously. "Don't worry, I'll protect you!" Joshua said. "You're such a sweetie."

They quickly managed to escape the banquet hall and into the equally devastated lobby. They moved as quickly as they could through the torrents of water, that went down the atrium floors like waterfalls.

Stephanie and Joshua nearly made it to the stairs when the water height and speed suddenly increased. Stephanie was forced to cling onto some debris on the ground.

"Joshua! Help me!" Stephanie cried out. Joshua rushed to her aid, safely bringing her up the staircase.

There was a barricade blocking their path to escape. On the other side, Stephanie sees others huddling together. They both cried and screamed for someone to help, finally getting some guys to push away the barricade.

"Hey you two! You're safe! I'm so glad you're safe." The Head Waiter said.

Joshua sees a ladder that goes to the upper floors. He goes up to the top basement level, where he finds a rope ladder that he could use to bring everyone else up.

"Okay, women and the elderly go first!" The Head Waiter instructed. Soon, when all of the guests where up, it was the Head Waiter's turn, but the water was too strong. It rose up to chest height and swept him away, killing him instantly. "Noooooo! I can't believe it!" Stephanie cried at what she saw.

Joshua brought Stephanie to an elevator along with several other people to it. The key was turned and the elevator brought them all up to the ground and outside.

"Finally, we're out. Now what?" One of the guests said. "We should head to the West Junction. There will be rescue helicopters arriving there." The caretaking lady suggested. "Let's go!"

Joshua and Stephanie are left alone and decide to head to the West Junction too. As they do, a police officer runs up to them. "Do you have a minute? I am Detective Richard Trapp of the Geo Police Department. Have you seen this woman? Her name is Amber Brazil and was last seen in this area."

"Joshua looked over his shoulder and saw Amber hiding behind a car. "I'm sorry, I haven't seen her." Joshua said. The detective left.

"Why didn't you tell him the truth?" Stephanie asked. Joshua replied: "I'm sure she has her reasons."

Stephanie and Joshua leave to the Central Train Station.

They enter, and meet a train conductor in the abandoned station.

"Escuse me, but can we use the train to evacuate?" Stephanie asked. "Huh? No way, look! Probably caused by the flooding." The Conductor said, pointing to the massive hole in the floor, with a train sticking out of it. The hole in the floor lead down to a massive torrent of water, which once was the train platform. Down below, there was debris rushing along with the water.

"Are you worried about claire?" Joshua asked Stephanie. "Yes, I am." She replied. "Do you want to go and see her?" "I don't know what I want to do." "You'll know once you see her." "But...She can't walk." Stephanie sounded depressed. "I'm sure she was given priority and evacuated already from the Mission Care Center."

"What are you still doing here? Hurry up and get to the West Junction!" The Train Conductor ordered.

"Co'mon!" Stephanie began to run to the other side, with Joshua following.

The floor on which Joshua and Stephanie where standing on collapsed. Joshua nearly fell to his death, but caught himself on the newly formed ledge. Joshua pulled himself up, and looked down to see Stephanie laying on the stairway landing below. She was safe from the river of a train platform.

Joshua looked around the station. There was no way he could rescue Stephanie. Joshua looked outside, and saw the external entrance to the subway below. Joshua bolted for the entrance. He went down a couple flights of stairs. He reached the subway mall, where there was a trench going through it. The flooded subway platform was visible from here, and Joshua could easily walk across a long piece of concrete.

As Joshua was crossing the make-shift bridge, he saw a piece of metal blocking the way. It appeared to be attached to the train car that was leaning against the bridge. Joshua pulled it, and it came off so easily.

As Joshua threw away the metal, the entire station began to shake. Dust was falling from the ceiling like snow. Joshua ran across the bridge to where Stephanie lay.

Stephanie was still breathing. But Joshua had no time to wake her up. Joshua picked her up and carried her out of the station quickly.

As Joshua was about to leave the station, the building sunk into the ground. Joshua had to make the quick descision to run up the stairs that led to the second floor balcony. He reached the top, and exited through an opening in the window there. He ran out, as the second floor was level with ground level.

Joshua saw a bus up ahead, the evacuation bus. He slowed down to a walk, still carrying Stephanie in his arms. But the station was not done. The road in front of the station began to sink too. Joshua ran to the bus, which was safe. The road, which was in the process of sinking, began to fill with water. It was closing in fast on Joshua and Stephanie.

Joshua managed to escape with Stephanie. "That was sure close." The Head Chef said, as he was waiting for them on the bus. Joshua climbed onto the bus with Stephanie, where he sat at the back, and put Stephanie down onto the seat. The bus left for the West Junction, where a rescue helicopter would be arriving.

Stephanie woke up. "Oh, sorry. I fell asleep." Stephanie rubbed her eyes.

A little girl walked up to Joshua and Stephanie. She looked at them, giggled and went and sat back with her mother.

