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Choosing a Mate (private for Astaroph)
My characters:

Name: Kitty
Gender: Female
Age: 16 but looks
Breed: Wolf -
Bio: Before Kitty was chosen to get chosen, she had a lovely life with her family, her mum and dad knew this day would come. She was taught how to do many things a proper lady should do, she was taught how to sing, dance, play the violin, the harp and the piano. She was also taught how to write and read, clean and cook and her parents made sure there was no faults in her and made her do everything properly.

Name: Amber
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Breed: Dragon -
Bio: Before Amber had go chosen she was a bad apple as her parents would say. She always missed school and went to work at a strip club and didn't tell her parents about where she went or what she has been doing. Then one day while she was out, her parents told her that she is ready to have a mate, she didn't like the idea of having a man that would make her do things, she would rather have a man she could tell what to do.

Name: Emily
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Breed: Leopard -
Bio: Before Emily had been chosen, she had an awkward life, her family would tell her what to do, how to dress and how to run her life. They always wanted the best for there daughter but never thought about she wanted but what they wanted for her. When she found out about having a mate, she didn't like the idea and couldn't say anything about it.

Kitty was standing in the middle of Amber and Emily, she stood there, waiting. Her head was facing the floor, she was dressed in a long pink dress with glitter on it and flower patterns. She was thinking to herself, "I hope this goes well, just stay calm Kitty, stay calm." Her ears then picked up foot steps heading towards her and the other girls, her head risen waiting to see who would enter.

Amber was standing the closest to the entrance, she stood with her hands behind her back. She was wearing a short black dress with small diamonds at the side of the dress, the was wearing long gloves that went up to her shoulders. She had a smile on her face, she then thought to herself, "Hmm, this is gonna be fun." She then heard some foots steps coming towards her and the girls, her smile turned into a grin while she waited to see who came in.

Emily was standing the furthest away from the entrance, she stood there nervous. She was wearing a long, plain, light blue dress. She looked away from the girl, she looked upset, she thought to herself, "Why me? I never wanted this. Why did my parent make that deal?" Her ears picked up some footsteps heading towards her and the other girls, she took a deep breath before looking towards the entrance, waiting to see who would come in.

As the three wereleopard stood in the room, all of the girls looked towards them. They said nothing, as they seen one of the male wereleopard come closer to them Amber and Emily did not speak as they where too nervous to. Kitty on the other hand wasn't nervous, she smiled at him and replied, "Hello."
Creative Minds

Messages In This Thread
RE: Choosing a Mate (private for Astaroph) - by Astaroth - 06-05-2011, 11:03 PM