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I need help!
(06-05-2011 01:35 AM)johnalt Wrote: Hmm, well, I don't know if this helps, bit when I feel suicidal, but I don't wanna go through with it, I lock myself away, and take ten minutes or so and really think about things: I search deep within for the things that make me wanna stay and not kill myself (for me it's usu pizza, porn, and/or pie) and that usually helps me get through the day, or until something good happens, whichever comes first. It also helps if you have somebody just to talk to and spill your feelings with, but those are sometimes hard to come by...

Well I could try and do what you do and see what happened, I could think that I shouldnt end my life like:
I have good friends, I have a boyfriend, I have some family to live for, I have an education

I've talked to too many people about it and nothing has help and this is my last option
(06-05-2011 03:04 AM)The Reclaimer Wrote: So I've read bit about your whole situation, which is unfortunate, on some of your other threads. I can see why you would feel how you do.

So first things first. What should you do? Don't kill yourself. You will probably still feel suicidal. It will take time to get over everything. A lot of time. Look to possibilities of the future and don't drown in what is happening now.

Moving on to the counselors you have seen. You say you've seen 11 of them...that's a lot. What time span did you see them for (one or two meetings is not going to be enough to help, it will takes months, maybe years)? A lot of time treatment for psychological and physical abuse takes a lot of time (sometimes years) to undo. It does not seem likely that having seen 11 counselors that one had enough time with you to get treatment far along.

I'm sure for a while it won't seem like they or helping or understanding but they have a lot of stuff to work around to figure out how to treat you best. You need to find one you like and stick with that one so they can know what is going on without others trying to treat you.

You say they have failed to help you, but didn't mention how. Deciding how they didn't help might help you identify those who might be better at it.

This place is great to jot down what you might need or are looking for but professional treatment is the way to go, and it needs to be consistent and long term to do any real good.

The councolers I have been seeing since I was 7, since I became suicidal, I have had violent parents and now violent sister. The reason they have failied is because before they say I'm better they say all the time after I have left seeing them about my problem I'm suppose to get better right after, but after I have left the counciling treatment, I go back and become suicidal for some odd reason.

Creative Minds

Messages In This Thread
I need help! - by Astaroth - 06-04-2011, 11:55 PM
RE: I need help! - by johalt - 06-05-2011, 01:35 AM
RE: I need help! - by Astaroth - 06-05-2011, 03:14 AM
RE: I need help! - by The Reclaimer - 06-05-2011, 09:46 AM
RE: I need help! - by The Reclaimer - 06-05-2011, 03:04 AM
RE: I need help! - by johalt - 06-05-2011, 04:45 AM
RE: I need help! - by BlackVeedramon - 06-05-2011, 10:02 AM
RE: I need help! - by Frisk E. Coyote - 06-05-2011, 05:15 PM