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(Zero & Maero Product) Beauties and the Beast
Sammy shrank away at the last comment. "I-Its f-fine...I will eat." He said very softly. It hurt for him to move, and he was actually surprised that the pain had not affected him during the earlier fucking. He had enjoyed it that much. But now, no distractions, this pain in his body left him hardly able to stand and incapable of running or fighting, both literally and metaphorically. He reached out to take something small, or at least a small piece of something larger, and brought it to his mouth to taste.


Samantha enjoyed herself and her stroll through the Garden, careful to stay by One A this time, and enjoyed the little lessen along with her sweet lunch. "Wow, I bet it must be extensive." She said. "How long have you been around do you think? Even before the Saxons over took the Angelo? Further even than that?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (Zero & Maero Product) Beauties and the Beast - by Maero - 06-08-2011, 01:24 PM