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Brainwash Mansion (Slavery/Brainwash RP)
Reize tapped his bare footpaws on the car floor as the limo drove him up to the mansion, listening to the tunes on his MP3 player, not a care in the world. The chauffeur had picked him up at the airport where his private jet had landed, just as arranged, but he wasn't very talkative, and the trip was pretty boring. He couldn't help but sport a semi-boner when he imagined all the luscious women mashing their lips against his throbbing canine cock, and he found himself turning his MP3 player off to concentrate on getting himself limp again. He would save it for later.

The limo stopped outside the mansion, and the chauffeur opened his door for him, taking his luggage. The young wolf hopped out of the car and pulled his glasses up to take in his surroundings. He was dressed in slim-jeans, as he loved showing off his body and seducing girls with the body he toned with constant exercise, shades, and a simple, open shirt, deciding to dress rather casual. It seemed like he was the first guy here too, and he excitedly trotted up to Alex, who must have been the host.

"Hiya! I got this letter here," He raised the letter he got from the mansion, "And I was wondering..." He smirked playfully, "When do I get to meet the lay-deez?"
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
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RE: Brainwash Mansion (Slavery/Brainwash RP) - by Frisk E. Coyote - 04-11-2011, 12:55 PM