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(Zero & Maero Product) Beauties and the Beast
" so sore, plea-" Sammy whined as he was pulled into a clones arms and kissed. He moaned passionately into the kiss and resisted for only a few seconds before he began to kiss back. But before he could do much he was pulled away, and felt his cock rubbing against another. "Ahhh, its so hot!" He moaned, struggling a little as his cock became harder from the rubbing. Then he was pulled away by another, and moaned even more loudly than before when his hard little nipples were licked and sucked. "N-Not there...ahhh!" He moaned before pulled into Two B's arms. He panted as his cheek was licked and moaned loudly when he felt Two B licking and kissing his neck and rubbing their dicks together. "Ahhhm so good...Masters...please...please fuck my girly body!"


She ducked behind a book shelf before he could see her and bit her lip. "I was...I wasnt leaving. Im looking for a book called The Epic of Zar by Xiros." It was a lie, of course, but with any luck he would leave to find it and she could escape.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (Zero & Maero Product) Beauties and the Beast - by Maero - 04-13-2011, 02:08 PM