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Data and Matter (Damien and Psyco)
Carter's eyes widened as he felt the lizard's saliva on his cheek, feeling cold the moment it came in contact with the air, causing him to shiver. He stopped and touched his dry cheek where the saliva had been earlier before and was amazed to see that it was as if it had never been wet in the first place. "Woah, you're right... it looks like you're only organic to a degree..." The teenager thought out loud, stroking the smooth cheek on his cheek some more.

"How did you-" Carter examined the glowing blue orb in awe, impressed by Larrin's ability to survey things from a safe distance. "Van... he... well, Van likes things clean, and I mean clean." He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. The teenager recalled coming home from soccer tryouts one day (he didn't make the team), and Vanguard had picked him up, brought him to the bathroom, stripped him bare, and washed him almost raw, just because he was a little sweaty and dirty.

Within the orb, Vanguard continued to work over the rug, and when he couldn't get it clean enough to satisfy him, he picked it up and proceeded to shred it apart, dumping it into a recycle bin he materialized momentarily, before going about to clean something else.

"There're neat freaks... there are pathological neat freaks... then there's Van." The teenager grinned weakly.

- - - - - - - -

"My... choice?" The fox cocked his head to the side confusedly, as if the concept confused him. "Hmm... I don't understand... perhaps I'll enter, since I need to to procure information anyway." Shadowfox mused, and proceeded. "Information procured! Receive information, Mark Marsh?" He asked.

Syntax was sitting between a frightened couple who had been dating each other, helping himself to their fries. "Hey, pipsqueak!" He waved Mark over, his arm around the man's terrified girlfriend. "These fries are great! Can we get fries too?"

'Help. Me.' The man mouthed as Syn's other arm wrapped around him as well.

"These two are adorable together, dontcha think?" Syntax added, laughing loudly. "Hey! Why don't you two make out?"
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
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Messages In This Thread
Data and Matter (Damien and Psyco) - by Damien - 03-02-2011, 09:48 AM
RE: Data and Matter (Damien and Psyco) - by Frisk E. Coyote - 03-27-2011, 02:48 PM