"She's with her mother." Stephanie said. "What about her mother?" Joshua didn't quite get what Stephanie said. "I-I lost my mother." She wispered.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I had no idea." Joshua consoled. "It's okay. My mother died when I started juniour high school. But, my dad re-married soon after that, I believe she's Claire at the Mission Care Center."

"We will go and see her." Joshua suggested. "Thank you."

"Hey everyone! We're here!" The Head Chef shouted. Joshua and Stephanie looked out the buses' windows and saw the West Junction. There was other people waiting there, other motor homes and vehicles which obviously didn't work parked here. There was a firetruck sitting at the side of the road.

Everyone got off the bus. Joshua walked over to a burning fire can, where a portable TV sat, broadcasting news.

"The latest concern is that the shoreline levees are not strong enough to withstand the storm surge. If the levees break, the entire city may become completely submerged." The TV said.

Joshua found Stephanie, who was leaning her back against the freeway median.

"What are you thinking about?" Joshua asked.

"I don't know if I should leave. I mean, what if she is still here?" Stephanie said.

"You should go and see her."

"I don't know what to do! I've done some nasty things that I regret doing. Even though she was nice to me, I couldn't be nice to her."

"What did you do to her?"

Stephanie began to explain a memory.

"Grrrr! Where is it?!?!?! Stephanie screamed. "What are you screaming about?" Her father asked. "The dress! Mother's favorite dress! I can't find it." She continued. "What!? I had no idea you felt that way about the dress...I put it in a box for donation!" Claire said sadly. "WHAT? NO! GIVE IT BACK! No, I won't forgive you! I hate you! I hope you DIE!" Stephanie cried and screamed.

"I regret doing that!" Stephanie cried.

"It's okay, it's normal behavior at that age." Joshua reassured.

"Yeah, but-" Stephanie was cut off by the sound of a helicopter.

"HEY EVERYONE! THE RESCUE HELICOPTER IS HERE!" Someone shouted. Everyone ran up the change off that went to the freeway above. Joshua and Stephanie saw the helicopter lose control, and eventually crash.


"Was that the Head Chef?" Joshua said.

Stephanie and Joshua ran up to the top, where they saw a part of the freeway broken, the helicopter crashed and burning on the other side, and The Head Chef hanging over the edge of the broken freeway, within just an inch of falling to his death.

Joshua ran over. "Help! I can't hold on any longer!" The Head Chef shouted. Joshua reached down to pull up the Head Chef, but as he did, the piece of freeway that held them both fell.

Joshua landed unconscious on the ground below with The Head Chef.

On the freeway above, people looked down upon the two who had fallen down.

"The helicopter is completely destroyed! We have no hope now! What will happen to us?" Said a worried stranger. "Wait! There should still be rescue helicopters arriving at the East Junction! Let's go there!" Replied another.

"Wait! My boyfriend is still down there!" Stephanie cried. "What? Just get her into the bus!" Another person said. "No! I'm not going!" Stephanie complained. "Come on!"

Joshua woke up sometime later. He held his hands up to his head. He looked over to where The Head Chef lay.

"Chef! Chef!" Joshua yelled. "I'm sorry I got you into this mess!" The Head Chef said. "Hold in there!" Joshua assured. "I should have spent more time with my son!" The Head Chef said, before coughing agonizingly and eventually dying.

Joshua managed to get back onto the freeway.

"The bus...It's gone!" Joshua said to himself. "Stephanie...I think they went to the East Junction." Joshua walks off into the darkness of the freeway.

He walked for hours until it was finally daytime. He arrived at a freeway rest stop. He also found a jet-ski that he could use to travel farther down the flooded roads. Joshua climbed through broken EL Trains that hung from their tracks. Joshua finally found the rest stop. He parked his newly found jet-ski on the ankle deep flooded parking lot. He entered the rest stop, finding tipped vending machines on the ground, one of the washrooms buried in dirt and chairs and tables knocked to the ground.

In the Cafè, he found that there was a TV on. The video signal had been cut off, but the audio signal was strong. "Mayor Goldstein of Del Ray is missing. It is suspected that he may be the latest victim of the flood." It sounded like the news was coming from another city. Joshua then realized that it was still raining heavily outside.

Joshua enters the kitchen, when a fairly large earthquake suddenly hits. Joshua leaves the rest stop, when the earthquake finally stops. No damage was done in this area...Hopefully.

Joshua grabs his jet-ski and heads out down the flooded roads. As Joshua was crossing a bridge, Joshua saw a massive wall of water rushing down what actually is supposed to be the river.

Mah Citeh.
[Image: 216801_198660990172916_100000870481236_4...7313_n.jpg]
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Blackwargreymon's Desires Part 7 is the last story of the series, regardless of what it says in the post. I will not be making anymore parts to it.

Messages In This Thread
Raw Danger: The Story Of Joshua Harwell (Updated frequently) - by Flo-Flo Chique - 06-19-2011, 04:37 AM